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"I’d have to include Mr. Hulot’s Holiday, a Jacques Tati movie, which I remember watching at my school when I was 17, and it was such a revelation for me as a movie, as a sort of a comedy tone and attitude which I’d never seen. Almost purely visual, for a start; no words. And like most people, in terms of comedy movies, I’d been brought up on British and American comedy movies, which tend to be fast moving, and they tend to be very verbal, with the exception of the Pink Panthers, actually. Of course, I could veer off into that in terms of the Peter Sellers… But it just had a fabulous comic tone and comic attitude which I’d never seen before, which is basically where you just sit back and watch people behaving in a slightly exaggerated way. And, again, if comedy is exaggerated truth, there it was again. It was the pace of it, the slow pace of it. That’s what was such an eye-opener for me, and taught me one thing, really, which is that comedy is not about pace. It’s about rhythm. Rhythm is what’s important, and the rhythm can be surprisingly slow and still funny. And even if you know the joke’s coming, even if you can hear the joke trundling just the other side of the horizon, and you know it’s going to come over the horizon, you can enjoy it as much as if it’s a surprise. And that was the insight that I feel I got from that."

The Incredible Hulk (2008)
The Incredible Hulk (2008)
2008 | Action, Sci-Fi
Edward Norton (0 more)
Great Reboot From the First
As a comic book fan the Hulk is my favorite superhero. I never missed an episode of the old television series and had many comic books. So I think this movie did the Hulk justice. I absolutely hated the one with Bana. This one was a great improvement. I must say I do like Norton better in this role than Ruffalo. I am not saying Ruffalo is bad but Norton captured what Bruce Banner is for me. I liked the design of this Hulk and the essence of his rage was captured very well. The supporting cast was great as well. William Hurt and Liv Tyler did a great job as General Ross and Betty Ross. I was so glad they brought one of the Hulk's main enemies into this movie as well...The Abomination. For those that don't know, the Abomination is a gamma monster the same as the Hulk but he is bigger and stronger than the Hulk. The thing about the Hulk is he has this x Factor. The madder he gets, the stronger he gets. So he is more than a match for Abomination. This movie set the standard for how a Hulk movie should be made. There was a part in which there is a set up for another villain of the Hulk's...The Leader. We haven't seen anything about him yet in the MCU but I am hoping this comes to fruition. As a Hulk fan..I recommend this movie

Erika (17788 KP) rated Trese in TV

Jun 22, 2021  
2021 | Action, Adventure, Animation, Crime, Fantasy
Trese is the newest Netflix Original Anime, based upon a Filipino comic by the same name. The show follows Alexandra Trese, who is a paranormal detective, and assists the police with paranormal crimes. The series is set in Manila, and creatures from the lore of the Philippines co-exist alongside the humans. Trese is known as the ‘Lakan’, and her father facilitated an accords agreement with the different groups of creatures to keep the peace.
I haven’t read the source material, so I can’t say how close it was to the original work. I really liked Alexandra as a character, she was interesting, and strong. One of the coolest things, for me, was that she carried a Kris, which is a really cool looking knife. One of my favorite things, that made me laugh the first time, is that there is a Fire god that she calls by hitting a button on a Nokia phone. There were also the twins, or ‘kambal’, Crisipin and Basilio, who provided a little comic relief.
The series is a short watch, six episodes that are around 20 minutes each. Each episode was a self-contained, separate case, then dove into Trese’s background and family. It was definitely for a mature audience, it was bloody and gory, and the animation was fantastic. I completely loved this series, because of the cool blend of mythology with a detective show. I hope that Netflix opts to make a second season, because I want to know how the story continues.
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
2016 | Action, Sci-Fi
Battle Royale
Contains spoilers, click to show
This movie is amazing. I know, I’m supposed to start with an intro but this film is just too good. I knew that I would love it and that I was looking forward to it for a fairly long time, but I loved this movie in ways that I didn’t even expect to. Based on the seminal Mark Millar event comic that saw most of the Marvel comic book universe go up against each other, this movie pits the heroes of the MCU against each other, which results in an exciting battle of all of the heroes that we’ve grown to love. The film doesn’t take much else from the comic though, other than the idea of the heroes fighting one another, there is no talk of exposing secret identities here, nor is there a battle between the massive amount of combatants that there were in the comic. If someone had told me these facts before I saw the film, I would have been going into the movie on a downer, but the thing is that this movie doesn’t have to be totally faithful to the comic book to be great, which is a credit to the writers and directors of the film. Watching the film is still like watching a comic book onscreen, just not the same comic book that you have previously read, which is awesome.

The vast majority of the cast of characters that have been introduced in the MCU so far are present here, besides Thor and Hulk. I can see why they omitted these characters, as they really would have given whatever side they chose an unfair advantage. We are left with two sides, there is Team Cap, made up of Cap, Falcon, Bucky, Ant Man, Scarlett Witch and Hawkeye and then there is Team Stark, made up of Iron Man, Vision, Black Widow, War Machine, Black Panther and Spiderman. I went into this movie siding with Team Cap, probably because Iron Man was ultimately the antagonist in the book, but as the film progressed, I have to admit that I could see either side of the argument. The fight sequences are exciting, due to the excellent stunt work and convincing use of CGI, also the acting here is surprisingly deep, especially for a Marvel movie, with several cast members giving passionate, convincing performances. While the action and humour that we have come to expect from a Marvel movie is present here, this film definitely does take on a darker tone in a few sequences and it also questions the idea of superheroes as a concept, there is not only a physical battle present in this movie, but also a psychological one as well as a socio-political one.

The score is used well, there is actually not too many songs present and the score is mostly made up of orchestral instrumental pieces, which also tells you something about the tone of this movie in comparison with previous Marvel films. The editing is also good, snappy enough to keep a consistent pace, while being clear enough to still tell a comprehensible, cohesive story.

Okay it is becoming difficult to continue writing this review without spoiling the movie, so I’ll do a quick summary then I will delve into spoiler territory. This is probably the best Marvel movie to date. It works as a sequel to Captain America Winter Soldier, it works as an ensemble Avengers piece, it works as a sufficient introduction to several new characters and it also blends the more serious tone of previous Cap movies with the more light hearted tone we have previously seen in the Avengers movies. It is a well told, tightly woven story, that still feels large in scope, which is not an easy thing to achieve, *coughs* Batman V Superman, *coughs.* While it’s not what I expected to get when they told us they were making Civil War, it is still a fantastic comic book movie, 9/10.

Okay, spoiler time. This movie came out in the UK a week before it did in America, so I have had the opportunity to see it twice so far. However, I am very aware that this movie isn’t opening in America until May 5th, so I do want to make it very clear that if you haven’t seen the film yet, you really should before reading the rest of this review.

They absolutely nail Spiderman here, in every way. He is the most faithful adaption we have had on the big screen to date, Tom Holland was the perfect choice and it there is no doubt that this young actor clearly has a very bright future ahead of him. Aunt May is played by Marisa Tomei in the film and because she is so young compared to comic book Aunt May, I did initially have my doubts, but she also nails the small role that she has here. The suit is also awesome and after seeing Civil War, I honestly cannot wait for Spiderman: Homecoming. Black Panther is another new character that they introduce and do a good job with, they establish him quickly and clearly and from the get go, we understand this character and his motivations for feeling the ways that he does. The other surprise star of the film is Ant Man, who for the first time onscreen, becomes Giant Man and it is epic. This would have been so easy to make cheesy and just have it not work at all, but here it is convincing and very well implemented into the airport battle. The CGI during this scene is also fantastic. The airport scene is also a highlight of the movie, to see all of these characters onscreen together is truly amazing and as comic book fan I was in heaven. I still can’t believe that we got to see Spiderman making a Star Wars reference, whilst he was swinging around Giant Man, the nerd part of my brain went into overload and I physically couldn’t wipe off the massive, stupid grin that was on my face. The final battle is also pretty cool.

The third act starts off with Tony Stark deciding that he may be wrong about Bucky and that it wasn’t him who set off the bomb in Wakanda, so he, Bucky and Cap team up again to go and confront Zemo, but then the three are shown a CCTV tape from one of Bucky’s past missions, which reveals that it was in fact Bucky that killed Tony’s parents when he was being mind controlled and that Cap knew about this the whole time. This results in Tony being overcome with rage and attacking Cap and Bucky, during the fight he rips off Bucky’s robot arm, but Cap manages to overpower him and he sticks his shield through Tony’s ark reactor, shutting down his suit. We then learn that Black Panther has followed Tony and intends to kill Bucky for setting off the bomb that killed his father, but when he learns that Zemo was behind it, he confronts him and demands an explanation. Zemo tells him that his family were killed when Ultron attacked Sekovia and that he has planned to destroy the Avengers ever since, but because he knew he couldn’t take them down himself, he decided to instead pit them against each other and let them kill one another. Panther then decides that he is sick of seeing people being consumed by revenge and decides to let Zemo live, but Zemo attempts to kill himself anyway, before Panther stops him, telling him that he must remain alive to answer for his crimes. After their fight, Stark tells Cap that he doesn’t deserve his shield, and so Cap drops his shield and helps Bucky out of the bunker. The movie ends with Cap busting his teammates out of prison, where they were put after the airport battle and going into hiding in Black Panther’s mansion house in Wakanda. While the movie is fairly long I did feel that it could have went on a while longer, it’s almost as if the films are at a point now where they know they are going to continue the story in a few months, so they don’t even bother writing a proper ending for the films. This is the only criticism that I have though and like I said we will be getting another Marvel movie in a few months anyway so it doesn’t really matter how this one ends. So yeah, best Marvel movie so far and whether you are a comic book fan or not, this is a damn good time.
Spider-Man (2002)
Spider-Man (2002)
2002 | Action, Sci-Fi
The first modern day Spider Man movie. Of all of the spider man movies this one to me seems to follow the comic on really how he bacme the famous super hero. We see the nerdy love struck Peter Parker get bit by a genetically enhanced spider and get multiple talents of the spider. Once he has learned of his powers we see the typical MCU plot of a family member gets killed and he vows revenge to make it right but, by doing so he learns that revenge isn't always important but helping others from suffering the same fate is more important. We see him square off against the Green Goblin who is today still one of my favorite villains in all of the MCU
Dave Gibbons, Alan Moore | 1986 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.8 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
The characters (4 more)
The ending
The art work
How dark and real the whole story feels
Characters that are so flawed they feel real.
Can freaking drag (1 more)
Way too much dialog at times.
You either love it or hate it but it does change how you see super heroes.
This is one comic book I honestly believe everyone should read but art the same time don't make it your first like I tried to do because HOLY hell does thing drag along at some points but at about half way it finally sinks its teeth in and does not let you go.

To date I think this has one of the best conclusions I've ever read. And you definitely find your looking at superheroes different after reading this.
The Wolf Among Us
The Wolf Among Us
2013 | Action/Adventure
The story is great. (2 more)
Telltale games are unlike any others.
Bigby kicks all type of ass.
If you haven't played one of telltale's games then this the perfect first step.
Based on the comic book series 'fable', you take the place of protagonist 'Bigby' a detective who is tasked with finding the murderer of a prostitute known as 'Faith'.

There are different options the player can make that affect the out come of the story; if you decide to tell toad to go fuck himself, then he may be less inclined to help you further down the line...
Don't worry, though. There's always a little note in the corner when you punch someone in the face that 'they'll remember that'.
Locke & Key, Vol. 1: Welcome to Lovecraft
Locke & Key, Vol. 1: Welcome to Lovecraft
Joe Hill | 2013 | Comics & Graphic Novels
9.1 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
I keep telling myself not to get involved with another comic series. This book (and the next in the series) is the result of taking my children to the library to while away a wet day during the Easter holiday. I thoroughly enjoyed it, too. It dives straight in to the action from page one. Bits are rather blood thirsty, and it does bend reality (he's his fathers son, and probably fed up with being compared to him as well, but there it is!). It's all about keys and somebody, who isn't particularly nice, wanting to get their hands on them. I don't want to say anything else! All I will say, is that it's well worth giving it a chance.
Happy Death Day 2U (2019)
Happy Death Day 2U (2019)
2019 | Horror, Mystery
The same cast are back (0 more)
More of a SciFi element (0 more)
Deja Vu
I really enjoyed the first @Happy Death Day (2017) film which was a refreshing mix of Slasher meets Groundhog Day with a comic twist. This sequel is very similar, looks like it was filmed at the same time? This time round we have more of a SciFi theme to explain the time loop in both films. It's still fun but obviously not quite as original as the first offering. The whodunit element takes more of a back seat in this film.
Overall an enjoyable film but you really do need to see the first one before this. If you liked that then you won't mind the Deja Vu watching this.
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
2014 | Action, Sci-Fi
“Marvel has gone mad.” This was the kind of reaction that many film-fans greeted the news of a film adaptation of Guardians of the Galaxy, one of the comic-book company’s lesser known band of heroes.

Thankfully, the film is an absolute masterclass. With the best ensemble cast of the entire MCU, some crazy set design and a great soundtrack, James Gunn’s MCU directorial-debut is practically perfect in every single way. We even get a decent villain in Lee Pace’s Ronan the Accuser. Plus, it’s got Glenn Close spouting absolute nonsense and Vin Diesel getting paid a ridiculous amount of money to say three words over and over again. What could be better?