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I fidanzati (The Engagement) (1963)
I fidanzati (The Engagement) (1963)
1963 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Quiet and gentle, in stark contrast to the ever-looming violence of The Wages of Fear, this human tone poem by Ermanno Olmi has the intimate lyricism of Truffaut layered with Italian neorealism. It is toward this latter strain that Olmi moved in his subsequent work, even to the extent of being his own (albeit mediocre) camera operator; for this film, the fluid camera of Lamberto Caimi creates a near dreamlike space while staying rooted in the details of daily life."

Doc W. and the Cursed Undersa (Doc W. #1)
Doc W. and the Cursed Undersa (Doc W. #1)
Lou Rusty | 2021 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Epically good

Doc, a young boy, has grown up working like a slave in a mine with daily beatings and feeling like his life will never be different.
    That all changes on his twelfth birthday, starting with one act of kindness.

Doc's character develops well, his confidence grows and he shows how amazing he is.
It's so good traveling alongside him, so as sad as I was for his journey to come to and end, I'm thrilled that there is more to come.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated The Power in Books

Jul 27, 2017  
The Power
The Power
Naomi Alderman | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.9 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disturbing for its anthropological truths
I was pretty blown away by the subject matter. What if the tables were completely turned? Women in power, no longer in servitude. The level of violence only reflects the reality that women face daily. An extremely difficult but clever look at societal inequality from the other shoe.

There were times I lost track as the action became overwhelming but the fundamental moral remained true. Dark and disturbing but is it dystopian? Hard to say because that's the reality for many today.
Fitbit Flex 2 Fitness Wristband
Fitbit Flex 2 Fitness Wristband
Wearable Technology > Smart Watches
6.6 (28 Ratings)
Tech Rating
Easy to use (0 more)
Band makes wrist sweaty (0 more)
I won this through smash bombs it is fair simple to use and easy to set up. However the plastic does leave the wrist rather sweaty. Though it has lot of applications I use for the bare essenatials of how many steps and learning my sleep pattern it says that it will light up when you hit quarter of way and half way to your step goal that didn't happen Though it did vibrate when I hit daily steps.
Under My Skin
Under My Skin
Lisa Unger | 2018 | Thriller
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fabulous book - sucked me in from page one! Left with too many unanswered questions after her husband's murder, Poppy has been self-medicating and trying to regain some memory of what happened to her in those missing days following his funeral. A daily struggle, trying to tell what is real and what isn't, who she can and can't trust, having suddenly lost the man she loves. Highly recommend title; kept me on edge and I was heartbroken (yet hopeful) when the truth finally came out.
The Hidden Flame (Acts of Faith, #2)
Davis Bunn | 2009
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved this book as much as I loved the first one in the series, The Centurion's Wife. I felt I could easily relate to the doubts and fears that Abigail dealt with on an almost daily basis, even though her world is far different from mine. Her humility and compassion are something for me to admire and aspire to, and I sympathized with her feelings of helplessness both in her struggle to work and her imminent betrothel. This book helped me to understand better the differences between the Pharisees and the members of the Sanhedrin, as well as the political climate of that time. I cried twice while reading the book, first while reading about Peter's shadow healing the sick and mamed as he walked and then at the point of Stephen's death. Despite the runny nose, I count this as a mark of well-written literature.
It's exciting to see how all of the names I know so well from Bible scriptures are introduced into the plotline of the novel, and it feels like taking a fresh look at events that I have read and studied over and over again, such as what happened to Ananias and Saphira. I feel like I am looking behind the scenes to what happened in between the lines of scripture, such as the events that led up to Stephen's death, the daily tasks of the members of the fledging church, as well as how the Apostles went about their daily lives, manifesting miracles as easily as shaking hands but still never taking for granted what Power worked through them. I appreciate the delicate nature of interpreting these Scriptures in a fictional text, and while there are some I know that would consider doing such as verging on blasphemous, I feel that such works serve a purpose in the "grand scheme" and hold merit.
A Vigilante (2018)
A Vigilante (2018)
2018 | Crime, Drama, Mystery
Olivia Wilde is brilliant in this raw tale of domestic violence.
Olivia Wilde is brilliant in this raw and unapologetically in your face story of domestic violence. Love how the plot not only progresses but the movie never shies away from the horror that these men, women, and children face on a daily basis. Grips from the opening scene, builds and doesn't let up until the final act. A film that proves you don't need a big budget or a big name studio to produce a quality film with a message.
The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition
The Daily Show With Trevor Noah: Ears Edition
News & Politics
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Irreverent (2 more)
Political, but also enjoyable
As someone who does not live in the US, and without access to cable, I don't get to watch The Daily Show with Trevor Noah. I am insanely grateful for this podcast. Trevor Noah came to my attention some time ago as a guest on a panel show some time ago, I find him a refreshing person to listen to. The podcast is predominantly focussed on US politics, but I get to hear about things that don't necessarily make it into UK news.
Charlie Chaplin's Own Story
Charlie Chaplin's Own Story
Charlie Chaplin | 2015 | Film & TV
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"I was astonished to realize, relatively recently, that Charlie Chaplin had been a homeless teenager before he became the most famous film artist of his time — and that his character the Little Tramp was based, in part, on his past. As a child watching his films, I was merely entertained, but reading this book, not his “official” biography, (which I find slightly starchy), enlightened me on the daily sufferings and joys of what it was like for him before he became famous. It was published in 1916 — and yet is still so relevant today."

Good Morning, Midnight
Good Morning, Midnight
Jean Rhys | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Stripped to the bone, as sharp and lucent and alarming as a piece of broken crystal. An Englishwoman who has always depended on men to stay alive is older now and discarded. She has returned to Paris, which is as close as home to her as a place has been, but she no longer retains her one reliable resource, beauty. The intensity of her alienated helplessness renders with spectral clarity her memories and her precarious daily life in the city that no longer wishes to make room for her."
