Urban Thunderbirds: Ravens in a Material World
Nicola Levell and Nicole Stanbridge
This book explores the work of four First Nation artists, and they are changing perceptions of First...
When Marina Abramovic Dies: A Biography
When Marina Abramovic Dies examines the extraordinary life and death-defying work of one of the most...
William Morris: Decor and Design
William Morris - one of the most influential designers of the 19th century and an important figure...
Akira Kurosawa
'Most directors have one film for which they are known or possibly two', Francis Ford Coppola has...
Alan Turing: His Work and Impact
S. Barry Cooper and J. van Leeuwen
In this 2013 winner of the prestigious R.R. Hawkins Award from the Association of American...
Ancestors in the Attic: Including My Great-Grandmother's Book of Ferns and My Aunt's Book of Silent Actors
Michael Holroyd, perhaps the most distinguished of contemporary biographers, has in recent years...
Social, Cultural and Economic Impacts of Wine in New Zealand
New Zealand's wine came to the world's attention in the late 1980's with its production of some of...
Southeast Asian Affairs: 2016
"Southeast Asian Affairs, first published in 1974, continues today to be required reading for not...
The Big Rig: Trucking and the Decline of the American Dream
Long-haul trucks have been described as sweatshops on wheels. The typical long-haul trucker works...
The Economy of the Roman World
David Potter, Jean Andreau, Corina Kesler and Ellen Bauerle
The ancient economy has long been a hotly debated topic. Did citizens of the ancient world...