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The Big Hit (1998)
The Big Hit (1998)
1998 | Action, Comedy
Action Packed (1 more)
Bros Being Bros
The Big Hit- is a excellent film. Its a very underrated slapstick comedy action drama film. Mark Walhberg and Lou Diamond Phillips are excellent in this film.

The plot: Affable hit man Melvin Smiley (Mark Wahlberg) is constantly being scammed by his cutthroat colleagues in the life-ending business. So, when he and his fellow assassins kidnap the daughter of an electronics mogul, it's naturally Melvin who takes the fall when their prime score turns sour. That's because the girl is the goddaughter of the gang's ruthless crime boss. But, even while dodging bullets, Melvin has to keep his real job secret from his unsuspecting fiancée, Pam (Christina Applegate).

If you havent seen this film, than go watch it. Its really good.
Just Mercy (2019)
Just Mercy (2019)
2019 | Drama
Superb legal drama
A very topical film at the moment, telling the true story of a man ending up on death row after a dubious murder trial with negligible evidence weighed up against copious amounts of evidence of his innocence. As usual, it is the story of the police and DA being under pressure to convict someone of the crime and finding an easy target.
Jordan plays young lawyer Bryan Stevenson who moves to Alabama to fight for justice for death row convicts. Among many cases he meets Jonny D (Foxx), who initially refuses to fight any more despite the paper-thin conviction he received. Persuaded, the pair start their fight against the system, met time and time again with prejudice, injustice and an unfair system that is unwilling to review past cases.
The irony of this unfolding in the town that is so proud to have been where Harper Lee wrote To Kill a Mockingbird, the story of a black man facing an unfair trial accused of crime against a young white female, was not lost on me. This wasn't made much of in the film, I would guess out of respect for the family of the actual murder victim here, and not wanting to suggest a parallel with the false crime in the book.
The film does well to portray the racial injustice, unbalanced legal system and prejudice experienced by the authorities and smalltown America, but not overdo it. This leaves the viewer to mull it on their own, which is especially important to do in the current climate.
An excellent film that gets the balance right between story, faithfulness to the facts and sewing thoughts and parallels with modern day life.
The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness
The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness
Erik Larson | 2004 | Crime, History & Politics, Reference
7.0 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not so much murder, magic, and madness
I'm a true crime junkie, aka murderino, so of course, I looked forward to reading this book. The title and description sounded great and I previously read another book, Isaac's Storm, about the 1900 Galveston hurricane, by Eric Larson, which was fascinating as he did a ton of research and brought that book to life. Though it's been 8 years since I've read Isaac's storm, I remember the stories he told as he narrative made you feel you were there. I expected the same with this book, but alas, that was not the case. Instead, I got pages upon pages of details about rivets and the meetings between city councilmen and architects and city permits needed to build everything. OMG, seriously? Why? There are a few stories in the book that are interesting such as the creation of the first Ferris wheel, some of the exhibits and entertainers and drama of the World's Fair. There is a little information about H.H. Holmes, his murder castle, and crimes but not as much detail as any true crime buff has already read someplace else. And what there is about Holmes is a dry recitation of facts, nothing intriguing at all. I was extremely disappointed in his coverage of the events in this book. The title made it sound exciting but it was mostly just drudgery.

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Snowman (2017) in Movies

Feb 11, 2018 (Updated Feb 11, 2018)  
The Snowman (2017)
The Snowman (2017)
2017 | Crime, Drama, Horror
Where was Aled Jones?!
Misfiring Scandi crime thriller which was part of Michael Fassbender's attempt to appear in as many dud movies as possible in 2017. There's a serial killer on the loose and a brilliant detective with a troubled personal life (gee, where do they think of these new ideas?) gets on the case.

The film's plot is really lacking in focus and it engages in the usual casual misogyny that seems to be perfectly acceptable on-screen; a baffling subplot featuring flashbacks with Val Kilmer is arguably a mistake (then again, this film is not exactly short of mis-steps). The film's pretensions to be a serious drama are not much helped by the extent to which the Magic Wand of Improbable Coincidences has been waved over the script. It is all a bit grim and muddled.
Dying Light (Logan McRae #2)
Dying Light (Logan McRae #2)
Stuart MacBride | 2006 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
A successful return of this gritty Scottish police procedural.
I feel I could just copy a lot from my review of the first book in this series; Cold Granite. This was like tuning in to the second series of a program you liked and they haven’t changed much - thankfully. We still have a gloomy atmosphere but this time we are facing an arsonist and a dog killer so still horrific on the crime front. We have a police investigation, some internal politics and a bit of banter. All feels very BBC post 9pm drama and I loved listening to Steve Worsley’s narration in the audiobook version.

We do get a lot more of DI Steel in this book and this is welcome as she’s a vivid character. Can’t wait for the next season oh wait book I meant next book……….

Awix (3310 KP) rated Wild Card (2015) in Movies

Jul 30, 2020  
Wild Card (2015)
Wild Card (2015)
2015 | Action, Drama
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Better-than-you'd-expect crime drama built around the closest thing to an actual acting performance Jason Statham has ever given. Statham plays the usual honourable but dangerous leg-breaker, but on this occasion the focus is more on who he is and why he does what he does than the incidentals of the plot.

That said, the script is sympathetically written (Statham doesn't have to cry or emote too much) and he's well-supported by a bunch of other people. There aren't as many action sequences as usual, but when they do come along they are top bracket. In the end it's an interesting combination of character study and violent thriller; my fondness for J-Stat may factor into why I found it fairly agreeable, though. An interesting change of pace for Mr S if nothing else.
Absolute Power
Absolute Power
David Baldacci | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
"If I told you who did it you wouldn't believe it." The book was a definite page turner for me. At about 30% in, I wanted to find out how it was going to end. There were a few twists and turns along the way, but the outcome was inevitable. This was the second Baldacci book I had read. I am a big fan of James Patterson and I must say that this book was better than any Patterson book I have read in a long time. I would love to see this made into a would definitely be a hit. This book has everything you need. Action, drama, multiple murders, a touch of romance, and a bit of rough sex. What else could you ask for? I would recommend this to anyone who likes controversy and crime. P.S. Just found out, this is a movie!

Awix (3310 KP) rated Capernaum (2018) in Movies

Mar 21, 2019 (Updated Mar 21, 2019)  
Capernaum (2018)
Capernaum (2018)
2018 | Drama
Astoundingly powerful and almost unbearably bleak social-realist drama from Lebanon. A young boy, in prison for a violent crime, takes his parents to court to sue them for giving birth to him. What has led him to this point? The film tells the story.

Basically a succession of horrors - never especially graphic, but relentless in its detail of the tribulations faced by the boy and those around him as they slip through the cracks of society. It probably sounds unwatchable, and it's not the kind of film you skip away from whistling, but it draws you in thanks to a near-total lack of sentimentality and a remarkable performance from 12-year-old Zain Al Rafeea as the main character. Makes Roma look very precious, dainty and bloodless; I'm not in a hurry to watch this film again, but I'm glad I did.

Awix (3310 KP) rated All the Money in the World (2017) in Movies

Feb 12, 2018 (Updated Feb 12, 2018)  
All the Money in the World (2017)
All the Money in the World (2017)
2017 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
Ear today, gone tomorrow
Classy true-crime drama formerly starring Kevin Spacey. Grandchild of insanely wealthy oil tycoon is kidnapped and held to ransom; tycoon refuses to pay up on principle (said principle being 'I never give money away if I don't have to'); everything gets a bit stressful between tycoon and his ex-daughter-in-law. Body parts end up being put in the post.

Ridley Scott does a very good job of bringing an outlandishly grotesque true story to the screen, although the usual liberties are taken with the chronology of what actually happened. Fine performances from Christopher Plummer and Michelle Williams, amusingly unflattering depiction of Italy in the 70s; laudable general message of how having money can really screw you up and you're better off without it (Scott has an estimated net worth of $140 million, in case you were wondering). A solidly entertaining movie.
The Winner's Crime (The Winner's Trilogy, #2)
Marie Rutkoski | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dear <i>The Winner's Crime</i>,

You remind me of <i>Revenge.</i> Just... more fun.

Lady Kestrel is like Emily and the emperor is like Victoria or Veronica or whats-her-face, and her words are so carefully plotted, her moves so masterfully calculated - I've pretty much decided to not make an attempt to predict you. I find that not predicting sometimes is more fun and more enjoyable.

You are like any other movie or TV show consisting of royalty - espionage, drama, tension, gossip, the like. But I like you, and I enjoyed reading you. Kestrel is clever, but so is the prince and Arin and almost all the other characters in this novel. Yet, I still enjoy it. I enjoy the lies and deception, the drama and tension in the palace as Kestrel's wedding day gets closer and closer.

Thus, I find you more a guilty pleasure read. I find you such a guilty pleasure, I don't want to rate you, because if I do, it'll be a high one for sure. I can't high-five you - you're on a hold shelf already and that's just a fatal flaw of libraries, but it's a great feeling because someone else can enjoy the fabulousness of what you are. Then you'll be placed on a shelf somewhere else, or on a hold shelf again, traveling to another reader and then another, and your older sibling will repeat the same process.

And when your younger sibling comes around, s/he will be doing the same thing. In fact, it'll be your fault - you left everyone at a cliffhanger and all of us are demanding to know how this story will unfold.
<div style="text-align: right;">Sincerely,</div>
<div style="text-align: right;">Sophia</div>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>