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Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
2016 | Action, Sci-Fi
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In my top 5 Marvel movies
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This is one of my favorite movies of all time. The only reason I didn't give it a 10 is because I did not care for the Baron Zemo angle. His reason for revenge was related to his family getting killed due to the actions of the Avengers. In the comics Zemo was a power and despot that was on the same level as Captain America when it comes to battle. This story was similar to the story arc in the Civil War comics. The government wants to control heroes because innocent people get killed in their battles trying to save mankind. The last battle they had with Ultron was the catalyst for the Sokovia accords. Oversight by the allied nations. We finally see Cap and Bucky reunited as friends but it is a little tricky at first. Bucky gets blamed for a terrorist action that he is innocent of. Zemo gets a hold of a old Hydra book that was used to brainwash Bucky and he uses it again on Bucky to carry out his plan. The "Civil War" begins when Tony agrees with oversight from the UN and Cap disagrees. The highligjt for me is seeing Spider-Man finally in the MCU. The action was great, the story was great and it had a profound impact on the MCU. It ended with Tony and Steve not being the best of friends and you see that affect in Infinity War. This movie is highly recommended by me
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
This movie is more than just a look at society and the influence of the wealthy on the lower class. This is a great artistic rendering of a character from a comic series. This shows the true darkness of the joker and what has driven his insanity in all of the Batman movies/comics. While this is just one interpretation of the origins of the Joker I would say that it is the most important origin story in film to date. This doesn't focus on the typical good guy vs evil trope that is prevalent in most comic book adaptations in current film. It focuses on the psychological aspect of the character himself rather than the message that he tries to send in other adaptation. Which is an important aspect to his character that isn't often truly focused on. Most other movies just focus on his insanity rather than where it comes from. He is utter chaos because that's how he sees the world.
Gaming for Keeps (Agents of TRAIT #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, I’ll start by saying this was a little too geeky for me. That’s not to say it wasn’t a good story but all the references to Firefly and other TV programs I’ve never watched put me off a little.

I read a book for the romance, which I’m sure I’ve mentioned before somewhere, and I enjoyed the spark the characters had. The way they don’t realise they know each other (even if it is through a game) but are drawn to each other right from the first contact. They clicked right away and there’s a scene involving a shower which made me smile.

I did enjoy it; Pen was hands on when it came to defending herself and Cal being slightly geeky made a change to the usual books I read where they’re attractive, tattooed and arrogant.

It’s definitely for those who enjoy comics, online-gaming, cosplay and conventions.