Gay Life and Culture: A World History
Now available in paperback, 'Gay Life and Culture' is a comprehensive, global account of gay...

Bass Culture: When Reggae Was King
The first major account of the history of reggae, black music journalist Lloyd Bradley describes its...

Mix Tape: The Art of Cassette Culture
Stop. Fast-forward. Pause. Rewind. It has become part of our vocabulary when talking about the...
Culture and Economy in the New Shanghai
As China's leading economic metropolis and 'most western city' Shanghai in the last twenty years has...
Social Media: Culture and Identity
Kehbuma Langmia and Tia C. M. Tyree
Social Media: Culture and Identity examines the global impact of social media in the formation of...
Geographies of Digital Culture
Tilo Felgenhauer and Karsten Gabler
The book explores the emerging spatial aspects of digital media from a cultural geographic...