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Fargo (1996)
Fargo (1996)
1996 | Drama, Mystery
Extremely dark, black comedy based on a true story
That scene woodchipper scene will haunt me for life.

Truth is definitely stranger than fiction. This extremely dark 'comedy' is now infamous in gallows humour. Without revealing everything, a woman is kidnapped by a psychotic conman and his slightly weedy partner for ransom. Her husband is in charge of gaining this ransom from his father-in-law, only for things to go very, very wrong.

It's a classic cult film, not for everyone. But if you loved 'In Bruges', this will be right up your street.
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
37 of 230
Martyr ( John Shakespeare book 1)
By Rory Clements

This ingenious debut introduces John Shakespeare, Elizabethan England's most remarkable investigator, in a tale of conspiracy and murder that succeeds brilliantly as both historical fiction and crime thriller.

This is one of my favourite eras to read! I really enjoyed this book it was full of murder and intrigue in a very dark time especially if you were religious and on the wrong side. It’s definitely a book I recommend if you like historical fiction. It has some very interesting characters along the way.
    Dark Tome

    Dark Tome

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    What if there was a book that literally opened up doorways to other worlds? Where would it lead, and...


Leah (: (569 KP) created a post in Smashbomb Feedback

Jul 27, 2018  
Is it possible to add more categories to the books section? I have just added a book and found it very hard to classify it, all that fit was fiction and poetry which is not the most helpful classification. Perhaps a way to classify the book as adult or for mature audiences as well as dark romance would be helpful as just using the romance option feels very misleading. Thanks (:
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ClareR (5789 KP) Jul 31, 2018

I agree that fiction and poetry should be separate, and Sci-Fi and Fantasy. Historical fiction should also be a category, and there should be some sort of differentiation between the different kinds of Romance (erotica? If you don’t read it, I doubt you’d want to accidentally read about it!). I’ll have a think about others.


Leah (: (569 KP) Jul 31, 2018

I don’t know what you would call this but perhaps some way to know if a book is a complete story or not. I know quite often in a series each book is about a different character within the same world, therefore each book is a complete story and you don’t necessarily need to have read the other books to still enjoy that one. I hope this makes sense (: