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Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker (2000)
Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker (2000)
2000 | Action, Animation, Family
8.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Kevin conroy (1 more)
Mark hamill
Watched last night I liked it alot being a fan of the original batman animated series from the nineties and when a version of batman from the future came along I was sold and it's from the same people who made the nineties batman show I knew it would be good. okay on to the movie the movie is faithful to the show by still having Kevin conroy as older Bruce Wayne and in my opinion probably the best batman ever and there's mark hamill as the Joker in my opinion the best joker ever voices the Joker with humour and darker edge that sometimes the movie jokers just don't have anyway good movie
Jean Redpath's Scottish Ballad Book by Jean Redpath
Jean Redpath's Scottish Ballad Book by Jean Redpath
(0 Ratings)
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"In 1962, I was still listening to my parents’ records and vaguely aware that there were other things out there. Jean Redpath, a Scottish folk singer, sang in a kind of clear, quavery voice. They were traditional Scottish songs, but very simple arrangements, like folk versions. The Scottish influence was a big part of my parents’ record collection. They didn’t have Scottish bagpipes or anything; they were more interested in Scottish roots music: Woody Guthrie, Ewan MacColl, and different people from that era, who were writing folk songs that were vaguely political but also beautiful. I realized that this sounds very palatable and pretty on the surface, but there's something darker going on underneath."

The Vikings (1958)
The Vikings (1958)
1958 | Action, Classics, Drama
6.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Slim-line Hollywood epic is strong on rousing action, less so on historical authenticity. Separated-long-before-birth siblings Kirk Douglas and Tony Curtis rip chunks out of each other while drinking, raiding, pillaging and taking an interest in Janet Leigh.

Basically the silliest sort of Hollywood camp, with dialogue like 'Love and hate are two horns on the same goat!', but the photography and score do occasionally combine to produce something rather stirring. It occasionally has a rather harder, darker edge than you'd expect (there's quite a lot of mutilation in the script), but not that much more than Ben Hur. The combined wattage of the various stars keeps it watchably entertaining.


    Dennis Cooper

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    Narrated in a voice that may be construed as the author's own, Guide is the story of the conflict...