Edmund Campion: Jesuit and Martyr
In 1581 Edmund Campion, a Jesuit priest working underground in Protestant England, was found guilty...
Flyboy 2: The Greg Tate Reader
Since launching his career at the Village Voice in the early 1980s Greg Tate has been one of the...
Mrs Keppel and Her Daughter
Alice Keppel, lover of Queen Victoria's son Edward VII and great-grandmother of Camilla...
Organization Theory and Design
Discover the most progressive thinking about organizations today as acclaimed author Richard Daft...
Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations
Jean Phillips, Stanley Gully and Ricky Griffin
Prepare to Think and Act like a manager with the powerful insights, solid concepts, and...
Economics in Minutes: 200 Key Concepts Explained in an Instant
Economics in Minutes condenses key economics concepts into 200 short and easily digested essays....
Advances in Hospitality and Leisure
Advances in Hospitality and Leisure delivers refreshing insights from a host of scientific studies...
Business-to-Business: A Global Network Perspective
Mario Glowik and Sarah Maria Bruhs
Contemporary business-to-business (B2B) industries consist of networks of customers, competitors and...
China's Governance: Across Vertical and Horizontal Connexions
This book elucidates fundamental governance features and issues in contemporary China. While...
Introducing Levi-Strauss: A Graphic Guide
Introducing Levi-Strauss is a guide to the work of the great French anthropologist Claude...