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The Silent Second
The Silent Second
Adam Walker Phillips | 2017 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good, but Not the Tone I Was Expecting
Chuck Restic has spent twenty years in HR, and he’s good at his job – making sure employees get along so they don’t sue each other or, more importantly, the company. That’s how he first meets Ed, who has had a complaint filed against him. Ed seems like a nice guy, and their meeting goes well, but then Ed disappears a couple of days later. A plea from Ed’s family to figure out what happened to him intrigues Chuck. He’s recently separated from his wife, and he wants to do something to fill his time away from work, so he uses his boredom as an excuse to start poking around. The trail quickly leads to real estate around Los Angeles, but how could that have led to Ed’s disappearance?

I’d seen the author speak at a library event a while ago, and I thought this book sounded like fun. While I certainly enjoyed it, I found the book to be darker in tone than I was expecting. There were a few laughs when Chuck was in HR mode, but for the most part, this felt more like a hard-boiled book. But that’s my only complaint with the book. I really did like Chuck – in fact, I could identify with him a bit too much. (Maybe that was part of my problem.) The rest of the cast are just as strong and become well-rounded people as we learn most about them. The plot was great with plenty of twists and an ending I didn’t see coming. The book was light on foul language and didn’t get too graphic with the violence or sex, which I most definitely appreciated. This is a solid debut, but pick it up when you are in the mood for something on the darker side.
The Cactus
The Cactus
Sarah Haywood | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm genuinely surprised at how much I enjoyed this book. At the start of this novel, I hated Susan. Like I firmly wanted to punch her square in the face. I thought she was annoying, self-righteous, stuck on her high horse, just rude. I can't say that that changed much over the course of the novel, but the light in which she was shaded in changed. As you move through the story and you learn about her life, who she is and where she came from, her relationship with her mother before her death and after, it becomes apparent that her coldness, her vehement desire to push people away, and her intensity for control are all coping mechanisms stemmed from her childhood. I related a lot to Susan, even though I found myself wanting to scream at her in some parts of the book.

As for the story itself, the plotline, the characters, I really thought it was well put together. The twist towards the end and even the ending itself wasn't one that I thought of when I initially started reading or even as I made it to the halfway point and beyond. It wasn't a novel that kept me on the edge of my seat, by any means, but it was one that just pulled you in and you were encompassed in Susan's world - in her thoughts, however rude they might be. I relate a lot to who she was and who she becomes and I was surprised to find myself rooting for her by the end, even as I, again, wanted to punch her. I also appreciated that not every conflict needed to be wrapped up in a bow and solved. That's not real life and this book felt like real life.

A debut novel, well done.
Statue of Limitations
Statue of Limitations
Kate Collins | 2020 | Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Entertaining Debut
Athena Spencer has had to move back to live with her family in Michigan after her divorce. That means dealing with her large, crazy Greek family on a daily basis since she and her young son are living with them and she is working at the family’s garden center. It also means she is on hand when her grandparent’s Greek restaurant is threatened by the powerful Talbot family. They intend to raze an entire block of shops to put in condos. The fact that a murder takes place in their home, two weeks after another suspicious death, doesn’t seem to be slowing their plans down at all. The police are focusing their attention on a stranger in town, but Athena thinks they have the wrong suspect. Can she solve the murder and save her grandparent’s restaurant?

As I was starting this book, I was thinking I was going to have problems with it. Athena’s family likes to spend their time meddling in her life, something that I find annoying. Honestly, the family needs more development quickly because I still found them annoying at the end. I also questioned just why Athena was going to such extremes to help a stranger. But I kept reading, and as I kept reading, I got more and more hooked on the story. Yes, there is a lot here, and in lesser hands, it might have gone very wrong. Here, it worked. There was always something going on to keep me engaged. The ending was a bit abrupt, but it did wrap everything up nicely. This is a light book, but if that is what you are looking for, you’ll be delighted. Kate Collins’s many fans will be very happy.