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    The Race

    The Race

    Nina Allan

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    A child is kidnapped with consequences that extend across worlds...A writer reaches into the past to...

Epilogue (The Dark Duet, #3)
Epilogue (The Dark Duet, #3)
C.J. Roberts | 2013 | Erotica, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hmm...I liked how Caleb "wrote" it as if talking out loud and directly to us at certain points of the story. And it was nice to see how he changed and began to fit in with society instead of being a reclusive so-and-so.

I have to admit I got a bit fed up of all the sex involved in it. I think it's because I got used to the darker bits of the previous two mixed in with a captivating storyline, while this was more just based on their getting over what they'd been through.

Nevertheless it was a good story and I liked it; that alternative ending made me smile. Or maybe it's just the new Caleb/James :D
Mowgli (2018)
Mowgli (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Drama, Family
Just have to admire not only the technical craft on display, but the clear love for it by Serkis who has built a career involving some of the most iconic performances via motion capturing - here directing himself and an entire cast of elites through the same technology. I was looking forward to the darker answer to the similarly bland and daft Disney version but that one at least looked cute. This one - for whatever that means - is a full-bodied Netflix movie in all the worst ways: so inconsequential, so drab, so generic, home to tons of slimy CGI, and the voice acting is somehow as shallow as the 2016 one. That Benedict Cumberbatch tiger is supposed to look villainous but it looks hilariously silly.
Bjerner and the Beast (Fairytales of the Myth #3)
Bjerner and the Beast (Fairytales of the Myth #3)
Miranda Grant | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bjerner is blind and is also one of the emperors closest friends and body guard, unfortunately through circumstances out of his control the emperor is assassinated and dies thinking that its Bjerner that has betrayed him.
Bjerner is devastated and seeks comfort from Ophidia, a warm friendship that blooms into love.

Miranda has done it again! Another fantastic novella. This is the 3rd in the fairytales of the myth series and is the darker version of beauty and the beast. This one is a lot gentler than the other 2 but it doesn't take anything away from the story. She is truly a talented author

I deffinatly recommend this story but make sure you read the other 2 aswell! 4/5
The Night of the Hunter (1955)
The Night of the Hunter (1955)
1955 | Drama, Mystery
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"My favorite genre: movies that are for children that are not for children at all. (And when Mike Patton, with Fantômas, covered one of its songs on the band’s 2001 album, The Director’s Cut, an even darker veil was pulled over the film.) This film sends me back to summer nights down South, running through the woods long after the dinner bell rang. I’d freeze on the line between our glowing yellow porch light in front and the deeper woods behind. The compact blackness of those deeper woods terrified me, but it hypnotized me more. The Night of the Hunter’s river sequence and the title sequence of To Kill a Mockingbird are the truest portrayals of childhood that have ever been captured on film."

The Night Caller (1965)
The Night Caller (1965)
1965 | Horror, Sci-Fi
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Offbeat British sci-fi has a more than usually absurd plot but partly makes up for it with the usual virtues of inventiveness and sheer hard work (quality British actors keep very straight faces). Once the usual stuff with boffins and meteorites is out of the way, there's a definite attempt to bring something of the sensibility of the seedy British crime film into play, fairly successfully. Quite often this film is just a bit cleverer, funnier, and darker than you would expect. Doesn't stop the plot being quite so ridiculous, or the climax being a damp squib, but fun to watch regardless. (The garish colourised version in circulation is distractingly horrid; watch it in black and white if you can.)