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The Other Side of the Pillow
Zane | 2014
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
For most of the relationships Jemistry has been in, they have been abusive and she ends up hurt, physically and emotionally. After so many years of this she decides to take the rest of her life into her own hands and builds a wall around herself and stay single only have a few friends with benefits, to fill her needs. That is until she meets Tevin Harris. Will he be able to tear down the wall Jemistry has built around herself or will she repeat her past patterns of bailing on a relationship just when things seem to be going well?

I have read quite a few of Zane's book in the past, but it has been few years since I have read one. This I will say is now one of my favorites. <u>The Other Side of the Pillow</u> was a great love story that most women dream will be a part of their lives. To meet a man who is understanding of your past, butwill love you because of the future you will build together. Jemistry meets Tevin after she finishes reciting a poem called "Bitter". Shortly after they meet, though, she drops the two men she's been having casual sex with for the past couple of years.

The thing I liked best about this book, is that is gives you the hope that there is love out there for everybody sometimes in the place you leastexpect it. Learning to trust is not the easiest thing to do, but when you find someone you can trust completely then it's a magical thing. Tevin helped Jemistry to break down the wall she had built and learn to love again, but will the love and trust last.

Each chapter started with a quote about love, here are a few of my favorites:

"One day you'll meet someone who doesn't care about your past because they want to be with you in your future." --Anonymous

"Love is when you look into someone's eyes and see everything you need." --Unknown

"When I say I love you, please believe it's true. When I say forever, know I'll never leave you. When I say good-bye, promise me you won't cry. Cause the day I'll be saying that would be the day I die." --Unknown
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<b><i>Have you ever wanted a steamy Beauty and the Beast retelling? You might not get the Disney fantasy, but you will get the true love part. Or will you?</i></b>

Charlotte is a nanny and she goes in a rich family to take care of a little boy. His mother is demanding and his father stays in his room at all times.

Mr. King survived a fire accident and half of his face is covered with a golden mask, to hide the sad memories. He almost never goes out and his son is scared of him. Also,he only visits him at night.
He always talks to his son’s nannies through the intercom, to ask about his day. But with this nanny, it feels different. He can’t wait to hear her voice.

Compared to ‘’Nanny and the Beast’’, The Man in the Mirror is not as steamy, and the love relationship feels a bit more realistic. However, the story is still under developed for my tastes.
The nannies in Georgia’s books are represented in a bit of an unrealistic way. As a nanny, I think you will always influence the child you spend time with. Bear in mind, you spend all day, every day with them. But there are rules and boundaries set by the parents, and you do not cross those. The author somehow forgot about this part, it seems.

The Man in the Mirror opens up plenty of topics for discussion and in the end, it is a quick and enjoyable read. Georgia’s books are the ones that you pick up, wanting to have a quick read moment and relax.

If this book sounds intriguing, go and grab your copy, and let me know in the comments whether you enjoyed it.

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Rent-A-Pal (2020)
Rent-A-Pal (2020)
2020 | Horror, Thriller
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A man sits down to watch a vhs tape, it looks like one of those dating videos you used to be able to get years ago before the Internet. He fast forwards a few women but doesn't find any who takes his interest, so he sets about his daily tasks of taking care of his elderly mother with dementia and the household chores, before heading out to re record his own dating video.
Whilst collecting a few more dating profiles, he finds a tape called 'rent a pal' which promises that whoever watches will have a new best friend. Being someone who is lonely he decides to purchase the tape. He plays a little of the tape when he gets home before stopping it and watching a movie with his mum instead.
After putting his mum to bed he heads back to the basement to continue watching his new tape, he decides to talk to the guy on the tape as if he can hear him and passes out drunk.
The next day he finds out he got a match on his dating profile and goes to the store to collect the video, however, he forgets his wallet and goes back home to collect it, but when he returns, his match had already matched with someone else. He asks to take the video home anyway, so he could see what he missed.
He is devastated to see that the girl had similar interests to him and was also a carer. He soon turns to his rent a pal video again to talk to it like a real person. Eventually he is watching it over and over again each day, to the point where it becomes an obsession. Even when he goes on a date, he comes home to tell the video about his day and starts letting the guy in the video dictate his life.
It is a very strange movie, the guy in the video isn't actually talking to him but he pretends he is and even calls him his best friend!! It is a well acted movie though, especially by the woman playing David's mother, she really is believable in playing a woman with dementia. It's definitely one of those movies where you become drawn in and eager to see how it ends, but I wouldn't watch it again.
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Today Will be Different
Today Will be Different
Maria Semple | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Eleanor wakes up with the resolution that today will indeed be different. She will be a better person, a better mother, and a better wife. She will pay more focused attention to her son, Timby. She will have sex with her surgeon husband, Joe. She will go to her poetry and yoga classes. She will wear real clothes. She will pleasantly lunch with a friend she doesn't quite care for. But it doesn't take long for Eleanor's plans to quickly derail, as a series of mishaps rapidly start to add up: Timby is sick, it appears as if Joe is no longer going to work (and lying about it), and Eleanor's lunch date isn't what it seems, either.

I may be the only person left on the planet who hasn't read [book:Where'd You Go, Bernadette|13526165] (sometimes I'm stubborn about reading "it" books, ok), so I cannot compare this novel to that one. That may be for the best. This is the second novel--in a row--that I contemplated just not finishing, and again, that is so rarely my style. This book felt like a slapdash series of paragraphs thrown together about a crazy woman whose motivations and actions made entirely no sense.

The book veers back and forth in time: while the main action occurs all in one day (the one Eleanor vows will be better), she flashes back to her past, telling the story of her childhood, a long and confusing saga with her sister, Ivy, and Ivy's husband, and how she met her own husband. She also covers her time as working as an animator. It all happens sort of randomly and often in a stream of consciousness. This occurs among the crazy, insane happenings of Eleanor's day, where she sets off a series of bizarre actions that-to me-made no sense and came across as completely irrational. She was not endearing, she was not a little silly: she was just weird and somewhat unhinged, and I'm honestly not sure how she was still allowed to care for poor Timby.

There were a few glimmers about the frustrations of modern motherhood and marriage in this novel, but most were buried by the bizarre ramblings and incoherence of the plot. Some plot pieces were never resolved, some just popped up for no reason, and some dragged on and on endlessly. Maybe I'm just not familiar with Semple's style, but I have to pass on this one.

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2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
1968 | Classics, Sci-Fi

"When I was seven, my parents were living again in Buenos Aires, and they were going to watch movies all the time. Maybe that day they could not leave me at home because there was no one to take care of me, so I remember we went with my sister and my parents to see 2001. And we were on the first row of the balcony, so we were in front of the movie. And the monkey in front of the monolith, the tunnel of light at the end of the movie, the fetus floating at the end of the movie — all that happening in front of my eyes was, for me, like my very first drug experience — or transcendental experience — ever. I was blown away by the images. And maybe it’s a fake memory that I have, but I remember — during the movie, at that very early age — it seems to me that I liked it much more than my parents, because even then, when I talked about it with my parents, they didn’t really care much about 2001. And for me it became like an obsession. Every summer, or every two summers, the movie was replaying in some theater in Buenos Aires. And I would go again and again and again to watch it. Also because, for me, it was the ultimate image of what the future world could become. And I thought that when I would be maybe 30-40 I would really be living in a world in which it would be easy to go to the moon or do things like that. And to this day when I rewatch that movie, I feel it’s still representing the future in a very accurate way. Besides that, the dresses are very pop art. Since then I’ve seen it like 40, 60 times and I never ever get tired of replaying it. And sometimes even for New Year’s Eve, instead of going out partying, I want to start the year in a good mood so I just stay and put the movie on my DVD player. I know that that movie also — because it’s very tricky — I would say later in my life when I was a teenager doing mushrooms or taking acid, mostly it’s because I wanted to have the same impact in my brain that that movie had when I was a kid. And you can clearly tell that Enter the Void — it’s not an homage, but it’s a movie extremely inspired by 2001. And since then, I collect every single poster of that movie, every single lobby card. I have an obsession. I want to possess that movie, which is totally unpossessable."

Run Lola Run (1999)
Run Lola Run (1999)
1999 | Action, International, Drama
7.8 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
If someone asked me to describe Run Lola Run in a phrase or a few words, I would say, “Think Groundhog Day if it were a heist movie.” Though not quite on the same level as Groundhog Day, Run Lola Run definitely provides its share of intriguing moments. The plot: Lola has twenty minutes to come up with the money her boyfriend lost or he will be killed by gangsters.

Acting: 10
Very believable performances all around. Franka Potente is great as Lola, really helping to add to the overall desperation of the story. As leads go, I was very impressed with how she kept me engaged in the story with her great command of the role. What she had to do was not easy in the slightest. I won’t go into detail as to why for fear of ruining the movie, but let’s just say she was asked to do a lot in a short amount of time.

Beginning: 5

Characters: 6
With everything happening at such a fast clip, they definitely didn’t waste time on character development. While this alone wouldn’t have been enough to propel this movie to high-quality status, it certainly would have helped. Without stronger characters, I felt like the movie lacked in true substance. Sure it was fun, but the end result didn’t leave room for me to care because I didn’t have strong characters to care about.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10
Time is the conflict here and that concept is used extremely well. Every moment feels dire and extreme. You honestly don’t know what’s going to happen next. The movie does an excellent job of keeping you guessing. Expect a lot of strong moments that will keep your heart racing!

Entertainment Value: 7

Memorability: 3
Personally, the movie didn’t do enough to stick out in my memory bank. Not that it wasn’t decent, but that was the problem for me: It was just decent. There were no over-the-top scenes that blew me away. I would be happy watching this once…and never again.

Pace: 10
Full use was made of the 81-minute runtime. Run Lola Run keeps you engaged from beginning to end. For what it’s worth, I don’t recall many dull parts, if any.

Plot: 2

Resolution: 10
Satisfying ending to tie the story up nicely. It was good, almost frustratingly so. If the story had been that level of quality, I would be in love with this movie.

Overall: 73
Don’t get me wrong, I can totally see why so many people are enamored with Run Lola Run. Unfortunately for me it was just ok. I would certainly recommend a one-time watch, but it doesn’t hold up as a classic for me.
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