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Grey Areas - The Saga (Books 1-4)
Grey Areas - The Saga (Books 1-4)
Brad Carl | 2015 | Crime, Romance, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Grey Areas saga encompasses 4 books - each pretty long in themselves - which can be read separately or all in one go, as each follows directly from the last.

It tells the story of a mysterious stranger called Henry Field who arrives in the small town of Gable, Iowa clearly wanting to forget whatever has happened in his recent past. Attempting to lie low proves difficult as he first becomes feted as a hero on the local news, falls in love and manages to become a witness to a drugs deal gone sour.

There is so much in each of the books it is hard to express just how good they are. There is drama, romance, humour, crime, action and police procedural. It is as if Carl wanted to cover as much ground as possible and he doesn't put a foot wrong at any point. Each page leads inevitably to the next as the fallout from Fields' brief stay in Gable causes ripples that put many people in difficult positions, grey areas, where there is no clear black or white, right or wrong.

For such a long story there are of course a large number of characters but every one has been drawn with care and are all distinct, all have depth and all seem very real and very human. Throughout the whole saga there is a thread of realism; this might be fiction but there is no suspension of belief required, no particular heroes, no particular villains. Just people trying to do what they think is best, and sometimes regretting their decisions.

Want a summer read that will genuinely last all summer and leave you thinking about it for months afterwards? This series will definitely fit the bill

Sarah (7798 KP) rated The Stranger in TV

Feb 10, 2020  
The Stranger
The Stranger
2020 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
Intriguing and twisty
Pretty much everyone I know is watching this at the moment. Mainly because it's set in a fictional Greater Manchester town and was actually filmed in many locations across Greater Manchester, including my own town. I wasn't too bothered to see it though until I saw the trailer, which sucked me in just enough to start watching.

I've never read the book, so had no preconceptions whatsoever other than a general view on Harlan Coben. I've read that there are some differences, but for me this show really worked. The smaller local setting works, and it's a fun, intriguing twist filled crime thriller with a great cast. There is a lot to take in with this, with a lot of smaller stories and scenes that all mix in together with the wider main plot about the mysterious stranger. Whilst I wouldn't say it gets confusing as such, you really have to focus to keep track of everything that's going on and all the different intersecting story arcs of all the characters. It may be a little on the unbelievable side, but it is fiction after all! The only thing I was really disappointed about was the ending - the Stranger's motivations and the reveal about what happened to Corinne, whilst good, weren't entirely surprising. There are some great actors in this, Siobhan Finneran's cop with her natural Oldham accent is a riot and it's always good to see Richard Armitage on screen. I just wish there had been more Anthony Head!

The extra appeal about watching this was trying to identify all of the local areas and places it had been filmed in. It was incredibly devastating to see that both Richard Armitage and Anthony Head had been in numerous places in my town without my knowledge. I was so close to seeing Giles in the flesh!
Before The Storm (DCI Lorimer #18)
Before The Storm (DCI Lorimer #18)
Alex Gray | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Where have I been living and why have I never read anything by Alex Gray before? This is book 18 for heaven's sake!!! I must have been living under a rock and walking around with my eyes closed to have missed this series because if the previous 17 are anything close to being as good as this, I really have been missing out on a treat. I was a little concerned that coming into an already well established series wasn't a good idea but I needn't have worried as this worked really well as a standalone.

This is an excellent police procedural with a very up-to-date and relevant story line. It is not a white-knuckle, action packed story and it's not full of swearing, violence or gory details but it is written at a steady pace with a growing sense of tension and urgency which makes it a compulsive and riveting read.

The characters are so good and so well developed that I really felt I knew them. I read a lot of crime fiction and police procedurals and I have to say that it is refreshing for the main character not to be full of his own troubles or issues or who is in conflict with either his colleagues or his bosses. Daniel was an excellent addition and his relationship with his neighbour, Netta, was a joy to read ... I do hope that these 2 make an appearance in subsequent books.

I thoroughly enjoyed this and would very much recommend this to everyone and I must thank The Little, Brown Book Group and NetGalley for my copy in return for an unbiased and unedited review.

Alex Gray is definitely on my watchlist now!
I don’t often choose to read non-fiction books, I’m not entirely sure why except for the fact that I prefer escaping the real world. However there are some real life topics that really grab me, and forensic pathology is definitely one of those areas.

This book is truly a fascinating read. It’s an interesting mixture detailing Richard Shepherd’s personal life and the many cases he’s had involvement in over the years. It balances these two aspects very well, and I found I was as interested in his personal life as I was in the cases. It is the cases though that take precedence in this book and Shepherd really has left no stone unturned. There is an immense amount of detail in this about the deaths, bodies, medical terms and outcomes of the cases, and by the end of the book you feel completely satisfied that nothing has been missed.

Shepherd has had a truly impressive career, spanning a number of decades and quite a lot of high profile cases and inquests; Stephen Lawrence, Princess Diana, 9/11, 7/7, Derrick Bird, Harold Shipman. His involvement in all of these cases is impressive and with some, I’ve learnt a fair amount that I’d never known previously (i.e. Diana’s cause of death and the pathology side of 9/11). Shepherd is obviously a very knowledgeable and respected pathologist and it shows from his experience and his writing.

I may be biased as forensics, crime and pathology have always been an interest of mine (I did my dissertation at university on alternatives to traditional post-mortems), but this book is engaging, intriguing and beyond fascinating. I’d liken it to This is Going to Hurt by Adam McKay, obviously this is a lot more serious without the funny anecdotes but if you enjoyed the medical side then you’d probably enjoy this too.
Show all 3 comments.

Sarah (7798 KP) Oct 18, 2020

Ooh thank you, I've never even heard of it so I'll give it a go 🙂


AJaneClark (3962 KP) Oct 18, 2020

I have been reading a lot of this style of book, and stumbled across Corrupt Bodies in the Works. Definitely an eye opener

The Fool’s Folly
The Fool’s Folly
Keith Moray | 2020 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Fool’s Folly is set in 1485 in Yorkshire, England, when King Richard III has been on the throne for two years. It must have been a very unsettling time to live in: not knowing whether your King has murdered his nephews, not knowing how much longer the King will actually keep the throne (Henry Tudor was a very real threat at this time), and not knowing what your fate will be if you chose the wrong side!

This story is set at Sandal Castle, the seat of John de la Pole, King Richard’s heir (and now it becomes clear why Henry VIII wanted to get rid of the de la Pole family!). De la Pole’s jester is murdered, and the newly appointed judge, Sir Giles Beaton, is asked to get to the bottom of the mystery. What starts out as a seemingly open and shut case, ends up being the start of a killing spree. Giles has to wonder if the deaths are connected, and whether this has something to do with a plot against the King and his heir.

It’s a bit gruesome at points - I liked this, I will admit. Medieval postmortems wouldn’t have been for the more sensitive observer (or reader!), I’m sure. I do have a bit of a thing for historical fiction, and a newly developed respect for crime and mysteries. I appreciate the attention to detail, and the research that must have occurred in writing this book, it feels very authentic.

I haven’t read the first book in this series, but it didn’t affect my reading enjoyment at all. In fact it has made me want to read the first in the series as well!

Many thanks to Sapere Books for sending me a copy of this book to read and review!