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Stan lee (2023)
Stan lee (2023)
2023 | Documentary
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Stan lee (0 more)
It's rather good documentary about the life of stan lee as told by the man himself in his own words leaning about early life and the job that would become his life marvel comics plus u here about his working relationship with the artists kirby and ditko which wasn't easy in the end especially over who created what the artists or stan lee overall fascinating look into the life of the man who helped create the marvel universe which paved the for the mcu
One of the biggest casualties to come out of Disney's acquisisiton of LucasArts back in 2012 was the abolition of the old 'Expanded Universe' content: suddenly, all those connected stories, comics and video-games were no longer considered in-canon; no longer relevant.

While understandable in light of their plans to create new movies (of which we have had one so far - 'The Force Awakens' - with another off-shoot to come this year in 'Rogue One') my sense is that there was a bit of a back-lash to this (hence the reason for these 'Legends Epic collections'): I'm even guilty of it myself a bit, in that I would quite have liked to see a movie based on either [a: Timothy Zahn|12479|Timothy Zahn|]'s [b: Heir to the Empire|216443|Heir to the Empire (Star Wars The Thrawn Trilogy #1)|Timothy Zahn||1133995] trilogy, or even on any of the X-Wing books/comics.

It's those comics that comprise this collection, which consists of the following stories:

X-Wing: Rogue Leader 1-3
X-Wing: Rogue Squadron: The Rebel Opposition (1-4)
X-Wing: Rogue Sqaudron: The Phantom Affair (1-4)
X-Wing: Rogue Sqaudron: Battleground: Tattoine (1-4)
X-Wing: Rogue Squadron: The Warrior Princess (1-4)
X-Wing: Rogue Sqaudron Special
as well as some content from 'Star Wars Tales' #12 and #23

As this is a compilation of such, the art style is not consistent throughout (although it is consistent in-story: I found some tales to have better, clearer art than others. I'm also somewhat surprised that the left out those stories connected to Baron Soontir Fel in this collection!
    Marvin 3

    Marvin 3

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Star Wars Omnibus: X-Wing Rogue Squadron, Vol. 1
Star Wars Omnibus: X-Wing Rogue Squadron, Vol. 1
Michael A. Stackpole | 2006 | Comics & Graphic Novels
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Generally speaking, I'm not really a comic-book guy kinda person.

However, I have read (and actually quite enjoyed) the Star Wars: X-Wing series of books, and was aware that these were also (pre Prequel trilogy) comics. However, I was unaware (until relatively recently) that the comics were not just visualizations of the novels, but were rather stories in their own right.

When I found this out, and when I came across the digital version of this Omnibus - which collects the first 3 stories in the X-Wing series [so Goodreads, should count as 3 towards my yearly challenge!] , I thought I would give it a try.

Of the 3 stories contained - Rogue Leader, the Rebel Opposition and The Phantom Affair - the second and third of these were co-written by Michael Stackpole, who also wrote the first X-Wing novels. Personally, while the story may be better in those two than in the first, I preferred the art of the first story, finding the panes easier to follow.

I haven't yet decided, but I may also pick up the next volume(s) in the series.