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I had a lot of fun with this book.
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*DOES contain at least ONE spoiler*

This book was pretty decent. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who hadn't already watched the series or read the original comic books simply because the three different stories are written by different people, and they wrote these stories with different time periods in mind.

For instance, the first story is meant to take place near the beginning of the series when Buffy and Angel are still in that "honeymoon" phase of their relationship. Then, when the second story opens, Buffy and Angel are mortal enemies and Buffy is trying to consider how exactly she's going to bring herself to kill him. In the third story, Buffy and Angel are all snuggly again.

So, if someone who had never watched the series simply picked this book up on a whim to read it, I think they would find it very hard and confusing to read. But the storylines were good, and the characterization of the characters was great. I could just hear some of the lines coming from the mouths of Sarah Michelle Geller and David Boreanaz.

Individually, the second story was probably the best. It had an entirely original storyline (within the framework of the overall series, that is) that was just really involved and really well-done. I really loved that one. The first one was good, as well. I was less fond of the third and final story because parts of it were very similar to other Buffy episodes/comics already available AND because some of thing things that happened (like Angel actually deciding to kill Willow to save Buffy) just were NOT realistic. Of the three, the last one was definitely the weakest.

However, the anthology was still a nice addition to anyone who loves Buffy.
Annihilation, Book Two
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So in this, the second book of the Annihilation comic series, we get even more characters in the universe!

Many people have been introduced to the Silver Surfer in the second Fantastic Four film by Sony pictures, but we get a lot more information of who he is in this book and I really liked seeing that! We get to see his interactions with the other former heralds of Galactus, the Devourer of Worlds. This also gives us some background of his power and relationships with the rest of the Marvel Comics Universe. He's a pretty cool character, in my opinion.

In this book, we also get a lot more information about Super Skrull. He's great and I love him. That's all.

Finally, we get to meet Ronan for real. I loved getting to see him as more than just the villain he is painted as in the Guardians of the Galaxy movie. He gets a backstory and a reason for why he is the way he is! I am actually kind of sympathetic towards him, to be completely honest. I love it when people who can be seen as villains are portrayed as round characters who are more than just evil. He is The Accuser. He has the power to reduce people to ash at the drop of a few words, yet he only does it when he deems it necessary. That's a pretty cool move! Also, the fact that he is not working for the Annihilation crew is a redeeming quality if I have ever seen one!

I am keeping this review pretty short so I can move onto the next one! I can't wait to see how this ends!
The Incredible Adventures of Cinnamon Girl
The Incredible Adventures of Cinnamon Girl
Melissa Keil | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
2.5 stars.

*I received a copy of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

Someone recommended this book to me a few months ago but I was a little wary of reading it, since I wasn't a fan of graphic novels back then--though I have discovered a like of manga since--and then I saw it on Netgalley and decided to just go for it.

Unfortunately, I felt like I was chucked straight into the middle of the story. I didn't have a clue who was who or how they fit into the story at the start, which made it hard for me to get into. I persevered over several days and I got used to the amount of friends in Alba's little group but the whole end of the world thing threw me a little. I didn't quite get that part of the story.

But then we get the hint of a little romance for our main character and I cheered up a bit. I was only going to give it 2 stars up until the 90% mark and then Grady melted my heart a little so I pushed my rating a little higher.

Not really my kinda thing. I prefer my girl's to be receptive to the idea of romance and not as into comics as Alba was--especially when she was naming some I'd never heard of.

I may read other books by the author at some point.
Teen Titans: Raven
Teen Titans: Raven
Kami Garcia | 2019 | Comics & Graphic Novels
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
graphic novel introducing Raven's origin story
‏I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

Teen Titans: Raven (Teen Titans #1) by Kami Garcia is a graphic novel with a story written by Kami Garcia and illustrated by Gabriel Picolo. Fans of YA may recognize Kami Garcia as a coauthor of the Beautiful Creatures series. Teen Titans: Raven is Garcia's first graphic novel.

Growing up I was a DC Comic fan but, after the introduction of the Marvel Avengers movies, especially Iron Man, I switched teams. However, you do not need to be a fan of Teen Titans, Raven, or DC Comics to appreciate the way in which Garcia and Picolo present Raven's origin story.

I thought the story was interesting and enjoyed the illustrations. Many reviews mention Raven's snarky attitude is missing from the story. I had not watched or read the Teen Titans and my niece was too young to understand attitude so I do not have a reference in which to compare Raven's story. Although enough reviews mention the lack of snarkiness I felt the need to mention it.

The 2nd book in the series, Teen Titans: Beast Boy (Teen Titans #2) will also be written by Kami Garcia and illustrated by Gabriel Picolo. It is scheduled to be released in 2020.

This 200-word review was published on on 10/10/19.


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Aliens: The Female War
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The third book in Dark Horse's spin-off series of novels and comics to include Billie and Wilks, this also throws Ripley into the mix, and finishes the story first began in [b:Aliens: Earth Hive|343281|Aliens Earth Hive|Steve Perry||333628] and continued in [b:Aliens: Nightmare Asylum|20873|Aliens Nightmare Asylum|Steve Perry||22061]. Wheres the 1979 film 'Alien' had a single Alien stalking the crew of the Nostromo after they picked up the transmission, with the 1986 film 'Aliens' then introducing the concept of the Alien Queen, this extrapolates even further than that with the introduction of an Alien Queen Mother providing the deus ex machina for the plot.

Talking of the plot: this is maybe a bit slower than those previous two novels, with more emphasis on character development (I know, I know: is such a thing even possible in these types of books?).

As before, not going to set the literary world alight nor win any awards, but an enjoyable enough quick diversion for a day or two.