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and Falling, Fly (Harrowing #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
[a:Sam Chupp|11847|Sam Chupp|] has been after me to read this book for weeks, so as soon as I finished [b:All Clear|7519231|All Clear (All Clear, #2)|Connie Willis||9735628], I started it. This book is different from anything else I've read in years. I hesitate to say it's more literary than most fantasy, because I don't like "literary" books - they're usually stuffy, dry, and presumptuous.

After the first few chapters, there's no slowing down, because you're as caught up in what's happening as the characters are. I was transfixed by White's descriptions, which can make even ugliness fascinating.
<blockquote>We are traveling into time, burning two hours for every one I endure beside this babbling, cursed child of Greece. I see them all the time, these bastard half children of stories and mortals, trapped between worlds, the genetic lineage of myth reasserting itself across the inextricable ages. Helen of Troy is born the socialite child of a partial Zeus mated to half of a swan-loving Leda, the mythic DNA in each of them dormant until they breed and damn their offspring with its expression.</blockquote>

White's vampire mythos is like no other I've encountered. I found it far more believable than most of what's being printed over and over and over again. Another refreshing thing about the book is that there's no feeling of a set up for a series. Oddly, though, I'm now seeing the book identified as the first of a series called Harrowing, at least on GoodReads, but as far as I can tell, the second book has no characters in common with the first. Perhaps it's simply set in the same universe?

In any case, I've added [b:In Dreams Begin|7850577|In Dreams Begin|Skyler White||10971303] to my to-read stack, and I'll be keeping an eye on [a:Skyler White|2977214|Skyler White|].
The Mark of Fate ( The Marked book 3)
The Mark of Fate ( The Marked book 3)
Rinna Ford | 2021 | Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
210 of 250
The Mark of Fate (The Marked series book 3)
By Rinna Ford

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

War will be waged, lives will be lost…

One step forward and two steps back.
That’s what it feels like for Emelia since nearly dying at the hands of the Council. No matter what, they always seem to have the upper hand, and to make matters worse, her triple hybrid nature is working against her. However, her ability to blow up things by accident is the least of her problems.
Friends will become enemies, and enemies will become something more as Emelia and her mates search for the ones they’ve lost and try to fulfill the prophecy before time runs out. Emelia is the cursed child foretold to rule them all, but will she be able to succeed where others have failed?

Only fate knows the answer.

I absolutely loved it! Best one so far I love how she is finally getting her self together and kicking ass! Ok so I may have cried a little I won’t put why as it’s a spoiler and I wouldn’t want to take that from anyone else enjoying this series. It didn’t take long to read as I just couldn’t put it down and it’s now almost 3am! Definitely recommend to any reverse harem or fantasy fan!
Oh what to say... what to say... Harry Potter truly shaped me into the woman I am today. Not a day goes by that I don't have something remind me of my second home (Hogwarts). I was excited to find out that there was a play, and I couldn't wait for the screenplay to be released.

Now, the first thing that everyone should know is that this is not your typical book. This is a screenplay. This is not like the other novels, it is a completely different medium. Honestly, it scared me that it was going to be so different but I loved it.

This play brings you back to various books, and gives you a fresh perspective. It's a little predictable but honestly, it just made me love the series even more. J.K. Rowling did an amazing job at mapping out this screenplay and John Tiffany & Jack Thorne did a beautiful job at creating a screenplay that will make many fans geek out in the amazingness that is Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

If you're on the fence about reading this book, I suggest giving it a try. It's fun, has a few twists and brings back the excitement of Harry Potter. Who knew that 9 years later we would have yet another midnight release? Who knew that Harry Potter would live again (even if it is in a different format)?

Siriusly, just pick it up. I laughed, I cried, I smiled, and I am now content.

Erika (17788 KP) rated Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald (2018) in Movies

Nov 16, 2018 (Updated Nov 19, 2018)  
Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald (2018)
Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Mystery
Newt (2 more)
The beasts
Jude Law as Dumbledore
Johnny Depp (2 more)
Johnny Depp
and Johnny Depp
*After reading the screenplay, I'm knocking this rating down.

I am completely torn on this one, I liked some parts, but hated others. I also really can't stand Johnny Depp, and I rolled my eyes to myself every time he was on screen...
In my book, Jude Law was playing Richard Harris' Dumbledore, not... Michael Gambon (Don't even get me started on Gambon: 'Did you put your name in the goblet of fire, Harry?' Dumbledore asked CALMLY). So, it was a good way to go.

I did not like the way they went with some characters, namely one, who was rumored to go to Grindelwald's camp. Making a likeable character slightly deranged was irritating. There was a name drop at Hogwarts that had to have been a relative, unless the original character became an adult professor before she was technically born...

However, the possible recons that occurred didn't mess with canon as badly as that terrible Cursed Child mess.

It was largely predictable, and even the end, it was all foreshadowed, and not in a good way. The best bits were of Newt with the beasts... I liked Eddie Redmayne, as always, but can we please stop calling these movies Fantastic Beasts? 6 for him and the Niffler alone.
I wanted to largely stay away from a comparison, but I feel like Rowling is going the George Lucas route. And, that's not a compliment.
Annabelle Comes Home (2019)
Annabelle Comes Home (2019)
2019 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
At first, the start of the movie didn't make much sense to me. A middle aged couple purchase Annabelle and on their way home their car breaks down, they witness what Annabelle can do but yet they're still willing to get back in the car with the doll and take her home! I'd have been burning that thing but hey ho! Anyway, it turns out this couple 'the warrens' collect possessed artifacts and keep them under lock and key, and Annabelle is no exception, the Warren's lock her away in a glass cabinet and have her blessed every week to keep the evil away.
One day a friend of the Warren's babysitter comes over to hang out, keen to see the cursed artifacts, and when she's left alone she goes wandering into the locked room where she comes across Annabelle. She unlocks the cabinet to prop her back up after she falls forward and is scared by the kitchen smoke alarm causing her to flee back to the kitchen leaving the cabinet unlocked. Low and behold Annabelle falls out of the cabinet which I found pretty amusing. After that, strange things start happening such as a child asking for annabelle to come out and play, people seing ghosts and annabelle appearing in random places, nothing overly scary really. The movie finally gets going after about an hour with a few jump scares, evil ghosts and a rabid wolf to name a few, but it was over quicker than it started and in quite an abrupt way too.
The Scent of Dragon’s Blood ( The Tattered Realm book 1)
The Scent of Dragon’s Blood ( The Tattered Realm book 1)
Kova Killian | 2022 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
161 of 230
The Scent of Dragon’s Blood ( The Tatteted Realm book 1)
By Kova Killian

When the Knight in shining armor needs saving, you send in his hybrid monster girlfriend. . . and her squishy human friend to save the day.

"It's tragic how something so beautiful has been twisted into something so fearful."

Cree has been on the run from the Dread behemoth King since she was a child for crimes her mother committed.

Crimes. . .

Her mother didn’t mean to.

Cree never thought she would fall for one of the knights that stalk her. . . let alone the captain that protects the king. But she did.

And now he’s cursed.

To keep them both safe, she hides in the realm behind The Mirror.

Humans are strange creatures, but in her short year in their realm, they have time and time again shown their kindness.

Too bad the Hunter finds her. And now her human friend, who has no idea how to protect herself, is in danger of the King and his knights.

At least she found a counter curse for her knight. . . maybe.

So what do you do when the knight in shining armor needs saving? You send in his hybrid monster girlfriend. . . and her squishy human friend to save the day.

This book holds so much potential! The premise was good, the characters were good and it really is something I’d like to see developed. But the whole thing was so rushed you just fumbled through each chapter wondering what the hell. I just couldn’t push past how rushed it was which is such a shame. It also left a lot to guess work to I mean a 40ft Wolf??? Was that her sarcasm?? Or maybe it’s really late and I should sleep!