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Game Night (2018)
Game Night (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Mystery
Funny film with Intelligent humor
Heading into GAME NIGHT, I was trying to remember the last time I saw a good, funny film that did not rely on Gross-Out Humor or Sex & Fart jokes to mine it's laughs.

No need to try to remember now, for GAME NIGHT is a very funny, mostly clean, good old-fashioned comedy where the comedy comes out of how the characters react and interact with each other as an increasingly complex and out-of-control series of events batter them from every possible angle.

Co-Directed by John Francis Daley & Jonathan Goldstein (the duo previously co-Directed the remake of VACATION in 2015), GAME NIGHT tells the story of an ultra-competitive couple, Max & Annie (Jason Bateman & Rachel McAdams) who's weekly GAME NIGHT is upended by Max' much more successful older brother, Brooks (Kyle Chandler) who promises to "up the ante" on game night by providing a "murder-mystery" type kidnapping. When real kidnappers show up and kidnap Brooks, the clueless couple - and their friends - try to solve what they think is a make believe mystery.

As Directed by Daley & Goldstein and with the subtle comedic stylings of Bateman & McAdams, this film succeeds very well in a calm, funny manner. The humorous parts of this film are viewed with kind of a sideways glance vs. the usual temptation to bash the audience over the head with it. It's as if the filmmakers and actors are relying on the intelligence of the audience to mine their humor. It was quite refreshing for me, as an audience member, to be treated with this respect. was darned funny.

Joining Bateman and McAdams are Sharon Horgan, Billy Magnussen, Lamorne Morris & Kylie Bunbury as the other 2 couples competing to solve the mystery. All are funny in their own way, but Magnussen rises slightly above the rest for his take on "the dumb blonde." But, surprisingly, the person who steals the film is Jessie Plemons as Max & Annie's strange neighbor. Plemons, heretofore known to me only as a dramatic actor, plays his character with such a deadpan earnestness, that I started chuckling whenever he just showed up on the screen - a very good sign, indeed.

If you are looking for a good, funny, film (one where you would be comfortable sitting through with your spouse), then run, don't walk to GAME NIGHT, it will be well worth your time.

Letter Grade: A-

8 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)

P.S.: Stay through the end of the credits, it will be worth it.
Three O'Clock High (1987)
Three O'Clock High (1987)
1987 | Comedy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Solid 80's Film
I've seen a lot of 80's films this year alone. I have to say, I had just as much fun watching Three O'Clock High as I did any of the other more familiar 80's titles, in some cases moreso. The comedy is about a nerd who gets on a bully's bad side and gets challenged to a fight after school. Jerry (nerd in question) spends his entire day doing whatever he can to try and get out of the fight and the antics that ensue are hilarious.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 4
Definitely the weakest part of the film. The beginning of the day drags out as they follow every single facet of Jerry's routine. I understand that they are trying to show the audience how boring Jerry was, but I don't think it needed to take that long.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 7
So many great memorable shots. The scene in the library. Jerry's poetry reading in class where he's hitting on the teacher. The big climax. Director Phil Joanou does an excellent job of capturing the intensity and emotion from each moment.

Conflict: 10
Jerry doesn't want to get beat up so he's willing to do any and everything to get out of the proposed fight. Things never seem to get old as Jerry's efforts lead him down a rabbit hole of trouble. It only gets funnier as the story progresses.

Genre: 7

Memorability: 8
The film is captured and progresses in such a way that you can't help but remember a number of scenes that played out. I don't want to spoil the fun, but it's definitely a film you will want to again once you're done. I think that has a lot to do with Jerry's crazy character development over the course of the story.

Pace: 10
A less than stellar beginning is quickly corrected with nonstop comedy and action-driven moments. I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next as Jerry pushes the envelope from one scene to the next. Among other things, I appreciated the film's consistency.

Plot: 10

Resolution: 9
Not perfect, but gets the job done. Not to mention, it's light years better than the beginning. Kind of cheesy, but in a good way.

Overall: 85
If you're looking for a fun movie night or a way to expand your 80's film palate, Three O'Clock High is definitely worth your time. Solid film.
Game Night (2018)
Game Night (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Mystery
Max (Jason Bateman), and his wife Annie (Rachel McAdams),are a loving
couple who met during a trivia night at a bar. Gaming has been a regular
part of their lives, and they are often involved with hosting game nights
for their friends.

 Max and Annie seems have it all save for a family and
when it is determined that stress may be leading to the problem Max
attempts to resolve the issue. Max has issues with his older brother
Brooks (Kyle Chandler), who he sees as ultra-successful and rubbing his
success in his face.

The fact that Max has not seen his brother in a while
is not an issue, the fact that the brother who seems to beat him in
everything has returned is enough to set the mild-mannered Max on edge.
After an enjoyable game night, Brooks offers to host the next one and
although Max knows this is just Brooks looking for a way to show off his
house, he accepts the invitation.

Upon arrival,Brooks tells Max, Annie, and their friends that they will be
playing a mystery night where a group of actors will stage a kidnapping
and they must unravel clues to solve the mystery. The fact that Brooks is
offering a prized car that Max has long coveted is all the motivation he
needs to win the competition.

The game starts and a group of goons arrive and rough up Brooks and kidnap
him in front of the guests who all think this is part of the show. They
soon come to realize that Brooks may not be the person he claims to bend
that the kidnapping may indeed be real and not part of a scripted game.

What follows is a mix of comedy and dramatic mystery that while unfolding
slowly at times, is filled with some funny moments and great characters.
Bateman has his likable everyman persona down well in the film and the
supporting cast does a great job playing in the wacky adventure without
every getting to madcap.

 The breakout star of the film is Jesse Plemons
who plays Max and Annie's creepy police neighbor who is deeply disturbed
following the breakup of his marriage and has taken things to a new level.
You will want to stay through the credits as there are some extra scenes
which round out the film nicely. "Game Night", is a pleasant enoughfilm
that cannot quite determine if it is a comedy or dramedy, but it does
enough good things to make it an enjoyable outing.
Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016)
Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016)
2016 | Comedy
Mike (Adam Devine), and his brother Dave (Zac Efron), are a couple of easy going and fun loving guys who make their living as liquor salesman, often using some elaborate schemes.

One evening their parents greet them with an ultimatum, they must bring dates to their sister’s wedding in Hawaii. The reason for this is that in their exuberance, Mike and Dave have been known to go overboard in trying to impress the ladies, which has resulted in some epic disasters at numerous family events.

Desperate to appease their Sister Jeanie (Sugar Lyn Beard), the duo turn to the internet to try to find nice girls who will go with them to Hawaii. Naturally they are flooded with thousands of e-mails from girls hoping to score a free trip and their efforts soon get them on a talk show, where they tell their story.

Enter Alice (Anna Kendrick) and Tatiana (Aubrey Plaza); two lifelong friends who have just lost their jobs after Alice was brutally left at the altar on her wedding day. The two see Mike and Dave on television and devise a plan to pass themselves off as decent ladies to score the free trip. The plan works and in no time they are in Hawaii and getting ready for the events.

Unfortunately for Mike and Dave, the two girls are not what they appear as they are actually foul mouthed party girls with a passion for wild and reckless behavior and who lack any sort of internal censor.

Combine this with the internal family tensions that can arise at such events it is no surprise that this wedding is on a fast path to disaster.

What follows is a series of crude, outrageous, and hilarious events as Mike and Dave clash with the girls, family, each other and learn more about life, love and family.

The cast works well with one another and there are some truly funny sequences such as the relaxing massage and musical number. The cast works very well with one another and you will want to watch the outtakes during the final credits as they add even more laughs to the film.

While it is mainly a comedy that uses every bit of its R rating, there are enough laughs for those who are willing to overlook some of the issues with the film’s pacing and basic premise, but remember it is a comedy, and if you do not mind this type of humor, you will find yourself laughing along frequently.
3 Days To Kill (2014)
3 Days To Kill (2014)
2014 | Mystery
Contains spoilers, click to show
Story: 3 Days to Kill starts as we meet CIA agent Ethan Renner (Costner) who along with his team is about to take down one of the biggest threats in the world The Wolf (Sammel) by eliminating his closest associate The Albino (Lemarquis) only the mission gets compromised when Ethan’s health catches up with him as he learns he only has 3 months to live.

Released by the CIA Ethan sets out on cleaning up his own personal affairs wanting to build a relationship with daughter Zooey (Steinfeld) through his ex-wife Christine (Nielsen) after years of times apart working. With everything going badly Ethan knows that it will become difficult but when fellow agent Vivi Delay (Heard) offers him a chance to live longer Ethan comes out of retirement for one last assignment.


Thoughts on 3 Days to Kill


Story – The story for this film tries to balance a dying man’s final months with his family and his CIA life that he has meant to have walked away from. The CIA story does feel very generic of this modern day slick hitman style which is all fine. The dying man’s wish story ends up feeling like an awkward comedy in places. The story also feels very long and doesn’t seem to end up deciding if it wants to be serious or not.

Action/Thriller – The action is all very good and entertaining with the opening sequence looking like it set the tone but in the end if just turns into another slick hitman film.

Characters/Performance – I can’t find anything wrong with Costner’s performance as well as Steinfeld or Neilsen, it is the Heard performance that doesn’t make sense because she doesn’t suit the character and the character doesn’t suit the movie. The movie tries to make all the characters fit into everyday experiences but for some reason Vivi character is wildly over the top for no apparent reason.

Settings – The settings are mostly all in Paris which all works for the film which is trying to make us have a location we want to visit but showing that crime can happen there I guess.

Special Effects – The Special effects are mostly used for the action sequences and they all come off to the level you need them too.

Final Thoughts –This is an overlong action thriller that ends up getting caught up in the middle of comedy too often for its own good.



Overall: Solid action film that starts too strong for its own benefits.
Peter Rabbit (2018)
Peter Rabbit (2018)
2018 | Animation
Verdict: Poor Film

Story: Peter Rabbit starts as we see how Peter Rabbit and his family and friends had a battle with old Mr McGregor (Neill) after they continued to steal from his garden, until he passes away. The next-door neighbour Bea (Byrne) does try to keep them safe the best she can.
When Thomas McGregor (Gleeson) moves into the house with plans to sell it, which sees the war coming back for Peter and his family, this time it might become deadlier.

Thoughts on Peter Rabbit

Characters – Peter Rabbit is the mischievous little rabbit that always gets his siblings into trouble as they always seem to terrorise the McGregor family, that does seem to be the only thing he does each day, making him out to be a horrible little rabbit. Thomas McGregor is a completely by the book toy store employee wanting to get to management, when he loses his job, he ends up following in his uncle footsteps, getting into a battle with the rabbits. Bea is the nice neighbour that has always tried to look after the animals, loves nature and is an artist.
Performances – Domhnall Gleeson is great along with Rose Byrne are the two main live action stars that both work well with how they act towards the animals. Most of the voice acting is mixed, with the three sisters working well, but James Corden not suiting the character.
Story – The story follows the adventures of Peter Rabbit against the McGregor’s, which just seems to keep escalating. The story is strange because it doesn’t make Peter likeable at all, he just seems to annoy McGregor and never do anything else, surely there would have been another food supply for him. Most of the story revolves around pop culture jokes, which have dated quickly, but by the end the story just becomes boring more than anything else.
Adventure/Comedy – The adventure is just the troubles Peter gets himself in, we don’t seem to go any further, while the comedy is a miss already.
Settings – The film keeps the action in the country, which does seem to have only show how close the war between the two was.
Animation – The animated animals looks solid for the most part, but some of the moments seem weird.

Scene of the Movie – Harrods break down.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – Peter Rabbit.
Final Thoughts – This is a big disappointment because the characters used are loveable for the most part, while this movie just makes them horrible.

Overall: Boring.

Gareth von Kallenbach (968 KP) rated Bad Moms (2016) in Movies

Aug 6, 2019 (Updated Aug 6, 2019)  
Bad Moms (2016)
Bad Moms (2016)
2016 | Comedy
When moms get tired of being perfect, not being appreciated and decide to give their spoiled children a lesson and just enjoy every minute of their day instead – that’s when the movie Bad Moms happens.

Amy Mitchell (Mila Kunis) is a 32-year-old modern mom, who has a seemingly perfect life: a great marriage, over-achieving kids, a beautiful home and a career. However, she is over-worked and so exhausted that she’s reached the point where she is about to snap. Her life has been reduced to spending a lot of time driving her kids to their extracurricular activities and trying to be just in time for everything. Her perfect life is just a smoke screen, her husband Mike (David Walton) has been unemployed for a while, doesn’t care about helping with anything house- or kids-related, and enjoys a little bit too much online entertainment. In addition to being spoiled, her daughter Jane (Oona Laurence) has some anxiety issues and her son Dylan (Emjay Anthony) has never done his own homework. To make it even more interesting, Amy has to deal with the judgement of PTA Queen, Bee Gwendolyn, (Christina Applegate) and her minions Stacy (Jada Pinkett Smith) and Vicky (Annie Mumolo).

After one hectic day, all Amy can do is stop at a bar and grab a glass of whiskey. There she meets two other underappreciated moms, Kiki (Kristen Bell) and Carla (Kathryn Hahn). Over drinks they vent and declare that they’re tired of living up to expectations and not being appreciated for all their hard work. So they decide to be bad moms.

I love seeing Christina Applegate as the villain; she is smart, evil and pulls all the strings, driving everyone to the edge but nobody can say anything because they’re terrified of her. But the one that dominates the comedy is Kathryn Hann. You would think you might be tired of seeing her in just about every movie released in the last 10 years, but oh boy is this woman hilarious! She plays the divorced working mother whose every line, good or bad, makes the audience ask again and again “Did she just say that?”

I really enjoyed this movie. It is the perfect summer comedy that all audiences can enjoy, especially moms who can really relate. This is The Hangover for moms. I assure you will laugh nonstop because it has a wild drunk trip to the grocery store, a memorable show-and-tell demonstration and a really funny lecture about unflattering bras. I promise you will leave the theater with a smile.
Scooby Doo: Return to Zombie Island (2019)
Scooby Doo: Return to Zombie Island (2019)
2019 |
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Scooby-Doo and Shaggy have both become tired of solving mysteries, they want the team to stop and get their way, they win the holiday for the gang which sees them going to an old location needing to decide whether to let the group solve the mystery on the island. Fred has sold the Mystery Machine, he is having daytime dreams of it returning to him, where he judges most other vehicles for not being on the same level as his beloved. Daphne is here, though we don’t see anything we haven’t seen before from her, while Velma has a blog showing us just how the character has evolved for the time, which does show the frustration here character has when she can’t solve the mysteries anymore. Most of the new characters are left to feel just here with only Alan the hotel manager and Seaver being properly introduced.

Story – The story here follows the mystery inc gang who get invited back to an old location to solve the mystery from their past, only to find themselves needing to fight cat people once again. The story tries to be self-aware of many of the previous films, which has worked before, but for some reason doesn’t quite click this time. The fact we have seen the evolution of Velma and not the rest of the characters disappoints, which also seems to play along the idea of being a film within a film, that just again puts too much wink, wink, nudge, nudge to the audience. If you are a Scooby Doo fan, this story is everything you need, even if it does have a couple of flaws along the way.

Adventure/Comedy – The adventure does see the gang return to one of their most famous locations, which is different to much of what we have seen before, while the comedy does land in a couple of places very well.

Settings – The film does take the gang back to Moonscar island to face a new host of enemies in one of the most famous locations.

Animation – This does have the typical animation you are used to seeing for the Scooby Doo movies, it never lets down and works for the slapstick side of things.

Scene of the Movie – The big jump.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Daphne is almost just painted background character.

Final Thoughts – This isn’t the best Scooby Doo animated movie, it disappoints in a lot of places with how it handles certain decisions in the story and too many wink wink nudge nudge moments.

Overall: Basic Scooby Doo.
Young Frankenstein (1974)
Young Frankenstein (1974)
1974 | Classics, Comedy, Horror
Stand out performances from Gene Wilder, Peter Boyle, and Marty Feldman. (2 more)
Written by Gene Wilder and Mel Brooks
Great parody of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Some crude humor (0 more)
Young Frankenstein is a comedy horror film from 1974 directed by Mel Brooks, also known for his work on Blazing Saddles and Spaceballs. The film follows Gene Wilder's character of Dr. Frederick Frankenstein, or should I say Froderick Fronkenstein, as he discovers that he has inherited the estate of his grandfather Victor von Frankenstein. It's interesting to see Wilder go from a calm and collected neuroscience professer to a stark raving madman throughout his performance. The film also benefits from being filmed entirely in black and white, evoking the style of old Universal horror movies from the 1930s. Most of the jokes land, making this film a treat to watch. However, some of them are a bit crude and reference sexual activities, so some people may be a bit turned off by them. The good thing is that there aren't that many of these types of crude jokes so it's not quite so overbearing. In conclusion, this is really one of Mel Brooks' best films and one of Wilder's best performances in his career. Go check it out this Halloween.
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Hulk smash plenty (2 more)
Jeff Goldblum
More cameos than an Edwardian garden party
Weird effects on Cate Blanchett (0 more)
Having suffered through the first Thor film, given up on the second one, and detested him in the Avengers films I wasn't expecting to enjoy Thor all that much and was really only in it for the Hulk. However I was pleasantly surprised. Chris Hemsworth seems to have learned to act in the last few years, and seems to have developed an awareness of comic timing.
The film sees Thor team up with Loki, Hulk and a former Valkyrie to defeat Thor's sister Hela and avoid Ragnarok as she looks to lead an army of the dead throughout the galaxy.
There is a great deal of comedy throughout the film but also top notch action sequences, most notably Thor vs Hulk and Hela's assault on Asgard.
Having been disappointed with the absence of Thor and Hulk from Captain America: Civil War (Huffy Cry-baby) I had hoped this film would make amends, and it did indeed.
Of particular enjoyment was the theatrical interpretation of Loki's death where Matt Damon and the other Hemsworth act out Loki's apparent death, overseen by Sam Neill's Odin.