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Orphan Black  - Season 1
Orphan Black - Season 1
2013 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Unique plot line (1 more)
Fantastic actors
I was originally drawn to the series after reading the synopsis, and was hooked in the first 10 minutes. The story centres around Sarah, who assumes the identity of a woman who looks identical to her, trying to escape her own troublesome past, but instead finding she has just stepped into more trouble. As the story develops, we find out that they are actually clones of each other, and are not alone in the world.
The plot thickens quickly as the series develops, becoming more sinister as Sarah tries to protect her foster family and young daughter. In all, I could the plot line unique and refreshing in comparison to what is currently out their.

The clones are played by Tatiana Maslany, who acts each one individually, the fact that she is able to demonstrate a clear identity of several characters at the same time, is a credit to her acting career.

The show itself does have a lot of drama, suspense and a little violence throughout the series, however it never takes itself too seriously, with regular breaks to add a little light heartedness into the show. The clone Alison/ soccer mom, in particular adds an air of humour to the show, particularly with her turbulent relationship with her husband and the stark contrast between herself and Sarah.

The series itself is worthy of a complete box set binge, and is definitely not one that you want to stop until the very end. This has made it to my list of favourite TV shows of all time.
Total Recall (2012)
Total Recall (2012)
2012 | Action, Sci-Fi
5.8 (20 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Good Sfx (1 more)
Good cast
A very decent film in it's own right, and no it's not a straight remake! If you watch the first film again today it sure does look dated now. The main theme or plot is similar but put into a different context and setting altogether. The technology you see in the film was very interesting as well and there is plenty of action and very good SFX. It has a few nods towards the old film but seems to borrow elements from a number of Sci-Fi films including Blade Runner, especially for the look of the city. Even Star Wars Attack of the clones, Robocop. Throw in Jessica Biel and Kate Beckinsale, it's not a bad way to treat your eyes for 2 hours!
Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002)
Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002)
2002 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Overall, I do not think the prequels are all that bad. They're not the best, but, I still find them watchable. My family, in preparation for the Rise of Skywalker, have been re-watching the Skywalker Saga.
Yes, some of the lines are strange, like the sand thing. BUT, that chase of Zam after the 2nd assassination attempt on Padme? One of the best sequences in the film. Seeing Yoda lightsaber duel for the first time? I remember the gasps in the theater (I probably saw it at least 6x in theaters).
The romance is cringe-worthy, but it has to happen. Had I been watching it by myself, I'd have skipped those chapters.
Also, this film introduced the Clones, which led to the fantastic Clone Wars series.
Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020), Volume 2
Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020), Volume 2
Greg Pak | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second entry in the new Darth Vader series from Marvel, and honestly? The first one was better.

In this we find an answer to the mystery of Padme Amidala (or is she?) re-appearing, pretty much straight out of the gates: it's not Padme (no surprise), but rather one of her handmaidens - remember the Queens Double bit from The Phantom Menace? And, to a lesser extent, Attack of the Clones? There's your answer.

As before, the going on are then interlaced with flashbacks to Vader's earlier life as Anakin Skywalker, before Vader and Sabe then agree to work together for their mutual benefit as long as interests coincide (Vader wants to find and punish whoever hid Luke from him, while Sabe is hunting for Padme's killer, without knowing he's right in front of her!)