Critical Role
Voice actor Matthew Mercer leads a group of fellow voice actors on epic Dungeons & Dragons...

Keri Wallis
(1 KP)
Last Active: Jul 3, 2018 
This Thing Called Theory
Teresa Stoppani, Giorgio Ponzo and George Themistokleous
In the age of post-digital architecture and digital materiality, This Thing Called Theory explores...

The Edinburgh Companion to Critical Theory
Featuring an international team of specialists on the subject, The Edinburgh Companion to Critical...

Critical Hit: A Dungeons and Dragons Campaign
Listen, learn, and laugh along with the members of the Critical Hit Podcast. The continuing saga of...

Psychology and Capitalism: The Manipulation of Mind
Psychology and Capitalism is a critical and accessible account of the ideological and material role...

Critical Theory and the Digital
This Critical Theory and Contemporary Society volume offers an original analysis of the role of the...