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Songs of Red Current Wine (Colors of Love #6)
Songs of Red Current Wine (Colors of Love #6)
V.L. Locey | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Because of Carl, this becomes a much darker read than the others, but Ms Locey nails it here.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 6 in the Colors Of Love series (you have NO idea, how many times I typed the spelling of Colors!) But you do not have to read the others. Books one and 4 were 5 star reads, from me, and 2 and 3 were 4 stars. I missed book 5!

This is, I thought, a much darker read than all the others, and I read this book in one sitting, 200 odd pages before 8am!

As with the other books, only one of the two main characters have a say, and Carl's voice is powerful. Damaged and broken, but powerful nonetheless. His strong, but often depressive voice makes up for the lack that Tigh doesn't have a say.

Going home for his best friend's funeral would have caused many pain, but for Carl it pushes him over the edge, and into a faster path of self destruction. Only Tigh's strength and help helps Carl pull himself out of that pit of despair, along with a couple of surprising people who I didn't think would help him.

Tigh is Carl's best friend's younger brother, a LOT younger than Carl, but it's not thrown about too much. I liked that it pops up at key points, but only really when it's needed.

Carl's self destruction is painful reading, it really is. You can see it happening right in front of you, and you can't stop it. He was already on a downward spiral when we meet him, but Mike's death was the straw, really.

Because of Carl, this becomes a much darker read than the others, but Ms Locey nails it here. It's very difficult reading, but also, you get sucked in so bad because you want to see how Carl pulls out of it, you NEED to see how this plays out with Tigh and before you know it, you've ran out of tears, of cheers and of pages.

And Arn pops up, I love him! Love the little digs he makes about his clients, who are the subjects of the previous books. That made me laugh. But Arn is sad, and I don't want him to be. Will he get a book?? I hope so.

Trigger warnings for alcohol abuse (Carl) and PTSD recovery (Tigh)

5 amazing stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Darker (Fifty Shades as Told by Christian, #2)
Darker (Fifty Shades as Told by Christian, #2)
E.L. James | 2017 | Erotica, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I far more enjoyed this novel than it's counterpart. Along the lines of my original review of its predecessor, I think that Christian is a far more interesting character than Ana. Ana's major character traits are that she's a virgin and kind of has mommy issues. I find his point of view, his thoughts, and his dreams, or nightmares rather, much more compelling than anything Ana really has to say. I think that he is a much stronger character and much more realistic than she is.

I originally rated this novel a 5/5 because I do truly love the story, I like the mystery, the thrill, the sex, I think it's great. I revised it, though, because as soon as I get into a good rhythm, reading 20 pages and feeling like it's been 5 minutes, I get pulled out of the story by something so small and seemingly irrelevant like a phrase or wording or the way they do something. It pulls me out of the story and forces me to remember that the writing isn't all that good. I've said previously about the dialogue and that always gets me - again, they sound English and they're not!!!! I'm not sure if E.L. James had an English editor either, but it seems like she could've because I think an American one would've caught those things.

Overall, I think that this is the best book of the 4 thus far - Fifty Shades of Grey, Grey, Fifty Shades Darker, and Darker. While I have enjoyed them all, somewhat of a guilty pleasure, I'm eager to read the final chapter of the trilogy and rage about how there isn't a Christian perspective. Stay tuned.