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Batman & Robin (1997)
Batman & Robin (1997)
1997 | Action, Sci-Fi
The cast (1 more)
The characters they chose
Nipple batsuit need I say more (1 more)
The acting was so overboard.
Fun and awful at the same time
I don't care what anyone says I've always enjoyed this one no matter how cheesy and terrible it was I loved all the actors in it hand while the nipple batsuit was a terrible decision all across the board. There will always be something about this movie that I just enjoyed and I still enjoy to this day.

While they had a great cast the whole movie is so terribly overacted I have no clue what anyone was thinking.
The Thing with Feathers
The Thing with Feathers
Mccall Hoyle | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great Read
This was a wonderful book. Emilie has epilepsy, and throughout the book she has to find courage within herself to do every day things. She isn't sure how to relate to her peers, and she doesn't care about leaving her comfort zone. I loved the amount of character development in this book. Emilie's point of view changes as she experiences thing she was previously to afraid to try. The theme of the book, like the title suggests, is hope. It is conveyed really well, and the end will leave you feeling warm and fuzzy.

Jesse Ventura recommended Riding Giants (2004) in Movies (curated)

Riding Giants (2004)
Riding Giants (2004)
2004 | Documentary, History, Sport
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’ll throw in my favorite documentary, which is Riding Giants. Any time it’s on, I stop what I’m doing and watch it because I’ve embraced the surfer lifestyle now. I’ve been in a 23 footer on Waimea and I was out there without a board. I had to and my wife thought I was crazy and my children were begging me not to go, but they were 23 feet that day on the North End. The Super Bowl was on and I didn’t care about the Super Bowl. I had to go out there when I got there just to do it. I’m an old frog man, you know?"


Chris Hooker (419 KP) rated Reparation in Books

Jan 12, 2018  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
[Ruth Rodgers] addresses the changing racial views in the south through her novel [reparation]. Katie and Delia were best friends as young children but as they got older society drove them apart. In their teens Katie witnesses a horrible incident. She carries the guilt of not standing up for her friend and what she knew was right.

Now it is 2006 and Katie has returned home to help take care of her mom. By chance she is reunited with Delia. Katie is determined to make amends and get justice for her friend.

[Rodgers] does an amazing job of portraying the emotions of the characters. The story flows well and the flashbacks fill in the history giving the reader the perspective of the narrator(Katie). I also found the mention of Juneteenth interesting because not many people are aware that this is the Independence Day for the African American community. The historic perspective fit well in with the modern day mystery.
A Good Year (2006)
A Good Year (2006)
2006 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
4.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The setting (0 more)
Everything else, particularly Russell Crowe (0 more)
Utterly charmless and boring
This film may have been more engaging if they'd had the likes of Hugh Grant as the leading man. As it was, Crowe is charmless, unfunny and boring throughout. I really didn't care what happened to him, whether he found love with the hapless damsel who he runs off the road without even knowing or whether he could force himself to leave the chateau after falling back in love with the place. It took me days to watch the film as I was determined to get through it and each day I hoped it would get better. It didn't but eventually I finished it! Hallelujah it was over.

Sarah (8 KP) rated Lies in Books

Aug 10, 2018  
T. M. Logan | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
8.3 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Suspenseful (2 more)
Page Turner
Twists and turns at every page
Amazing First Book!!!!
What if you have the perfect life, the perfect wife and the perfect child - then, in one shattering moment, you discover nothing is as it seems? What if your whole life was based on LIES?

I received and ARC version of this book and all I can say is it's and amazing first book for this author! I literally could not put this book down (except to take care of family needs here and there) and finished it within the day. So many twists and turns that will literally leave your turning the pages to delve deeper and deeper into the storyline. Highly recommend!

ClareR (5584 KP) rated Something Dark in Books

Nov 12, 2017  
Something Dark
Something Dark
Lemn Sissay | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An unflinching look at the Social Care system in the UK
I went to see Lemn Sissay read poems from his last book 'Gold From The Stone' last year at the Chester Literature Festival, and I've been hooked ever since. His poetry is very personal, and so I was interested to see what this would be like.

This is his story of being taken in to care and the resultant damage. It's a one man show, there's no one else on stage with him, and I think this is indicative of how his life has been lived. He has always had to be self sufficient, from the day that his Foster parents (who had parented him from birth) told him at the age of 11 that 'he' didn't love them anymore (it would be more accurate to say that they didn't love him). They didn't even say goodbye to him: his brothers and sisters didn't get to say goodbye, and he was ushered into a car with his social worker and taken to a children's home.

This illustrates how children in care are 'emancipated' at 18 and expected to cope on their own. Most of them have no family or many friends, and are left to fend for themselves. Lemn was given the information to start the search for his birth mother, which is a very interesting part of the story (which I won't divulge!)

I'm actually going to see this performed by Lemn next week (14/11/17), and I'm very much looking forward to it.

Angel Olsen recommended 5 to 7 (2015) in Movies (curated)

5 to 7 (2015)
5 to 7 (2015)
2015 | Comedy, Romance
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I've always loved Angès Varda and been obsessed with Cleo from 5 to 7. I kept thinking of that specific movie when I was singing "Chance" because I was like, "I wonder, cinematically, does this song belong in my version of Cleo from 5 to 7?" [The film is] about a singer — she's obsessed with herself but she's also so sad, alone, and isolated. She only has the woman who works with her and is taking care of her. And then she goes to see a fortune teller and the fortune teller tells her she has cancer. She's having a rough temperamental day after the fortune teller. The day goes [on] and you don't really have empathy for the character at first, but then over time you get to know her. I really like that. [Agnès] features this character in this way because it shows you that even when you imagine that someone's life is super easy and they're obsessed with themselves, that's not really the full story"

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Mark Twain | 1876 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.9 (16 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"On my eighth birthday my mother gave me a hardcover copy of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The inscription read: ‘Here is the brother you said you wanted.’ I was having trouble in school—particularly reading—and a psychologist had recently tested me and informed my mother and the school that I was, in the parlance of the day, ‘retarded.’ My mother steadfastly refused to accept this, saying, ‘You just haven’t found anything you care enough about to read.’ It turned out I was dyslexic and perhaps mildly autistic. It took me months, and when I was done, I could read, and I had indeed been given a brother—two, in fact, and I have visited with them every year since my eighth birthday."


Dracoria Malfoy (690 KP) created a post

Sep 15, 2017  
Song obsession of the day: Shape of You - Ed Sheeran

Funny story; In my school, on Fridays, they play music in the cafeteria during lunch. Now, we're allowed to get up, have fun dance, do whatever I tend not to have the most guts in the world, but today when Shape of you played, I was like, "You know what. Forget it" I got up and started dancing. I'm a trained dancer in ballet, but I'm self taught when it comes to other styles. But I didn't care, because IT. FELT. AMAZING. I got so many compliments afterward, and everyone was clapping. I was so hyped up on adrenaline, I even took a bow. So, yeah. No lesson here, I just wanted to share.