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Mickey on the Move: Farming
Mickey on the Move: Farming
Michelle Wagner | 2022 | Children
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mickey on the Move Farming is about a little boy who is severely deaf in both his ears. This adventure is the second that comes after Mickey on the Move. This book discusses cochlear implants and what might happen if they get wet. If you want to learn about Mickey and his cochlear implants, read Mickey on the Move.

As Mickey on the Move: Farming continues to talk about the cochlear implant and what it is like for Mickey to enjoy the great outdoors. Mickey enjoys raising his chickens, gardening, and helping with his dad's vineyard. However, he enjoys the outdoors and other fun kids' things like swimming. There is one worry while Mickey enjoys the outdoors and some summer fun and stands hampered by weather with his current cochlear implant.

 In this book Mickey on the Move Farming, we are introduced to a new accessory to the aqua cochlear implant (which I believe is an addition or add-on). We see Mickey with these wants he been when he offers this. What summer fun or outdoor fun and nature is he going to enjoy?

What are cochlear implants? - A cochlear implant is a small electronic device that electrically stimulates the cochlear nerve (nerve for hearing). The implant has external and internal parts. The outer part sits behind the ear. It picks up sounds with a microphone. It then processes the sound and transmits it to the internal part of the implant.

What will he do with his newfound freedom with some water-safe cochlear implant? What adventures will he do and go on? This picture book shows Mickey enjoying some of the great outdoors with his new, improved aqua cochlear implant? The picture book is done well. It is an excellent book for children to learn about others that may be different. Also, remember that children that are deaf or have severe hearing loss want to be like any other child or children.
Sound of Metal (2019)
Sound of Metal (2019)
2019 | Drama, Music
There's not a lot I can add that hasn't already been said about Sound of Metal so I'll keep this one short.

Riz Ahmed rightly deserves his Oscar nomination for his performance. It sucks that Olivia Cooke was overlooked by The Academy for hers. The two of them together carve out a painfully real relationship and are nothing short of excellent.
The sound editing is absolutely top tier. It's method of forcing the viewer to experience a fair portion of the movie as if they were hearing impaired is hugely effective. It goes a long way in illustrating how terrifying Ruben's experience is. On the flip side, in characters such as Joe (Paul Raci), we are given another perspective, about how life still goes on, and paints a wonderfully positive picture of the deaf community. It results in a film that is both truly uplifting and absolutely devastating.

Sound of Metal is definitely a triumph that deserves all the praise it's getting.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Knowing (2009) in Movies

Dec 9, 2019 (Updated Dec 9, 2019)  
Knowing (2009)
Knowing (2009)
2009 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Nic Cage Knows Everything, I Mean Everything.....
I watched this film last month, and i thought holy shit that was something. I mean their were alot of good parts, intresting parts and than the ending which i wouldnt get it. You just have to watch this movie to find out. I like the plot/the concept of the film.

The Plot: Fifty years after it was buried in a time capsule, a schoolgirl's cryptic document falls into the hands of Caleb Koestler, the son of professor John Koestler (Nicolas Cage). John figures out that the encoded message accurately lists every major disaster from the past five decades, and predicts three future calamities -- one a global cataclysm. When his warnings fall on deaf ears, John enlists the help of the prophetic author's daughter and granddaughter to try to avert the ultimate disaster.

Its really sci-fi though out the movie, expecally the ending, again i wouldnt get into. Its really a good and entertaining film to watch.

Highly reccordmend watching it.
A Quiet Place (2018)
A Quiet Place (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
So I am very late into the game of watching this film and honestly, I'm so glad I did!

This film was not at all what I expecting.

Firstly, the whole film has only two short scenes of actual dialogue.

The film centres around a couple and their kids trying to survive in a post apocalyptic world with creatures that will eat you if you make a sound.

The creatures are blind but have supersonic hearing so will hear the littlest of sounds, even from very far away, and will devour anything in their path.

Even with the lack of dialogue, the film hits a very emotional punch, but honestly, the film doesn't need any dialogue as it already portrays the perfect atmosphere without them.

The family communicate through sign language, something I assume they knew post apocalypse, as their daughter is deaf.

Everyone in the film plays such great parts and conveys such raw emotions.

If you are a horror or even a thriller fan, I HIGHLY recommend this film.

Chloe (778 KP) rated Feel the Beat (2020) in Movies

Mar 28, 2021 (Updated Apr 3, 2021)  
Feel the Beat (2020)
Feel the Beat (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Drama, Family
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Young actors (1 more)
Easy watching
Crap script (1 more)
Token actors
Lost the plot
Yet another trashy netflix film that has just been churned out for the new content aspect. The script was obvious and stupid - within the first few minutes the main character talking to herself.

The main character is obnoxious, bratty and has one thing on her mind that revolves entirely around her. The premise is false and faked. Also, how many times do you want to use the roof broke/fell in as a plot change.

Character development is very limited, there seems to be a back story but it is never actually mentioned. The actual outcome of the competition is never shown.

Some of the young actors are very talented and I can see them having bright futures. I like the added layer with the deaf child.

There is a token black actor...... who is unsurprisingly the only outwardly camp/gay person.

Also Welly Wang?! Really?!

I suspect I am not the target audience but if I had tweens I probably wouldn't want them watching this drivel.
The Rental (2020)
The Rental (2020)
2020 | Horror, Thriller
5.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
After saying in my review of Tone Deaf that there are a lot of films that seem to be very similar coming out, you'd think I'd choose different films to watch... evidently not.

Charlie and Mina's hard work is finally paying off and they book a holiday home for some well deserved downtime. When they arrive with their partners they attempt to settle into the idyllic setting. But there's something not quite right about their host and their relaxing weekend starts to take a turn.

So... The Rental, Tone Deaf, The Intruder... People go to homes with weird owners and bad things happen. Something grabbed me about this one, it was a little different to the others and I'm glad I didn't dismiss it for the initial similarities.

I think the success for The Rental is its serious tone. In the other two films I mentioned we have an underlying humour, whether intentional or from overacting. It's much more of a thriller that made for some compelling moments.

Although the main cast are very familiar for various things, the "star power" didn't outshine the film around it. It's well balanced, and the chemistry between the four of them is incredibly good. The characters themselves aren't all that exciting though, and normally that would be a massive problem. While it may have been better to have something a little more thrilling happening with them, it actually leaves the film to do its thing around them.

The film was noticeably quiet to me, though the music did pipe up at key points to good effect. (Apart from one point that felt entirely out of place.) The pinpointed music combined with the location worked well together to add to the suspense as the film ramps up.

At only 88 minutes I worried about what a thriller could do in that time, but I needn't have. The build up across the film led well into the "action" of the ending, and that ending really appealed to me for how it dealt with everything that came before it. While I don't think The Rental is going to become a must see movie, it was definitely a pleasant surprise and worth the time I spent watching it.

Originally posted on:
This book has me confuse if it a fantasy book or something else. With that in mind, I have enjoy this book if it one. Though I think it hit some mystery as well.

The orphan in this book is named Thomas. He is determined to fulfill his mother deathbed wish. We learn that his nurse is his mother. Though he to want to protect from the evil. This books take us on his jouney to Magnus Along the way he takes rescue some people. Though He first asked to Release the knight along with pickpocket boy and mute and deaf girl. As they travel Tomas tell the knight some things that he plans to do but not all is revel. He tell the knight about what he want to conquered of Magnus. There are three others that have secrets as well as he.

Does Thomas conquer Magnus or not that you will need to read an find out. Also to find out the other three names of one on his journey you need to read. I dislike giving away surprise and ending. This is a Fantasy and Mystery book in set a Medieval England.

Dana (24 KP) rated Soundless in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
7.1 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
I very much enjoyed this novel. The story was so fresh and different than what I have been reading recently. Plus, it's a standalone!!

I enjoyed how Mead attempts to put words to gaining the ability of hearing after coming from a society that has been deaf for centuries. It explored how a person would be able to deal with suddenly being able to hear out of nowhere.

Though I enjoyed this novel, it was not my favorite of hers. There were moments, especially at the end, that I would have liked to see expanded and explained more. I felt like there wasn't enough build up to it for the ending she gave it. It was very reminiscent of a fairy tale where everything gets resolved very quickly.

I wished that more of the magical aspects that were introduced into the story were both introduced earlier and worked into the story more.

That being said, I loved the relationships between the characters, especially between the two sisters. Fei's relationship with Li Wei could have been built up and explained a bit more, thought.

Overall, I enjoyed it, but, like I said, it wasn't my favorite.
This book has me confuse if it a fantasy book or something else. With that in mind, I have enjoy this book if it one. Though I think it hit some mystery as well.

The orphan in this book is named Thomas. He is determined to fulfill his mother deathbed wish. We learn that his nurse is his mother. Though he to want to protect from the evil. This books take us on his jouney to Magnus Along the way he takes rescue some people. Though He first asked to Release the knight along with pickpocket boy and mute and deaf girl. As they travel Tomas tell the knight some things that he plans to do but not all is revel. He tell the knight about what he want to conquered of Magnus. There are three others that have secrets as well as he.

Does Thomas conquer Magnus or not that you will need to read an find out. Also to find out the other three names of one on his journey you need to read. I dislike giving away surprise and ending. This is a Fantasy and Mystery book in set a Medieval England.
The Silent Suspect (Paige Northwood #3)
The Silent Suspect (Paige Northwood #3)
Nell Pattison | 2021 | Crime, Mystery
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have read the two previous books in this series and whilst they were good, I wasn't able to be overly enthusiastic. Unfortunately, this is the same.

The story starts well but quickly becomes tedious and I found myself skimming large sections which is never a good sign. The characters are not particularly likeable and I found Paige became increasingly annoying and don't even get me started on the so-called Social Worker who I found to be unprofessional and not like any Social Worker I have ever met.

I couldn't connect with the characters or the story at all, I didn't feel any tension or thrills and the final reveal was disappointing and, for me, predictable. The only saving grace is the insight into the deaf community and the difficulties and barriers they face every day.

This book wasn't for me and I'm really sorry to say that I won't be reading more in this series but plenty of others have enjoyed it so give it a go if it sounds like your type of book.

I would like to thank Avon Books and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.