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Deadpool 2 (2018)
Deadpool 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Comedy
The witt.. the comedy... the violence the dark side of the marvel world with a twist of Attitude. (0 more)
Didnt really have anything bad to say on it to be totaly honest. (0 more)
Loved it
I loved the film and its good to see some1 picking up the marvel slack an goin totaly darkside with this character and just shoving it in the piblic eye for all to see how good an darkside it can go.

Good cast with all good parts. Absolutely funny as Fu*k in my eyes.

Without goin to much into the movie as im sure you know its hard to dodge movie trailers now days so im sure u knkw what the films based about so id def say if u aint seen this film yet an want nice easy to watch a comedy violence fantasy action movie then this is 1 for you.
Elvira, Mistress of the Dark (1988)
Elvira, Mistress of the Dark (1988)
1988 | Comedy, Horror, Mystery
Horror movie hostess Elvira dreams of hosting a show in Vegas. When she receives saying that her Great Aunt had died she thinks her dreams have come true. Once she arrives at Fallwell, Massachusetts for the reading of the will she finds that things won’t be as easy as she had hoped. As the town turns against her and family secrets are uncovered Elvira needs to find a way to stop her great Uncles plan.
Elvira, Mistress of the Dark brings a backstory to Cassandra Pearson's character Elvira, gothic late night horror hostess. The film starts during one of Elvira’s shows when she receives a telegram telling her to go the reading of a will for a dead relative and, in the events that follow she finds out that she really is a witch.
Elvira is odd in the fact that it is almost in the style of an 80’s teen movie but it isn’t quite one. There are a few teens in the cast but the film does focus on Elvira and other people in the town.
Elvira, Mistress of the dark is rated 15 and is a comedy with a couple of scenes of peril and one jump scare. A lot of the humour focuses on Elvira’s rather ample bosom but in a quite tasteful way, it’s not a ‘Sex comedy’.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
1975 | Comedy

"I saw it when I was 13 and it had an amazing impact on me, I couldn’t believe something was so funny and so smart. The level of writing is so crazy; it’s a continual inspiration. It blew my mind. I was at home babysitting my younger siblings. My parents were out dancing, and it came on at 1:30 AM. I would watch Saturday Night Live, and it was on after. I thought it was a horror film to start because it’s dark and there’s the pop-pop-pop and there’s smog. In the movie, that’s their preamble thing that I missed, so I didn’t know it was a comedy."

The Hunger Games (2012)
The Hunger Games (2012)
2012 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Jennifer Lawrence (0 more)
So much like Battle Royale (0 more)
Not an original concept, but enjoyable watch
To be fair, I had never heard of the Hunger Games series before the film came out. So when I watched it my first reaction was - this is a rip off Battle Royale! Obviously that changed after the other films came out. However, I enjoyed the concept - because I loved BR. And I especially liked Jennifer Lawrence who always plays such fabulously gritty characters such as in The Winter's Bone. It's not a film you can watch repeatedly though because it is rather dark, and there are zero comedy elements in this dystopian fantasy (obviously). That being said, great acting all round.