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CBGB (2013)
CBGB (2013)
2013 | Drama, Musical
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Soundtrack (1 more)
Allan Rickman
Pre punk to post punk
As a lover of Punk it was only a matter of time before I watched this and it felt like a compilation album with extended talking in between. Loosely based on Hilly Crystal the owner of CBGS's in New York and the place where punk was formed.

There are appearances from Television, Talking Heads, The Ramones, The Dead Boys and it shows that Blondies did have more fun. The story is nothing too taxing and it's weaved round the music. Some famous faces and a Harry Potter characters bare bum as he proves his natural hair colour out of the cameras beady eye.

So if you like Punk, bare bums and don't mind a young Sting then this could help your life in a small way
Key to the Kingdom by George Washington Phillips
Key to the Kingdom by George Washington Phillips
2005 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"All of his albums are just collections of songs because this was in the pre-album era, but I guess there was one in Mississippi called Key To The Kingdom. He was a spiritual blues singer who played an instrument, a fretless zither. Even though it's the blues era, he can't bend the notes like a guitar player would. He's sometimes known as George Washington Phillips. His music is really serene and otherworldly and pure. It's all very religious but it has its own atmosphere that I've not really heard anywhere else. I think when I really got into Washington Philips was when Sonic Boom put a song of his onto a compilation album called Space Lines. My sister painted a picture of him for Christmas. My sister the painting goth."

Star Wars, Volume 2: Operation Starlight
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a compilation volume of Charles Soule's mainline Star Wars run, collecting issues 7 through 11 of said run that is set after the events of The Empire Strikes Back.

And what can I say about it?

It's OK: nothing all that special, but nor is it the worst Star Wars I have read.

there's also a whole plot arc about stealing an old translator droid from Coruscant, that feels like it would have been the perfect place to cross over with Doctor Aphra (a character that, truth be told, I never really took too all that much) but which completely squanders that opportunity - I also felt that Poe Dameron's parents (and the fate of at least one of them) is shoehorned just a tad too much for my liking.
All Star Superman
All Star Superman
Frank Quitely, Grant Morrison | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
While I initially thought that this was going to be a self-contained story in its own right, upon having read it I now think that this is instead a compilation of a (roughly) 12 issue long comic run.

Some of the episodes, I felt, were far superior to others: in some (perhaps more than I was comfortable with), I didn't really follow what was happening.
There is an over-arching plot throughout the entire series, with Superman 'overpowering' himself with solar radiation in the opening of the first episode, and with his body beginning to fail as a result.

I also found the art-style slightly off-putting: I can understand drawing the man of steel in a square/blocky 'strong' art style, but ma and pa Kent? Really?

Perhaps not the best of introductions for anybody new to Superman comics.
Terminator Omnibus Volume 1
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was going to start this by typing out the heavy-bass Terminator intro music, then realised I couldn't quite get it to sound right!

This is a collection of stories released early 90's, after Terminator 2 but before any of the newer entries in the franchise (T3: Rise of the Machines, Terminator: Salvation or Terminator: Genisys), so do show their age a bit.

They all also pretty much follow the same template - a group from the future sent back in time, with Terminator's following or already having been sent back, and then a protracted chase followed by a shoot-out - with the artwork varying between the differing authors/artists.

As a compilation, some of the stories are better than others: my pick for the best, probably, would be the story entitled 'One Shot', which seems to mirror the first film.
Kip Of The Serenes by Dr. Strangely Strange
Kip Of The Serenes by Dr. Strangely Strange
1969 | Folk, Pop, Psychedelic, Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"We came across the song 'Strangely Strange But Oddly Normal’ on a psychedelic compilation and fell in love with it. I just thought, “Who could write a chorus of, 'Strangely strange but oddly normal’, and make it a really catchy song?” The whole thing was sort of irrationally brilliant, and later we found out that one of them went off to Japan and tried to become a Zen priest. Of course, when we considered the history of literature in Ireland, with James Joyce and everyone, it started to all gel. And then we found out Joe Boyd was involved. They did the first one in one afternoon, because he didn’t think it would sell. We’re not sure which, who and when, but there was some exchange of personnel with the Incredible String Band at certain times"


Stephin Merritt recommended Workshop 21 by BBC Radiophonic in Music (curated)

Workshop 21 by BBC Radiophonic
Workshop 21 by BBC Radiophonic
2016 | Compilation, Soundtrack
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Previously known as the 21st Birthday Album, this is a gorgeous and goofy compilation of 45 fun and experimental electronic tone poems made for radio and TV from 1958 to 1979, some from the days when the music department only allowed the Workshop to exist by pretending electronic music wasn't music (just as Forbidden Planet was scored with "electronic tonalities"). So since no one was being taken seriously, the composers could even be women, of whom Delia Derbyshire has recently gained acclaim (in electronic-music geek circles; if you're not in one, it's not too late to join!). The longest track, 'A Whisper from Space', is 2:11; so if something doesn't grab you, wait a minute. If only all records could be this varied and entertaining. Derbyshire's immortal Dr. Who theme isn't even necessarily the best track. "

1-2-3-4-: Punk & New Wave 1976-1979 by Various
1-2-3-4-: Punk & New Wave 1976-1979 by Various
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This compilation is like plugging into a direct line to your 15-year-old self. And somewhere in there is me right now. It sounds strange because I'm now 50, but it never really leaves you. It's just weird how that can energise you. Even for music that's not like it. I can put this on and it's like it gives me power, almost like turning on the batteries. Of course, we don't sound like a punk rock band from '77, but it has that energy that's universal and you form it into where you're going musically. I put this album on the list because it's a power source that got me through a lot of these recordings, and strangely enough I sound nothing like it. Punk rock is the hydrochloric acid where you get that frothy explosion in the beaker."

A Good Day To Die Hard (2013)
A Good Day To Die Hard (2013)
2013 | Action
John travels to Russia to find his son, intel says that he's in prison. Once he's there nothing is quite what it seems.

Where 4.0 managed to get in on some of the current trends, A Good Day To Die Hard decided it wanted to be like Jason Bourne whilst forgetting that John McClane isn't the sleek spy that Bourne is. We've gone from fun and enjoyable action films to something that takes itself way too seriously. At no point did I crack a smile, or scream "oooooooh" at the screen when one of McClane's completely ill matched fist fights goes awry.

A dancing, carrot eating villain who likes to play with his hostages... give me strength.

As for the extras on this disc you should certainly checkout Maximum McClane, mainly for the compilation of yippee ki-yays at the end.
Compilation issue, collecting Marvel's 'main-line' Star wars graphic novels, issues 12-18, and set during the period between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi (Han frozen in Carbonite, Luke has fought - and lost to - Vader, etc).

It also crosses-over with the 'War of the Bounty Hunters' collection of comics.

That much is obvious.

What was not so obvious, however - and I had no idea prior to reading this - is that it must cross over with some of the other Star Wars properties: I'm guessing Darth Vader for one. The reason I say that? I found it a bit jarring jumping from 'Vader's arrived!' in one issue to seeing rebels flee in the next, without any context of why or what had happened except for a few speech bubbles referencing events that I hadn't read!