Cloth Seals: An Illustrated Guide to the Identification of Lead Seals Attached to Cloth
We are very lucky to have small, contemporary records of history scattered throughout our soil in...
Common Space: The City as Commons
Stavros Stavrides and Massimo de Angelis
Space is both a product and a prerequisite of social relations, it has the potential to block and...
Dance as Text: Ideologies of the Baroque Body
Dance as Text: Ideologies of the Baroque Body is a historical and theoretical examination of French...
East Asian Perspectives on Political Legitimacy: Bridging the Empirical-Normative Divide
Joseph Chan, Doh Chull Shin and Melissa Williams
What makes a government legitimate? Why do people voluntarily comply with laws, even when no one is...
Endangered City: The Politics of Security and Risk in Bogota
Security and risk have become central to how cities are planned, built, governed, and inhabited in...
Evolution and Victorian Musical Culture
This engaging book explores the dynamic relationship between evolutionary science and musical...
Foreign Affairs and the EU Constitution: Selected Essays
Foreign affairs are 'border' affairs - in a geographical and a constitutional sense. They are...