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Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Oct 22, 2022  
The very talented Shanti Hershenson joins me on my blog today to discuss the hardest thing about being a teen author and shares an excerpt from her young adult science fiction romance NEVERYDYING. Don't forget to enter the giveaway for a chance to win a paperback copy of the book - five winners!

If you could live forever, would it be a gift… or a disease?

A doctor created a genetic mutation meant as a gift to society—to those at random in future generations who were born with it: Immortality. But the risk of overpopulation and questions rising about the imbalance of only few being Immortals brings the ruthless President Wilde to a different stand—a facade of peace and equality whereas Immortals are executed daily—thus creating the ruination of the United States… and the world soon after.

Scarlett Caldwell is a girl of many mysteries—but along with that, she’s an Immortal. Having run away from a very young age and forced to forget the part of her identity that could get her assassinated, she turns to very few of her friends and spends the majority of her days hiding in the Immortals Legion, a compound for Immortals in hiding. But times are changing and tensions are only growing—Scarlett knows she can’t stay hidden forever. When she encounters an unfairly attractive Exterminator who, despite seeming rigid, has an amusing thing or two to say, she is left absolutely livid. But beyond that, beyond all the parts of him that she hates, there’s a secret. And Scarlett will do anything to unravel it.

Cain Hawkins is an Exterminator, a member of the country’s new authority specially trained to hunt down and exterminate the remaining Immortals. He truly believes that being an Exterminator is what he is meant for—despite what he may or may not know. And when a skirmish with an Immortal on the street leaves him questioning every last bit of himself, he will have to rise to stand with his president and failing country, or run from everything he was conditioned for. Besides, Cain has a secret: He is an Immortal too.

Their first encounter is far from the last, for an opportunity rises for the two to (unwillingly) work together. Already, they are left with a spark—a spark of hope for a future where Immortals are not prosecuted. And no matter if Cain sees the spark or not, the question still remains: How long will it be until a single spark ignites a fire?

TUCK EVERLASTING meets STAR WARS in this compelling and romantic novel by 14-year-old author, Shanti Hershenson.
The Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen, 83 Years Old
The Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen, 83 Years Old
Hendrik Groen, Hester Velmans | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Think <i>Adrian Plass</i> but with octogenarians and this is the result. <i>The Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen, 83 ¼ Years Old</i> is a years long journal beginning on 1st January 2013. Hendrik hates old people, an unfortunate predicament as he live in a home for the elderly. He set himself the task of writing a daily account about the “life of the inmates of a care home in North Amsterdam,” with the purpose of it being read after his death by readers, or “inmates” who wish to know what to expect in their old age.

Whether the contents of this diary are true or exaggerated does not matter, as what it produces is a laugh-out-loud story, a pleasure to read. From cake in the fish tank, to complaints about leaky nether regions, Hendrik provides a brutally honest account of the highs and lows of being an OAP.

<i>The Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen, 83 ¼ Years Old</i> encompasses a selection of unique and presumably real characters. Readers are bound to discover someone who reminds them of an elderly relative, or even themselves! There is the diabetic, rude, gin loving Evert – Henrdik’s best friend of many years – who is never without a witty comeback for the bossy, self-important director of the home. On the other hand, levelheaded Eefje, who Hendrik is rather fond of, shows a completely different view of elderly mentality. Despite the stereotypes associated with care home patients, Hendrik and friends still have as much fun as possible; after all, they may be Old but not Dead.

Speaking of dead, Hendrik makes a number of jokes and references to euthanasia, which may seem like poor taste to some readers. However, when all the friends around you are literally living the final years of their lives, why not joke about it instead of worry? Naturally there are sad diary entries about the inevitable deaths of his contemporaries throughout the year, but Hendrik does not let it get him down for long. Hendrik and his close friends make the most of the time they have left, and if that involves speeding along the roads of Amsterdam on their souped-up mobility scooters, then that is exactly what they will do.

<i>The Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen, 83 ¼ Years Old</i> is a gem of a book and comes highly recommended to readers of all ages. Hendrik ‘s effortlessly funny, sarcastic remarks stress what the average citizen is too polite to voice. Once you begin it is hard to put down. Unfortunately a year is not long enough and you will end up wanting more. Whatever the future holds for us, let’s hope we become someone like Hendrik Groen.
The Handmaid&#039;s Tale
The Handmaid's Tale
Margaret Atwood | 1998 | Essays
8.3 (112 Ratings)
Book Rating
"Nolite te bastardes carborundorum"

Strange book.
I really wanted to like it and I kinda do.
Its way too biblical for me. With all these references to different Books connected with the Bible - the Bible stories are not really my thing. Yeah, I know that this is the point - the Religious takes over the world. But the author brings it too far than needed.
The story doesn’t have any logical order. It sounds like a diary of somebody who lost their common sense. All this illogical sentences. Like a flashes of memory in between the current situation. Lack of direct speech - there is no distinction between the narrator and the different characters. It’s so senseless in some points that I have to go back and to read the past couple of pages all over again so I can get the line out.
It's is situated in not-so-far future and it’s told by a woman with no name. All women are named after the family who owns them. In this case our narrator is OfFred - owned by a commander Fred’s family. The new government, that had risen, is proclaiming no rights for the women. Their only purpose is to give birth to a healthy babies. They don’t need money, jobs, books, pens or other things that we are taking for granted in our lives. They don’t need them to deliver babies, so they don’t need them at all.
"Tell, rather than write, because I have nothing to write with and writing is in any case forbidden.
But if it's a story, even in my head.
I must be telling it to someone. You don't tell a story only to yourself. There's always someone else.
Even when there is no one."

The Republic of Gilead, as I said, uses religion to control their lives. Every atrocity they do is justified by the Bible. The Bible has all the answers.
The story line is going around OfFred’s inner fights, her struggle to make the right choices, her dreams to be free again and to be with her child and her husband again. Along with her thoughts she shows us what is like to be a Handmaid. Her daily routine, the Rituals and all these small things that distract her from the reality.
"You can only be jealous of someone who has something you think you ought to have yourself"

Personaly, I don’t like the book that much. It’s senseless and not that easy to read. Not because of the topic, but the way it’s written. The shortage of direct speech took away the movement of the book. I know it should look like a diary, but even in the diaries, the difference between the narrator and others is shown in proper way. Probably I will need a second read to fully understand it. But for now the book left a big mess in my head.
"A man is just a woman's strategy for making other women."

Louise (64 KP) rated Fangirl in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
Rainbow Rowell | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
8.9 (46 Ratings)
Book Rating
OMG!! This book is the feels of FEELS! I loved it and couldn't put it down! Rainbow Rowell is now one of my favourite authors.


Fangirl is about identical twins Cath and Wren, these two do everything together even so as going to the same University.

Wren is the more outgoing of the two who just wants to party, make friends and enjoy everything university has to offer. Cath on the other hand is a shy, geeky fan fiction writer that wants to appear invisible to everyone and just get her head down.

Cath has an obsession with a book series called Simon snow and launched her own fan fiction page that carry the story on in different scenes and she is quite a success at it, but it's literally all she can think about

As the girls have two very different ideas of University they decide not to live together so Cath has to share with Reagan, she has a boyfriend that is always there, encouraging Cath to go out bowling and parties.

Then there is the boy in her fiction writing class that wants to be writing buddies.

Cath soon finds love, but with whom?

   <blockquote> I don’t just kiss people. Kisses aren’t... just with me.</blockquote>

My thoughts:

Fangirl is written in a 3rd person POV and started off pretty slow for my liking and I couldn't see what all the hype was about! At 100 pages in things started to get interesting and the pace was set.

The characters in this book are so relatable and realistic, with Cath and her social anxiety, daily worries and awkwardness, her fathers mental health and Wren going off the rails.

Levi is just the most amazing character I have come across always happy and just there! when you need him. He's a listener and patient and OMG!! I think I have a fictional crush!

I HATED!! the Simon Snow fan fiction parts I thought it was just a rip off of Harry potter and was not interested in this part at all that I started to skip all these parts and unfortunately there was so much of it

Rainbow Rowell is a contemporary romance genius! I was even thinking about the book at work, trying to think what was going to happen and what I had already read, that's how hooked I was on this book.

I never wanted it to end it just made me all warm and fuzzy inside, this would have been a five star book if it wasn't for the Simon Snow parts

I have read Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell and I loved it, but I definitely will not be picking up carry on as it's all about Simon bloody Snow-sorry!

I recommend this to anyone that enjoys contemporary and romance novels.

I rate this book 4 out of 5 stars
I knew when I first “met” Grant I wanted to know his story. After reading A Tall Dark Cowboy Christmas it not only met my expectations, it exceeded them ten-fold. Grant Dodge touched my soul through the wonderful words of Maisey Yates, and had me feeling like I was along for the ride from his first words.

Grant Dodge was used to the pity head tilts, the supportive hand touches, the tsking and awwing whenever he was spoken to. He was Grant Dodge, widower. No longer just Grant or even just Grant Dodge because he lost his wife. He is old, cranky, tired and just wants to get on with his life, however that needs to happen. As it happens currently it is with a bottle of whatever alcohol he has on hand. He doesn’t like to be sober at bedtime and tonight was no exception. However the light coming from the small abandoned cabin abutting his property is. He has no idea what he’ll find but he knows his snarkyness will send them running.

McKenna Tate just needs a place to rest for a bit. Finding this abandoned cabin in the woods was a cherry on the crap sundae that has become her life. Her truck is toast, she has little to no money, clothes or food but she has made it to Gold Valley, which was her objective to begin with. The hunky cowboy that just interrupted her sleep was not on her to do list however.

Grant and McKenna are broken but together they start to heal each other. Each is looking to fulfill some part of their lives and not knowing how to truly trust someone else to walk the walk with them. Grant still lives with the guilt of losing his wife and how to move on while McKenna never had a “real life” and struggles with knowing her place in the world.

Grant has to delve deep inside to mourn his wife but to also let her go so he can move on. He lives daily with the reminders of his previous life, stuck in a sort of limbo both self-inflicted and by his surroundings. McKenna has a mission in mind to find her family, she has never been wanted by anyone so she doubts they’ll want her either. But if she doesn’t find out the answer she will drive herself crazy.

Such a wonderful story, diving deep into feelings we all have experienced at one point or another. Surprising for me was the fact that Grant was a virgin. Very unexpected but also makes so much sense when put in the bigger picture of his life from high school to the present. Just another wonderful way Ms Yates takes all aspects of someone’s life and incorporates those tiny details to weave an amazing story. 5 amazing stars for this incredible journey to the depths of Grant’s soul.
Cowboy SEAL Christmas (Navy SEAL Cowboys, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Love and a Llama, how can a book get any better than this?! Cowboy Seal Christmas is the 3rd book in the Navy Seal Cowboy series (a sort of spin off of Helm’s Big Sky Cowboy series). I have not read the first 2 books in this series (time constraints and a overwhelming TBR pile but I did read all the books in the Big Sky Cowboy series). This book has all the elements I loved from those books and more. Nicole Helm has a way of getting you right into the moment as if you were standing right there alongside the characters. 5/5 for Grouchy Gabe!!!

Gabe Cortez is a grouchy, ex Navy SEAL who hates Christmas. He hates most things actually and is more than happy to tell you how much it all sucks. He had a horrible childhood that led to him entering the military and losing a good friend in one horrifying instance. He comes to Revival ranch with his 2 friends, Jack and Alex, to help start a new program for injured military servicemen and women to get back on their feet. Jack and Alex both find love (spoiler for the first 2 books haha) and he is once again the odd man out. Then he meets the new ranch therapist Monica Finley and hope starts to rise in him again.

Monica Finley is looking forward to working with all the men and women headed to Revival Ranch for therapy and help getting back to civilian life. Growing up with a Marine father suffering from PTSD has helped her understand some of the struggles men and women face upon returning home. She has a 10 year old son named Colin, with her late Air Force husband Dex, who is her entire world. She protects him, well overprotects, as well as she can as a single mother and is hoping the closeness of the ranch will help them all start a new life. Gabe has been the only one to deny needing therapy and keeps his distance from her both literally and figuratively. She has to find a way to crack his shell. Can Gabe help her understand not only his struggles but some of her own struggles since her husband died?

This story flows really well from start to finish. I was able to get a great idea of where Monica and Gabe are in their lives as well as some past situations that have molded their current state of mind. Throw in great friends (who meddle), a Montana snowstorm, being snowed in for days without heat (snuggle alert), past secrets, daily questions (1 for her, 2 for him) and a llama and you have pretty much the perfect love story. Nicole Helm once again draws me into her cowboy world and makes me sad to leave when the story ends.
Stars Over Sunset Boulevard
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
To what lengths would you go to make your deepest desires come true? For Audrey Duvall and Violet Mayfield, the lines of reason are blurred. Will the bond of true friendship be enough to hold them together?

A hat is found in a vintage boutique in Los Angeles 2012. It is unmistakably Scarlett's green curtain hat from Gone With the Wind. But how did it end up there? In 1938 Violet leaves home and travels to California and gets a job as a secretary at a movie studio. With high hopes of starting a new life she meets Audrey Duvall, a fellow secretary who was once rising star in Hollywood. As the filming for Gone With the Wind commences both Audrey and Violet find themselves in places they never thought imaginable. And when the infamous curtain hat goes missing, more than one person's future is at stake. Will Violet finally get the family that she dreamed about for so long? Will Audrey finally make her big break? And what will they sacrifice to see it all come to pass? Through the joys and the heartbreak, they are always there for each other. We know that love comes in many forms, and that ultimately, love conquerors all.

There is something about Susan Meissner's books that have me completely enraptured from the start. Her ability to paint pictures in my mind is outstanding. The history and colorful detail is captivating. Gone With the Wind has always been a favorite of mine, and I enjoyed the creative liberties of the setting! This story is a wonderful reminder to us that even when we do things to protect others, there are consequences to face. In my opinion, truth and honesty are always the best route to take. A quote from my High School Drama teacher that has always stuck with me is: "Can we be brave? Will we be brave? We MUST be brave for life requires it." It doesn't matter if we are making curtains into a dress to beg a man for money. Or your child undergoing a bone marrow transplant at 9 weeks old. Or speaking the truth to someone you love. Life requires us to be brave on a daily basis. But we are never alone. We never have to walk through the shadows on our own. Whether it is a friend, sister, mother or auntie, reach out for support. Because they most likely need you, just as much as you need them. I highly recommend Stars Over Sunset Boulevard!It will make you cry, laugh out loud and be truly thankful for the loved ones that surround you. Now I am off to curl up in a warm blanket, drink some tea and watch Gone With the Wind.

I received a free digital copy of Stars Over Sunset Boulevard from Penguin Group through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
Widows (2018)
Widows (2018)
2018 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
Loved it
A film with Viola Davis and Liam Neeson? Yep, count me in! Solid drama about a crew of women planning to finish the heist that their deceased husbands started.

Acting: 10
Viola Davis. Viola Davis. Viola Davis. The power behind her acting is so evident, so purposeful. She plays the role of Veronica, a hard-ass who is also trying to mask her vulnerability. Her words are few, but her impact carries the film. She isn’t alone in her strong performance as Elizabeth Debicki and Cynthia Erivo also held their own. I appreciated the way Debicki showed her character’s growth from the beginning of the film to the end. Once passive and weak, she emerges as one that’s willing to do what she needs to survive.

I didn’t mention Michelle Rodriguez for a reason. I wasn’t impressed with her role this time around. Kind of a lame duck. Sorry, Michelle.

Beginning: 10
Widows gets off to a really hot start as it moves back and forth between the daily life of the main character Veronica and the heist that went wrong. It sets the tone that the film will be conflict-driven and entertaining. Watching the first ten minutes had me really excited to see the rest.

Characters: 9

Cinematography/Visuals: 5
There’s nothing that really stood out for me and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Widows was shot plainly and in forgettable fashion. Fortunately the story and the conflict that moves the story are both extremely strong. At the end of the day, if you tell a good story the right way, you don’t have to go overboard with cinematic flare.

Conflict: 8
Solid action here. The movie benefits by having strong antagonists that actually make you fear for the lives of the main characters. You can’t really predict what is going to happen from one scene to the next. The intensity picks up even more when the characters arrive at the main heist. Very strong scene that will have you on the edge of your seat as you anticipate things going horribly wrong.

Genre: 8
I give credit to stories that are told in unique fashion. There aren’t enough heist films starring women so I’m hoping this is the beginning of what could be a very popular trend. From a dramatic standpoint, Widows absolutely holds its own.

Memorability: 8

Pace: 9

Plot: 10
Again, much credit is given to originality. The story moves quickly and is believable, only really slowing down in one spot. I also appreciate the twists that add some flare to the story without overdoing it. Sometimes twists can cause a hug eyeroll. Not this time.

Resolution: 10

Overall: 87
My expectations were minimal, but I must say that I was thoroughly impressed with how Widows turned out. It’s a fun ride from beginning to end. You won’t be disappointed.
Nights in Rodanthe
Nights in Rodanthe
Nicholas Sparks | 2004 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
6.5 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nights in Rodanthe
Nicholas Sparks is the romance genius. He is able to create stories of people falling in love, like no author I have read a book from yet. He puts so much emotion and feeling into the pages, that after one of his books, reading another romance seems boring.

Having read almost all of his books, I decided to finish all the ones I haven’t read, and when I suddenly encountered this one in the library, I told myself – ‘’Hey, why not?’’

The synopsis was intriguing, as all of his books are, but unlike the others, Nights in Rodanthe left me disappointed. With his books – this was the first time I ever felt like that. And that is why I need to mention this.

First of all, the story is very predictable. Too predictable – even. I knew what was going to happen from the very first chapters, and I was expecting at least a little bit of a plot twist, but nothing really happened.

Secondly, the romance was fake. The falling in love part? I didn’t see it. I just can’t imagine people falling in love in three days. I am sorry – but it is impossible. Crush, interest, lust, someone paying attention to you, and you feeling goosebumps – I can understand it all. But in three days, I can’t imagine anyone falling so deeply for one another, that you can’t look at another person ever again, and they are all you think about, all day.

Honestly – how well can you get to know a person in three days? Will you get to know the real person? When you’ve never seen them sad, angry, how they behave in company, how they behave when drunk, when upset, when they are doing daily chores, like going at work (note – this all happened while they were sort-of on vacation).

I can remember how many summers I have spent going on vacation for ten days, and thinking I was in love with someone. I am sure you have gone through the same.

So, knowing all this above, I just couldn’t feel for these people as I used to feel with many from Sparks’s characters in other books. And don’t judge me, that this would be the sole reason why I rate this book the way I do. After all, it’s a romance novel.

On the other side though – it is an emotional novel. If you, for a moment forget how fast this romance happened and how unreal it is, the story is going to deeply hurt your soul, and crush you into pieces. Fake romance or not, you are going to shed a few tears for sure.

To wrap this up – I didn’t like it. I am not into fake, impossible romance. But this book seems to be a hit or miss, so if you like Nicholas Sparks – I still encourage you to read it. You never know, it might be your favourite book from him so far.
The Moonstone
The Moonstone
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Of all the ​books I had to read at school, The Moonstone was probably the only novel I really enjoyed. It is one of the first 'whodunnit' type of books and, remarkably, it manages to hit virtually every requirement of the genre dead centre. If this book was written today, it would still be a classic.

The Moonstone of the title is a rare yellow diamond, stolen from an Indian shrine by colonialists. Thought to be unlucky it is left to the young Rachel Verinder. The night after her 18th birthday party the stone is stolen from her rooms, and the rest of the novel describes how the various players eventually manage to solve the crime.

The plot features twists and turns galore, false trails and red herrings enough for two detective stories. Although the crime involved is 'only' theft rather than the more usual murder it is no less engaging as a story. The characters are well drawn and - social reformer that Collins was - there are strong women and intelligent and interesting servants as well as the landed gentry and philanthropists that inhabit the world of country estates in the mid 19th century that the novel is set in.

One feature of the book is that the story is told from the viewpoint of a number of the players. Firstly (and for nearly half the book) we are introduced to the Verinders and the theft by Gabriel Betteredge, a long serving family retainer who is head of the staff and a sort of de facto butler. Betteredge's narrative is charming and witty, full of dry asides and observations. His habit of picking passages from Robinson Crusoe and applying them to daily life is a quirk that is completely in keeping with his character.

Once the story moves to London, the narrative is taken up by various other characters, sometimes just for a short journal entry, sometimes for extended periods of time. Collins imbues each of these parts with a different voice really skillfully, keeping each character very separate.

The solution to the mystery of who stole the diamond and why is convoluted but also very simple. The whole story is well crafted and fits together really well.

The only negative points really are those imposed on Collins by the time he was writing this. There is an overlong introduction about the diamond in India (it seems that in Victorian novels the long winded introduction is somehow expected by the reader) and the pace slows somewhat in London as there is a lot of description about the character's social standings and financial affairs that just aren't as relevant today.

Nevertheless this really is as good a book as I remember. I certainly rate Collins a lot higher than Charles Dickens as a writer. Definitely recommended for anyone who likes a detective mystery which will keep the reader guessing until the very end.