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Carrie Brownstein recommended track Told You So by Miguel in War & Leisure by Miguel in Music (curated)

War & Leisure by Miguel
War & Leisure by Miguel
2017 | Rhythm And Blues
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Album Favorite Watch

Told You So by Miguel

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Track Watch

"I’ve always been a fan of Miguel. I remember listening to Kaleidoscope Dream in a hotel room in New York; there’s this real sexy, urbane quality to that album. His next record, Wildheart, has a real lo-fi sultriness—there’s this weird disparity between those two things, because people think of sultry as being writ-large, with this polished quality, but when you give it this bedroom-recording quality, it adds a sensitivity and a vulnerability that Miguel just has in spades. I love the way he spells out the titles of his songs in lowercase, too. He has a way of being sweetly diminutive and then larger than life. “Told You So,” from his new album, War & Leisure, really grabbed me right away. I first heard it when I was in my bedroom getting ready to go out, which is really important music listening for me. It always feels like a motivational soundtrack and returns me to my teenage self: creating an imagined narrative that usually never comes to fruition. I always think the getting-ready part somehow supersedes the experience itself. It’s better than the party. Even when I’m alone, when I’m still in the realm of fantasy of what the night could be, it’s always better than what the night is. And I’m definitely just talking about going out to very pedestrian events—it’s not like I’m going out to some wild dance party. But music has always accompanied those moments of trying on different clothes, looking at myself in front of the mirror, trying to do something even remotely reasonable with makeup—it always feels aspirational, and buoying. That was the first time I heard “Told You So.” I really thought, “This will be my going-out song for the next six months.” And it has been."

Love's Allegiance
Love's Allegiance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This story really took me to the WWII era!
Linda Shenton Matchet really got her characters into the WWII era, by the ways in which they conversed, the clothes described, really everything matched the era of WWI. It was as if Linda Shenton Matchet transported me there. I thought that the characters had great interactions, most of the reactions to things were believable, and they were overall well-developed characters. Personally, I liked how the story was loosely based on the Biblical story of Isaac and Rachel, I thought it was a unique premise for a WWII era novel to have. This book is technically the fourth book in Linda Shenton Matchet’s Wartime Brides series, however, it can be read as a stand-alone without you getting lost or confused (I have not read the previous books in the series yet).
I believe that Linda Shenton Matchet did a good job conveying an often-controversial topic; the role Conscious Objectors (CO) played during WWII. She made me look at it in a way I had not previously done, which I appreciated, (Not to say that I fully understand that point of view, but I think I have a better picture of it now). I did think that the book moved a little fast and I wished I could have known the characters better. However, this is part of a series so maybe the next book will continue to grow the characters more.
I give this book a 4 out of 5 stars for the great characters, the full immersion into the WWII era, and for making me see a different side of a Conscious Objector (CO). I did receive this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.