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Censor (2021)
Censor (2021)
2021 |
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Censor is yet another shining example of how damn good modern horror can be. Every minute of it's rather brisk runtime is simultaneously unsettling and intoxicating.
Lead Niamh Algar gives us a sympathetic and increasingly unhinged protagonist to get behind, even when things really take a sinister turn. You so desperately want her to be right in her suspicions, even as the reality grows clearer, and Algar carries all of this with aplomb. It's her show through and through.
The constant foreboding atmosphere is complimented by a brooding music score, plenty of great cinematography and a colour scheme that manages to be vibrant and bleak. The finale in particular nails it's landing with the help of some hugely effective and stylish editing tricks.
A hugely impressive and tight debut feature length from Prano Bailey-Bond. I'm excited to see what she brings to the table next.
The Empire's Ghost
The Empire's Ghost
Isabelle Steiger | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good worldbuilding (1 more)
Well-rounded characters
Too many points of view (0 more)
An alright debut novel
So I’ve had pretty good luck with debut novels, overall. This one was good – not what I’d called spectacular, like those three, but good. If the sequel was out now, I’d read it. Knowing my reading habits, I probably won’t, because by the time the sequel does come out, I’ll have forgotten too much of this first book. (I strongly dislike only reading the first book in a series and then having to wait.)

What I really liked was how the author painted every character. Even the would-be Emperor, who is probably the closest to evil any character is in this book, was interesting and had clear motivations that made sense. I wouldn’t even call him evil, just ambitious. His assassin shows a different side in part of the book that also removes him from the “evil” category. I’m impressed that Steiger manager to set up several factions at odds with each other without making any of them evil. Wrong, perhaps, misguided perhaps, but not evil. Which is unusual in high fantasy.

What I disliked was there was a point in the middle where I had to set aside the book for real life – and I almost never picked it up again. Three days later, I finally did, but to me, that means I wasn’t invested in the characters or the story. I could have moved on to a different book, and I almost did. I liked most of the characters – but without liking any of them enough to truly care what happened. I also wish the pacing was a little faster, but that’s a victim of too many viewpoints, I think.

So I could go either way on this book. It was well-written but a little slow and didn’t just GRAB me the way some books do.

See all my reviews at
Another new author for me, and one I am completely happy to have found! When sitting down to read this intriguing sounding book, I wasn't quite sure what to expect,especially with this being a debut author. But, what I found when opening the pages was a book that completely swept me away, held me captive through out and completely stole all my emotions, from happiness to tears and back again. 

The story really blew me away and left me reflecting on my life, and my journeys. The women within the pages of this book are chiseled in heart stealing way, and they all quickly became my friends for life. The author created them and made them real to life, as their reunion story plays out among the pages. They each had issues in their life, and spent time having to find themselves, the real them, just as we have to in real life sometimes. Their struggles and trials really hit home with me on more than one occasion. 

If you are looking for a light hearted, fast paced read full of laughter and fun, this is not the book for you. If you are looking for a book that is completely and utterly gripping, that will make you feel like you are watching a movie on the big screen, that will leave you thinking about all that you have at hand, and what God can do for you if you just let Him, then this is the book just for you. A definite 4 star worthy book from a new author that I can't wait to see what's in story for her with more work. If they are like this incredibly stunning debut, then I know I will be a fan for life! 

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Kregel Publications and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
A Stranger in the House
A Stranger in the House
Shari Lapena | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
7.1 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really wish I had loved this book more! I have heard so many good things about her debut (which I still need to read!) so I was expecting great things from this one too. Don’t get me wrong, this wasn’t awful but I guessed the different twists straight away and I wasn’t so keen on the writing style, although more on that later because I’m conflicted!

I thought the characters in this one were quite well developed. You definitely got a feel for them and their lives, but none of them were particularly enthralling characters to read about. I didn’t find myself rushing to get back to the book to know what Tom was going to do next, or how Brigid felt in the next part. They were fine, but not great. Nor, were any particularly likeable, in my opinion.

When it comes to the writing, I’m a little conflicted. I said earlier I wasn’t so keen on it, but it did add some suspense to the novel, which is always good. I guess what I didn’t like so much was the repetition of “my wife / my husband” or using someones name about 3 times in a sentence.

I can’t think of much more to say about this one… I enjoyed it enough to continue reading it, and reasonably quickly. It only took me a few days to get through (which may seen like a lot for a short book, but I was in the middle of leaving and starting a new job)!

Even though this hasn’t been my favourite book of the year, I still want to read Lapena’s debut, and depending on if I like that, I will read her next book too. I always find second books slip in quality, ever so slightly? Not all the time, but that’s how I find it a lot of the time.