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The Chalk Man
The Chalk Man
C.J. Tudor | 2018 | Thriller
7.7 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Unique plot (2 more)
Unique presentation
Full of twist and turns
Not enough thrill (0 more)
This book has been presented in a way that I've never seen before. The story is told in 1986 and in the present (as in the book) 2016. Instead of chapters labelled 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on, theyre labelled 1986, 2016, 1986, 2016 and so on through the whole book. It's hard to explain but very unique and clever at the same time.
The story itself was very complex. There is many main characters who are all very likeable characters, each in their own unique way. And of course there are some not very nice and repelling characters. And some grusomely descriptive incidents.
The book starts off powerful and kept me intrigued from page 1. As I got about a quarter of the way through, my interest started weaning down slightly but the author soon recaptured me! I felt it was up and down through most of the book and then the last few chapters just exploded and really made the book. Everything is not always as it may seen.
I was also shocked to find out that this is C.J.Tudors 1st novel. If you didn't know this before reading it, it would be practically impossible to tell that it was a debut. I've read debuts before and never have they been as gripping, complexed and well written as The Chalk Man was.
At the end of the book there is a short prologue for the authors new book soon to be released this year, 'The Taking of Annie Thorne' I can definitely say I'll be purchasing it.
The only downside to this is that I personally felt there wasn't enough thrill for a thriller. Which to be honest, it doesn't actually need anyway because it's so well written and presented.
The Silver Road
The Silver Road
Stina Jackson | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A wonderful debut
This is a novel of love and loss, guilt and grief, and of family in both the good and bad sense of the word. It has been translated so well from the Swedish by Susan Beard that I didn't actually occur to me that it had been translated at all.
Lille's daughter has been missing for three years, and he spends every night of the summer driving the Silver Road in an effort to find her. This has caused the breakdown of his marriage, and he has a tenuous grasp on his sanity: he drinks too much, he smokes too much, and he sleeps too little in the summer. His wife has left him, and he spends a lot of time alone with the ghost of the daughter he is searching for.
Enter Meja: her mother has mental health problems, and has decided to move in with a man she has only met online. Meja is used to being her mothers carer, and she's used to a series of men moving in and out of their lives. This is such an emotional novel. I became really invested in the characters of Lelle and Meja. There was a real atmosphere of sadness around both of them.
The peripheral characters were really well written as well: from the ex-wife to the local police officer, from the family of 'Preppers' to Meja's mother and her new boyfriend, Torbjorn.
I loved the atmosphere of this book: there was an air of 'something drastic is going to happen very soon', and the melancholy was palpable. Although the subject matter was very sad, it really was a joy to read.
Many thanks to Readers First, The Pigeonhole and the publisher for the chance to read this book.
The Girl Before
The Girl Before
J.P. Delaney | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (25 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a page-turner! I was gripped from start to finish – if I could have read it in one sitting I would have!

The story alternates between being told by 2 different central female characters, Emma in the past, and Jane currently. Following a burglary, Emma and her boyfriend find an amazing new house, which adapts to how you live – you need a special microchip to be allowed entrance, and the lighting and shower settings adapt to your personal tendencies and preferences. But there’s a catch – to rent it, you have to obey a strict set of rules laid down by the obsessive and intriguing architect.

Switch scene to Jane – following a tragic still birth, Jane finds relief in finding an amazing new house where she can start over again. Things turn tense though when Jane finds out that previous tenant, Emma, looks exactly like Jane and was found dead at the bottom of the stairs. Things become more worrying still when Jane discovers her current beau, the elusive architect of the house, has only been taking on tenants who look like his dead wife.

When I read the synopsis, I thought that what happens with Jane would be identical to what happened with Emma, but each character does in fact have other things going on, and there was more to story than a fantastic house and a bizarre way to live. I won’t give away any more of the story – I wouldn't want to spoil it.

The majority of chapters where only about 2 minutes long, so it was easy to tell myself I had time for just one more chapter! It was like reading a James Patterson novel, but with oodles more intrigue! I enjoyed this author’s debut novel so much, I've already downloaded Delaney’s other book, and have pre-ordered the third! Thoroughly recommended!

Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated Elixir in Books

Apr 3, 2019  
Ted Galdi | 2014
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What is 5+2? How about 5x2? Those are easy right? What about 456328x22? Not so easy without a pen and paper or a calculator. For Sean Malone, these answers come to him very easily. At age 11 he was a Jeopardy champion. Now at age 14 he's a sophomore at Southern California Technical University and working on a project that no one has been able to figure out. The problem of the traveling salesman. When Sean does solve the problem, not only is his professor impressed. So are the head of the NSA, Secretary of Defense and the FBI. Sean didn't know that by solving this simple problem he also found a way into everything.

This debut novel from Ted Galdi is an exciting look into the mind of geniuses. Sometimes being the smartest one in the room isn't always the greatest thing. I thoroughly enjoyed this novel. I couldn't wait to pick it up everyday and find out what was going to happen next. There are a few thrilling moments in the book where you are on the edge of your seat. You are always rooting for Sean though throughout it's entirety. This book spans Sean's life from age 14 on with glimpses into his life before. You meet his friends and family and he becomes someone you want to know. Are there people like Sean in the world today who can come up with fascinating ideas that can change the world?

I'm afraid if I speak on this book too much I will give away the whole thing. All I can say is that you have to pick it up and give it a try for yourself.
Barking Mad at Murder
Barking Mad at Murder
Jacqueline Vick | 2014 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Something Different, but Fun
Frankie Chandler makes her living as a pet psychic in a small town in Arizona. There’s just one problem – she’s a fake. She really uses cues from her knowledge of human and animal behavior and fakes her visions to help pet owners with their pets’ behavior. So, you can imagine how surprised Frankie is when a dog named Sandy actually gets through and gives her a vision of a murder. She’s willing to write off the entire thing as a bad dream until a body matching the victim in the vision turns up in the desert. Can Frankie figure out what really happened? Does Sandy know more than Frankie got in the first vision?

This is definitely a step away from my normal cozy choices, but I picked it up after chatting with the author for most of the day at an event. I’m glad I took a chance on it. With Frankie just developing her powers, this book had some fun exploring that and what it meant for her. The mystery was good. There were occasional pacing issues, but for the most part it kept me engaged until the wonderful climax. A solid sub-plot helped keep me interested as well. A couple of the supporting characters have room to grow as the series develops, but for the most part the cast is solid, and I certainly hope to see more of many of them in later books. The book kept me grinning as I read as Frankie gets into some pretty fun situations over the course of the story. This is a solid series debut anyone looking for a light, fun read will enjoy.
Double Whammy
Double Whammy
Gretchen Archer | 2017 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I Wanted to Like this Book More Than I Actually Did
Former police officer Davis Way has finally landed a new job. She’s working as undercover security at the Bellissimo Resort and Casino in Biloxi, Mississippi. The first thing she’s asked to do is figure out how someone is rigging the Double Whammy machines to win the jackpot. She’s just started the investigation when she makes a startling discovery – the person getting the jackpots is her ex-ex-husband, a man she doesn’t want back in her life. Can she figure out how he is rigging the machines without crossing his path?

I’ve had this series and this book on my radar for a while. While I don’t gamble, the casino setting intrigued, and I know this series is very popular. Unfortunately, this is one of those books that entertains while you are reading, but when you set it down, you begin to see the flaws. There is a good plot here, but it gets distracted several times with sub-plots that slow things down. I did like how Davis’s complicated past is given to us in flashbacks spread out over the entire novel; it helps give some of her actions more context. Unfortunately, I felt she made some very stupid decisions over the course of the novel, especially in the final third. There’s a complication in that final third that stretched my ability to suspend disbelief as well. It’s a shame because I liked the characters and can see them growing even more over the course of a series. This book describes itself as a comic caper, and I’ve found that some just don’t work for me, and I think that’s the case here. I know the series has many fans, but this debut didn’t work for me as well as I wanted it to.
White is the Coldest Colour
White is the Coldest Colour
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
^^ Dr David Galbraith is a very good child psychologist and all sorts of children come his way for help. But immediately, within the first few pages, we discover that he is NOT to be trusted, and to say he is abusing his power is an understatement. It’s horrifying what he is able to get away with.

^^ Unfortunately, the Mailer family are going through some tough times due to marital breakdown, so in an effort to help their child Anthony, they take him to the well-known Dr Galbraith. Oh yes, you can see where this is going, right? This fact alone made me race through this book. One half of me is screaming at the pages, “Don’t take him to Dr Galbraith!” and the other half of me is going, “WOW! This is going to turn out bad, I can’t wait to see what happens!” ? It’s both terrifying and intriguing at the same time. I loved it.

^^ It’s clear the author also drew from his own experiences as a member of the police force with child protection social worker contacts, and this is also what made the book an outstanding and realistic read. It’s all too terrifyingly real in some places, and that’s what makes this plot so gripping.

^^ This totally exceeded all my expectations as a debut book by an author I have never actually heard of before. It’s well written, fast paced and totally unputdownable.

Overall: This is a stunning, psychological thriller, which really pulls you in deep to the dark side, and although the subject matter at times is very sad, and quite distressing, it’s very well done. I am totally looking forward to what this author has to offer next!
The Last Namsara (Iskari, #1)
The Last Namsara (Iskari, #1)
Kristen Ciccarelli | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Last Namsara is Kristen Ciccarelli's debut novel and I am in love. The world building was brilliantly done and laid a strong foundation for her story to grow and develop.

Asha is a dragon hunter and a feared Iksari who is strong and dedicated to her role in the kingdom. Despite the fact that her actions as a child called the dragons who burned her city, she fights every day to redeem herself from her past mistakes and make her father, the King, proud. It was nice to see the main character learns to value herself, even though she has grown up shamed and feared by the people. She overcomes her prejudices and the damage instilled upon her over the course of the novel.

Her transformative journey begins when a slave, Torwin is introduced to her life. He treats her like a normal person, just as she learns to treat him as one. He opens her eyes to the truth of the world and thaws her damaged heart, leading her to learn so much about the people in her kingdom and a better way to live.

There was also a well-written antagonist who was so controlling and cruel that you couldn't help but hate him. It was a nice juxtaposition to Torwin's character and helped push the plot along. For me, the romance was a secondary plot point and sometimes only slowed down the pacing. It wasn't the most important element of the story.

The world building, mythology and the dragons are what shone for me. I cannot wait to see more of this world. I listened to this via audiobook and the narrator, Pearl Mackie did a fantastic job. I loved the authenticity she brought to Asha's character and would highly recommend this audiobook.
The Watcher
The Watcher
Ross Armstrong | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
My author Q&A is now live on my blog! Go check it out:

<i><b>...some lies, even errors and guesses, do turn out to be true.</i></b>

Stay clear of <b>most</b> the reviews on this book so far because I accidentally skimmed over them and got some stuff ruined! Ugh! I <i>promise</i> I won’t spoil anything in my review!

I really like Armstrong’s style of writing, this is <i>a fantastic debut.</i> It’s fast paced, witty and thrilling!

The plot was so intriguing and entertaining, which is why I don’t get why people found this so average on Goodreads! Yeah, maybe the plot has been done before, but that made this no less interesting or fun to read. There were certain aspects of the story that were easily predictable, but reading them unfold made up for the fact you could guess them beforehand.

Lily was a great character! She was really sweet but also incredibly funny! I found myself chuckling at the situations she got herself into and the little anecdotes she’d often share. It was really nice to have this down-to-earth character, who was pretty barmy, troubled and weird, but also happy and friendly to the reader and fictitious neighbours.

This was a really fun book to get carried away with, totally unputdownable! I’m certainly going to keep my eyes peeled for more of Armstrong’s writing in the future.

Thanks to Netgalley and Harlequin UK for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.

<i>p.s. I have an interview with Armstrong coming out on the 29th (the same day this is published), so please check that out on my blog! I'll link it when it's up :-)

Alice (12 KP) rated Holding in Books

Jul 3, 2018  
Graham Norton | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well well well. What a pleasant surprise. Holding is a wonderfully written debut novel by Graham Norton, yes that Graham Norton, and his trademark sense of humour and wit was found throughout the novel.

Holding is set in Duneen in Ireland and focuses on three main characters – Sergeant PJ Collins, Evelyn Ross and Brid Riordan – and the way the mystery affects them as people.

The mystery itself – a buried skeleton found at a building site – was surprisingly on the back burner when you consider this was a mystery novel, however, it was well written and kept me interested in the story.

For me what made the story was the characters. PJ Collins is a Garda and is basically an overweight, middle aged, lonely shoddy copper.

Evelyn Ross is a middle aged woman who fell in love with the wrong man.

Brid Riordan is a middle aged woman who also fell in love with the wrong man – the same man – and is stuck in a loveless marriage drinking her sorrows away.

The book was more about how the finding of those bones affect PJ, Evelyn, Brid and even Mrs Meany and it was written in such a way that you felt for the characters – I personally felt more for Mrs Meany than I did the other characters but the next one would be Brid.

The dynamic between the three main characters was brilliant and the consistency towards the end was good. I think the only thing that put me off was the lack of distinguishing factors between point of view for example, one paragraph would be PJ and the next would be Brid and there would be no line break but other than that it was a very good book!

Definitely recommended.