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Hellbound Warrior (Dark Warrior Alliance #8)
Hellbound Warrior (Dark Warrior Alliance #8)
Brenda Trim, Tami Yulka | 2016 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
188 of 250
Hellbound Warrior ( Dark Warrior Alliance book 8 )
By Brenda Trim and Tami Julka

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Rhys O'Morda finds himself at the mouth of Hell after swearing he would never go back. When the archdemon, Kadir, steals the Goddess' powerful Triskele Amulet, Rhys is left with the fate of the world resting on his shoulders. Cursing his birthright, he sets out to tackle the nine circles of the Underworld. Facing rivers of fire, freezing rains, soul-sucking creatures and his inner weaknesses is nothing compared to coming face to face with his Fated Mate. His biggest challenge isn't passing the tests of each circle in Hell, but trying to win his mate's heart. In a cruel twist of fate, his other half isn't bound by the same force and has to consciously choose him. Problem is she loathes demons. Will he be able to win his angel over or be forced to let her go and live for eternity without her? Illianna has every reason to despise everything related to demons and the Underworld. Once an angel of happiness, she has been a prisoner in Hell for a hundred years, forced to perform vile acts that leave a dark stain on her soul. Her prayers fall on deaf ears day after day and she is on the cusp of giving up when the sexy, impossible and arrogant cambion, Rhys, rescues her from his father's clutches. She will do anything to get back to heaven and her wings, even partner with Rhys and his fellow warriors. Yet, her attraction to the exquisite Dark Warrior challenges every barrier she has set. Having the passion she craves comes with a high price tag, including complete and unconditional surrender.

I really enjoyed the boys trip to Hell and I think Illianna is my favourite mate yet! I love her and can just picture those beautiful wings!
This series is great if you like Dark Hunters crossed with the Black Dagger brothers.
We are on book 8 and can’t wait to see what book 9 brings.

Hazel (2934 KP) rated Hide in Books

Dec 11, 2021  
Nell Pattison | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is what I would call a slow burn - it never really ignites fully and sometimes fizzles to the point it almost goes out but, generally, it just stays at a solid gas mark 3 for the most part.

Seven members of a nature group come together for a Boxing Day gathering to watch a murmuration within a nature reserve. Seems like a fairly innocuous and harmless way to spend a day and evening usually spent eating leftovers and vegging in front of the television and it is, until a shot rings out and one of their party is dead.

Each of the remaining six have secrets they don't want made common knowledge and therefore each have a motive for murder. None of the characters have many redeeming features if I'm honest and it wouldn't have made any difference to me who was the victim as I didn't particularly like any of them.

What follows is infighting which results in the group splitting up (never a good idea - have they never watched a horror film!) and suspicions falling on one person, then another, then another ... well, you get the idea. More shots are heard, people are separated further, injuries happen, more separation and more infighting and, all the while, the secrets they want to stay hidden gradually come to light.

What I enjoyed about this book was the sense of claustrophobia and isolation that was well captured and, as seems to be the norm with Nell's books, the inclusion of a character who is deaf added something a bit different.

What I didn't like about it was there was too much time spent describing stuff that didn't really seem to add to the story and this resulted in it dragging - hence the slow burn.

I have read a few of Nell's other books and this does seem to be a pattern with her stories but there have been plenty of people who have absolutely raved about this book so please, please don't judge it from my review alone.

Remember, if we all liked the same things, it would be a very, very boring world indeed!

Thanks go to Avon Books UK and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
Dread Nation
Dread Nation
Justina Ireland | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.6 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, as a general rule, I don't read zombie stories. Zombies are the one monster that will almost invariably give me nightmares. This book, however, had such hype built up around it that I decided to bend my rule.

I should not have.

Before I start in on this, let me say it's a good story. It's well-written, the plot is paced nicely, and it's entertaining. All that said, it's quite problematic in many ways. I knew some of this before I read it; there was a Twitter thread about some of the issues, namely that in the Author's Note she describes the Native American boarding schools (where the government forced Native American children to go, and tried to destroy their heritage and culture in the name of "civilizing" them) as "well-meaning." The Twitter thread does an excellent job of dissecting that passage, and it's worth reading.

There's also the incredibly unrealistic scene where Jane gets flogged eleven times, walks back to where she's staying, has a coherent conversation where she lays out a plan she has formed, and then puts a shirt on. That last part especially got me. Like, what? You're going to be in more pain than that! Being flogged barely seems to slow Jane down. She asks for laudanum - for her plan. Not to take for the pain.

I don't know. There's a lot about the book that set my teeth on edge. There's the absurd amount of racism, but the protagonist is a black woman and it's civil war era, so that's to be expected. And it's coming from characters, not from narration. Jane lies. A lot. So it's hard to trust that she's even a reliable narrator.

I guess it's okay. I didn't care for it. I found it really hard to get past the author's "well-meaning" comment about the Native American boarding schools. And the plot of "as soon as they're old enough, black children get sent to combat schools." Especially with what's going on lately with the jailing of migrant children, it feels tone-deaf, ignorant, and genocidal.

One good point was the oh-so-casual mention of bisexuality (a female friend taught her "everything she knows about kissing") but it was only two sentences and never mentioned again. Not nearly enough to make up for the rest of the book.

You can find all my review at
The Angry Birds Movie (2016)
The Angry Birds Movie (2016)
2016 | Animation, Family
The new kids’ movie Angry Birds is a joint venture between Columbia Pictures and Rovio Animation.

I did not hold high hopes for this movie when I went to screen it, and really only went because I knew my 7 year old son would want to see it.

It has a wide range of actors and actresses voicing the characters: Jason Sudeikis as Red, Josh Gad as Chuck, Danny McBride as Bomb, Maya Rudolph as Matilda, Bill Hader as Leonard, Peter Dinklage as Mighty Eagle, Sean Penn as Terence, and Blake Shelton as Earl Pig.

If you have ever played the game by the same name, you will recognize the characters, as well as the soundtrack music.

It was a decent (kids) story, and the movie is certainly colorful and fast paced. In my opinion, the 3-D aspect helped.

We follow the main character, Red, as he tried to fit into a happy, steady society, that frowns upon and even penalizes outburst of bad temper, whether they are warranted or not.

He blows up at a customer, and has to go to court, where he is sentenced to anger management classes. The instructor, Matilda, has a hard time getting through to him and gets frustrated with his inability to control his anger responses.

In the middle of Red’s classes, the Pigs show up, bearing “gifts” and acting as if they are the Birds best friends. Red is suspicious and tries to both investigate to find out more, as well as warn the other birds that the pigs are after more than being “best friends”, but is shut down time after time as his warnings fall on deaf ears.

In the end, Red is right, and must organize a rescue. Ironically, he must encourage the other Birds to harness their anger in order to use it to help rescue their eggs.

I thought the movie was cute, and fun for a family afternoon out. I probably would not take very very young kids to it, more in the age group of 6 or 7 and up, but for my son it was just fine, and it was fun for him because he recognized the characters both from the game as well as the cartoon shorts that are on the internet.

For a family movie, I would give Angry Birds 2.75 out of 5 stars.
The Silence (2019)
The Silence (2019)
2019 | Horror
Some what silence (0 more)
Dull Storyline (0 more)
What did I just watch?
Contains spoilers, click to show
Where do I start? This movie is like watching, Birds, Bird Box, The Village and A Quiet Place all in one, the only problem is, it doesn't work at all.

I was really hoping with this being Directed by John R. Leonetti (cinematographer of such films as, The Conjuring, Insidious, The Mask) he would bring a lot to the table, nope and then I remembered he directed The Butterfly Effect 2 and Mortal Kombat: Annihilation.

This movie being listed as a horror movie is a major let down, yes it does have a few jump scenes but I feel like the the dinosaurs from Jurassic Park made me jump a lot more, really the only scary part was the fact that someone checked off the okay for this storyline.

The storyline (not to give anything away) is a rush jump, which some movies need to move faster, I feel like this one moves way to fast, not enough is explained and way to much is left out.

One of the biggest keys of the story is that Ally Andrews (Kiernan Shipka) is teenage girl who lost her hearing a few years back, which helps the family and her during this time, as they all know how to use sign language. With that being said, the movie fails mean times at remembering the daughter is deaf!! With some members of the family using sign language, some not, sounds making her notice things, at some parts of the movie I forgot she lost her hearing.

I will skip over the crazy cult members, which trust me, I feel like NO one understands, I mean I get it but good God, give them some time of back story, nope kill them off in 11 minutes, that works too.

Skip forward to the end and bang, the lover is still healthy, and they are hunting the dam birds/dinosaurs now, no real dam answer on what happened, what's the plan of killing them off or nothing, it just ends!!

I recommend that you watch this movie just once, just enough to understand why some movies should be just left alone. Don't get me wrong, it could have worked, if they would have worked on the storyline more, and maybe followed the storyline, but hey, I have never made a movie before, so maybe I'm wrong about this all. 🤷‍♂️
Tone-Deaf (2019)
Tone-Deaf (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Horror, Thriller
As a proud owner of yet another subscription service, the first thing I did was scroll through every movie to create a watchlist. Killer Instinct popped up, and seeing Robert Patrick... *presses play*.

Olive's life has taken an unexpected turn and she decides that a trip out of the city is just what she needs. Peace and tranquillity awaits in the odd home she finds online, but the even odder owner and goings on aren't entirely what she'd hoped for.

I seem to be picking films recently that remind me of other films, and Killer Instinct (also known as Tone Deaf) reminds me heavily of The Intruder from 2019 starring Dennis Quaid... with the slight difference that The Intruder was kind of watchable.

For a film under 90 minutes it feels significantly longer with nothing much happening. The whole idea that Harvey (Robert Patrick) is hatching this plan is poorly set up and once underway I didn't fully understand what the motivation was behind his character. As well as Intruder vibes, I was getting heavy Home Alone vibes too... you'll see.

There felt like two distinct sides to the cast, "serious" and "comedy". But the serious weren't, and neither were the comedy. The way everything was laced together felt like a sloppy attempt to merge Happy Death Day with a serious thriller.

As a lead character, Olive (Amanda Crew), doesn't feel massively likeable, and there seemed like there wasn't really any way to bring that to life as she was. Unengaging characters are also something that's happening more to me in recent film choices, and here, as with others, I found myself getting pulled out of the events of the film because of it.

I had hoped that Robert Patrick would offer some respite, but Harvey is equally... blah. There's no real explanation about why he is the way he is and it's introduced in such a strange way that his motivations are almost entirely obscured by it.

Killer Instinct tries very hard to be relevant and be a commentary on generational divides, but it's done by breaking the fourth wall and talking to the camera in a way that wasn't at all palatable. Each time it happened I frowned and instantly felt disengaged from the film. Combine that with the oddly comedic mother storyline and you get a film with a constant identity crisis.

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Cruel Peter (2019)
Cruel Peter (2019)
2019 | Horror, International
3.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The movie starts in 1908, a young boy named Peter is accused of cutting a girl with a razor, he insists the girl is lying and his mother defends him even though she knows the girl is actually telling the truth. We learn how evil Peter is soon after when he sets fire to a rat and it is implyed that he killed someone's dog. Peter soon gets a visitor from someone wearing a potato sack on their head, who hits him on the head with a shovel and buries him alive, never to be seen again.
We jump ahead to the present day to a dad studying and then randomly going in his daughters room and finding a boof of spirits in his deaf daughters room. We then jump to another scene of him being offered a job in Italy with some bloke on a boat, who I can only assume is a friend or his boss, its never made clear. Then in the next scene, him and his daughter are pulling up in Italy!?! Literally no lead upto it, just job offer and boom, they're there! The dad is even shown talking to some woman who I thought was a tour guide or his new boss, until she asked him if he'd like to meet her aunt! Anyway, we briefly see his daughter Liz walking down the corridor at her new school and then he finds Peters body whilst on a dig, leading to him searching the Internet and Liz summoning a ghost which we later find out is Peter.
To be honest, I knew from the get go that this movie wasn't going to be great, but I always see a movie to the end so I persevered. The scenes were very poorly put together, they seemed randomly placed and very rushed, random characters would appear, have no introductions (apart from one) and yet seem to have known the dad for a while! Speaking of which, I don't recall ever finding out his name as it was never mentioned. The acting was absolutely atrocious and the sound effects even worse, for example when Liz was supposed to be possessed, she sounded more like a dinosaur from jurassic Park rather than a demon. I was glad to see the end of this truly awful movie.
A Quiet Place (2018)
A Quiet Place (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
“There’s a kind of hush, all over the world tonight”.
What a masterpiece this is! The most novel, the most tense, the most exhilarating, the most edge-of-your-seat Indie horror movie I could hope to see this year.

It’s 2020 and 89 days after “it” happens, the world is a very different place. Making any noise at all becomes a death sentence…. that bad cold could kill you and nothing seems to be able to prevent mankind from being annihilated one sneeze at a time.

In what could be a nice “Cloverfield”-style series, the action here focuses in on the resourceful Abbott family: the father Lee (John Krasinski, “Away We Go”) is handy with electronics and back-woods skills; the mother Evelyn (Emily Blunt, “The Girl on the Train“; “Edge of Tomorrow“) has medical training. So they are well suited then to take care of their offspring: the profoundly deaf Regan (Millicent Simmonds); Marcus (Noah Jupe); and their youngest Beau (a cute Cade Woodward). It’s a battle of brains against vicious, relentless and malevolent alien brawn: how far will Lee and Evelyn go to keep their family safe?

Man, this is a tense film! It doesn’t pull its punches from the get-go and thereafter there is an air of brooding and ever-building menace that gets right under your skin. This is certainly not helped by the fact that there is a ticking clock of an oncoming ‘event’ – no spoilers here – to worry about. As incessantly and inevitably as the rising tide in “The Shallows” a clock ticks down. Thank heavens then that the ‘event’ and the outcome of that ‘event’ are both traditionally such quiet affairs!

While all of the buzz at the moment is on the 80’s Easter Eggs in “Ready Player One”, here is a movie packed with delights for movie lovers. There are recognisable elements here from such classics as “The Road”, “Signs”, “Witness”, “Alien”, “Jurassic Park”, “Jaws”…. even (traumatically) “Home Alone”! So is it then just a rag-bag collection of stolen moments from other films? No – not at all. This stands tall and proud as a master work in its own right, the standout and unique quality of the movie being its use (or rather absence) of sound… something that works so magnificently as a concept in a movie-theatre.

I was lucky enough in the late September of 1979 to see (at 10 am in the morning as I remember!) in the Odeon Leicester Square in London, the first ever UK (and probably worldwide) showing of a little film called “Alien”. The cinema was pretty empty, but I have never sat through such an electric viewing. This had some of the same aura about it: a hushed audience, totally gripped. (I agree with Simon Mayo and Ali Plumb on this though that all snacks, and especially popcorn in scrapy SCRAPY cardboard boxes, should be banned from these screenings… I had to physically move seats away a noisy muncher as the film started!). But for sure, distractions accepted, this is a classic communal movie experience and so is a movie you should most DEFINITELY see in the cinema.

If there is one Oscar for February 2019 that I think should already be a shoe-in for a nomination, if not a win, it is the sound team led by Erik Aadahl and Ethan Van der Ryn: breathtakingly spectacular. This is assisted enormously by the musical score of Marco Beltrami (“Logan“, “The Shallows“) which helps augment and annotate the action jump-scares brilliantly.

Another critical member of the crew for a film like this is the editor, and here Christopher Tellefsen (“Joy“) delivers the goods with tight and effective execution of those cuts (the film sort!) that made me vertically leave my seat at least a couple of times.

Real life couple Krasinski and Blunt share such obvious and tender chemistry that it is impossible to not get emotionally involved. A shared iPhone listening moment, as a lull in the action, is very moving. Millicent Simmonds, who is actually deaf from childhood in an inspired piece of storytelling/casting, is also an acting force to be reckoned with: her only other movie is last year’s “Wonderstruck” that I have yet to see.

Writers Bryan Woods and Scott Beck (with contribution to the screenplay from Krasinski) also deserve praise for an intelligent and highly satisfying plot that never fails to disappoint to the last drop. Every detail, down to the painted footsteps on the un-squeaky floorboards, is just pitch-perfect. It’s also a film that very wisely doesn’t outstay its welcome: 90 minutes of such adrenaline is almost too much for anyone to stand! Krasinski as director keeps everything deliciously tight during that running time with no time to breath, particularly in the frenetic final reel.

I’ve gushed enough. This is a must see for sci-fi and horror fans of all ages. And with a “BvS quotient” of just 6.8%, it’s enormously good value for money. Go see it!
Wow … I had to keep putting this book down to wrap my head around the abuse and neglect that Barbara had to deal with at such a young age. It was a very emotionally read. My brain and heart didn't want to believe these events could happen to a child as I was reading it. I couldn't believe her real mom left her and left her in the care of her father.
When she was 5 with the emotional and physical abuse she endured from her father and the "mum" her father left her with. I couldn't believe her father would call her a dirty little tinker and belittle her like that and made her think she was nothing. And the "mum" she was left with, leaving her by herself, treating her the way she did, and using Barbara as a way to get money is such a disgrace.
And then when her dad had a son, to read how the two were treated completely differently all because of blood line, oh my heart went out for poor Barbara.
Unfortunately the abuse and turmoil continued after she was put in homes and then into the hospital. To read what happened in the hospital and what the Dr. did she Barbra and the other poor girls, I was in complete shock. Aston Hall was a complete nightmare and how any girl survived that is amazing in itself.
She finally was treated with dignity and love and kindness when she went to Blackbrook by some of the nuns, only to have that taken away and be mistreated yet again.
I commend Barbara for writing this story, to open our eyes to an event that occurred in 1971, and be brave enough to tell us her story. I praise the fact that she could over come all these obstacles in life and be how she is now. It is truly astonishing.
I just hate that she voiced what was going on to so many deaf ears and no one listened or believed her until she was in her teen years. I would hope in todays society that this would never happen and people are now more than ever willing to give children a voice, listen to them, and investigate. I wonder if this happened to Barbara now, would the abuse and neglect been stopped sooner.
I would so recommend this book but be prepared for a shocking, emotional and heart wrenching story. I hope Barbara knows now her own self worth and wish she would have known it her entire life.
Office Christmas Party (2016)
Office Christmas Party (2016)
2016 | Comedy
6.9 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Josh Parker (Jason Bateman) is a man with many things on his mind. He has just finalized a divorce which has cost him his house, tons of money, and his confidence. Known for bunting instead of swinging away, Josh heads to his office to move on with his life as Christmas approaches.

His lead programmer Tracey (Olivia Munn) constantly reminds him of his playing it safe mentality to the point where she fed up with him and his ways.

Thankfully for Josh his boss Clay (T.J. Miller), values him and even though he is a goof who happened to be given the office by his late father who started the company, things are looking up.

That is until Interim CEO Carol (Jennifer Aniston) arrives and makes no effort to hide her disdain for her brother Clay, nor the company not meeting her expectations.

Carol quickly tells Josh and Clay that they will have to downsize if they want to stay open and in a very unpopular move, eliminates bonuses and the office Christmas Party.

Since the movie is called “Office Christmas Party”, you know that Carol’s request will fall on deaf ears as Clay convinces his sister that they are about to close a major client (Courtney B. Vance), and as such will have the deal set before she lands in London later that evening.

With nothing to go on aside from desperation, Clay puts the lovable but highly eccentric office into overdrive to create a party unlike any other so they can land the contract needed to stay in business.

When the party arrives one series of epic misadventures and mishaps after another arises which threatens to sink the company and everyone involved once and for all.

The film follows a fairly linear and somewhat predictable path but the strong cast does a great job and Kate McKinnon as the ultra-weird H.R. lead steals several of the scenes in which she is in. Bateman plays pretty much the same character that he has played in most of his recent work as the everyman that tries to make the best of the bad situation and Miller is pretty much recycling the same character he plays on Silicon Valley. That being said, there are plenty of laughs if you do not mind the very bawdy humor and Directors Josh Gordon and Will Speck keep things moving at a steady pace with laughs throughout the film.

While it is likely not going to be a holiday classic, “Office Christmas Party”, is a very fun and enjoyable diversion.