Role-Playing Game Studies: A Transmedial Approach
Sebastian Deterding and Jose Zagal
This collection offers readers a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, international, and transmedia...
Searching for Mary Schaffer: Women Wilderness Photography
Mary Schaffer was a photographer, writer, and cartographer from Philadelphia, well known for her...
The Wild Dyer: A Guide to Natural Dyes & the Art of Patchwork 7 Stitch
In The Wild Dyer, Abigail Booth demystifies the 'magic' of natural dyeing and shows how to use the...
Watercolour Secrets
This beautiful book showcases the work of the members of the prestigious Royal Watercolour Society,...
Social Science and Historical Perspectives: Society, Science, and Ways of Knowing
This accessible book introduces the story of 'social science', with coverage of history, politics,...
The Oxford Handbook of Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
Michael A. Hitt, Jing Zhou and Christina E. Shalley
Research-based investigations of creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship have the potential to...
Basics Design 02: Layout
Basics Design 02: Layout (2nd edition) provides a guide to the effective arrangement of text and...
Digital Logic Design
This textbook covers contemporary topics in the field of digital logic design, along with tools to...
Exploring Spoken English Learner Language Using Corpora: Learner Talk
Eric Friginal, Joseph J. Lee, Brittany Polat and Audrey Roberson
This book presents a corpus-based study of spoken learner language produced by university-level ESL...
Froissart's Chronicles
"The Chronicles of Jean Froissart" (1337-1410) are universally acknowledged as the most vivid and...