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The Madonnas of Leningrad
Debra Dean | 2006
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
For the most part, this book bored me and even though it was short, I had a hard time picking it up to read many times. I feel like the author was trying to cram too much into such a short book and I can't quite see the whole point of it. To go back and forth between the two time periods didn't allow for much substance in either era and the only thing that connected them was one person, which for some odd reason, didn't work for me. Every time it went back to present day, I was jolted from the book and wished the Ms. Dean had stuck to the past era, as the present one detracted from it. Being as it was, I felt I never really knew anyone in the book, the characters were one-dimensional and had the book been longer, that might have been remedied. I don't think the author did a very good job of interconnecting the stories, oftentimes it was boring, and the end was abrupt and a let down. I did think that when the author was describing the artwork and Hermitage, that was when she excelled, and at times, it was quite lovely. However, THE MADONNAS OF LENINGRAD, most likely won't leave a lasting impression.

A little note on the artwork, I noticed a mistake, I know that there is no such thing as Belgium Delft. My mom has a collection that started with her mom. I grew up with it, so I know a little about it. I also did some research and Belgium was once part of the Netherlands but that wouldn't make it Belgium Delft. Now, whether Belgium now has their own kind of Delft-like pottery, I wouldn't know. This detail has made me a little weary about the author's descriptions and history on other pieces of art in this book, which is unfortunate. As I said before, the descriptions of the artwork are exceptional. With that, the author shows promise with this debut, and hope that in the future, she won't try for too much. I'm sure others will like this better than I did and not be as critical. :)
I'm having a remarkably hard time gathering up my thoughts to review THE FRUIT OF HER HANDS. The book is a mixed bag as far as I'm concerned.

Overall, the book was informative and easy entertainment, but it lacked depth. For the most part the characters were either good or bad, with no shades of grey, which made them unrealistic and led to my feeling of detachment. Shira was a sympathetic and capable main character during the first third of the book and looked to be an interesting Medieval wife. Unfortunately, after she became married, she lost her personality. I realize that it was an accurate portrayal of Jewish wives back then, but Shira had been scholarly, while still seeing to her duties, up until this point and then turned into a boring protagonist. What set her apart and made me want to read about her was her attitude about learning the Talmud like the men. What interested Meir in the first place was Shira, who he thought unusual; not that I was shown their love, I was just told about it. The chemistry was lacking between them, but that may be in part that I didn't get a good sense of who Meir was as a person, other than he was brilliant, a revered scholar, et cetera. No one felt real in this book and that's a shame.

What was perhaps done best were the details and information about the Jewish people and their faith. Generally, it was written into the story quite well, even if Shira was conveniently placed right in the way of big events. I learned much and am grateful for the history of that time. My one problem with it was that although I felt the pain and suffering the Jewish endured, it was just a little too clean. More realism and grit would have added much to the book.

Perhaps the scope of the book did a disservice to the story as a whole, and it might have benefited a few scenes taken out. As a whole, it's a decent book and a good debut, but it still lacks that something that makes me what to say "read it".
Two Can Keep a Secret
Two Can Keep a Secret
Karen M. McManus | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
8.6 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was partially right in my assumption as to who had done it, but I don't see that as a bad thing. I was a bit taken a back as to what happened and who was behind it, but I'm not counting that as a negative thing.

I talked about McManus' debut novel, but I never reviewed it. Those were back in my days before discovering reviewing books. I did read that book in a bookclub and it was fun, but I had mixed feelings about that book. I'll have to re-read the book to really get into it, so I won't do that right now.

I felt horrible for Malcolm to have to overcome the crap that he did with his older brother, Declan. I honestly do not like how much of a pushover and weak character Malcolm and Declan's mother is. I almot feel like she was put there to say that the boys did indeed have a mother. I understood WHY she was like that and the reasoning behind it, but I felt like she didn't have much of a true purpose in the story.

The twist was unexpected, but it was a twist that was not too terribly bad. The story kept me guessing and it ended well, even gave you a bit of a 'oh wow' kind of feeling.

Like I said, I liked the story better than McManus' first novel. They aren't connected, so this isn't a series that you have to start from the beginning.

As much as I found Ellery a bit of an annoyance with her questions and constant suspicions, it was hard not to like her. She paid attention and even if she is a bit obsessed with her true crime novels, they made her aware when nobody else was, or willing to be.

I did enjoy the mystery and the turn of events in this book. Each character had a role, no matter how minor or cliche, to play in the story. Nobody was tossed aside or mentioned but never seen again. It had me guessing and definitely had me not wanting to put it down even after finishing a chapter.
Searching (2018)
Searching (2018)
2018 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Look deeper
#searching #searchingmovie is an extremely intense, clever & emotionally draining film that for a directorial debut is actually quite a remarkable achievement. I like #Johncho I feel he's one of those actors that really doesnt get enough time to truly shine, so with him being the star of searching its great to see him finally get to seriously act. He's just so extremely likable & within the first 10 minutes we are introduced to him & his #family so well that an instant #emotional connection to them is formed. Told entirely through a screen searching does a great job of creating suspense & tension by using the flaws/interface of things we have all become a custom to as neat little visual cues (eg just missing a call by a few seconds, waiting for a video to buffer, seeing someone go offline while talking to them or even typing what you want to say only to delete it & type something different). This works perfectly & is never boring keeping you on edge & invested throughout while also being eerily #beautiful at times. Themes of neglect, distrust, loss & #depression are present throughout & theres also a sad look at how although we are all so connected to one another nowadays the sad fact is we have never also been more alone & afraid to show who we really are or what we are really thinking. Different sides of #Socialmedia are also explored well here too & we are shown how it can not only be used to help but also to hinder & manipulate even in a serious case like this (as well as people using the case to gain thier own fame too). Story wise its good with all the plot twists constantly shocking & unexpected with great build up too. Characters all have great back story & are all played well by the cast. My only gripe was the pacing after the final twist as it not only felt rushed but a little exposition heavy too. If your looking for a #film thats going to give your #emotions a run you'll #love Searching, while its no #nocturnalanimals its still smart, well constructed, gripping & an extremely entertaining little #drama. #instagram #apple #catfish #weekend #odeon #odeonlimitless #filmbuff #filmreview #filmcritic #internet #trending #youtube #facebook #followers #like
Hereditary (2018)
Hereditary (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Its all in the family
#Hereditary is a strange/uncomfortable visual bombardment & for a directorial debut its almost stunningly perfect too.For those of you looking for jump scares, a scary #nun or a haunted doll you may want to avoid Hereditary as this is a different kind of horror film & its all the better for it. Sitting comfortably in between #thewitch & #itcomesatnight this is a multi layered film about loss, grieving, mental heath & loneliness & how they slowly bring about the destruction of a #family. Shot flawlessly the film sinks its teeth into your nerves instantly with #beautiful slow camera pans & rotations mixed with eerie lingering shots & overlapping scene fades. It really is a work of #art visually & every location feels like a character its self. Sound design is perfect too with great use of silence to build dread/tension, a fantastic & beautifuly somber score & great use of clicking, chopping, cracking & snapping sounds that constantly keep you feeling #anxious & on edge. Acting is also flawless with #ToniCollette absolutely knocking it out of the park as Annie a character Toni plays so well you cant help but get lost in the intricacy of her personality. While containing horror elements Hereditary plays out more along the lines of a #psychological drama with a plot so multi layered, intricate & intelligent multiple viewings will be necessary to fully understand all of what its truly about & what it really has to say (that's not to say its an easy watch however, at times the film created a tension & atmosphere so unpleasant & unnerving this accompanied by some startling & #dark imagery I found myself feeling very uncomfortable at times). My only gripe stopping it being a 10 is the strange comedy surrounding some scenes which I found immersion breaking (this may be intentional but for me it didnt work). Hereditary really is something special/unique & although not for everyone its certainly destined to win an award or become a #cultclassic. With a fresh take on its subject matter & truly #disturbing imagery this is a must for film #fans. #odeon #odeonlimitless #horror #scary #gore #terror #anxiety #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #filmcritic #filmbuff #filmreview
Everything, Everything
Everything, Everything
Nicola Yoon | 2015 | Children
8.3 (49 Ratings)
Book Rating
Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon is such a powerful story, especially for her debut novel. It tackles the tough topic of living your life with a disease that affects absolutely everything. Maddy has SCID, a disease that essentially makes her allergic to the world. She doesn’t know what all of her triggers are, but she knows that if she is exposed to other people, spicy food or even nature outside – she could become severely ill and even die.

Her life has gone by, day by day, with no change. Her nurse Carla takes care of her, checks her temperature and blood pressure and she eats exactly three meals and two snacks a day. Every Friday, she has a special French food night with her mom but her meals are less than authentic with her allergies. But despite all that, she never gives up. She takes classes, reads books and is happy, despite the huge thing looming over her life and unlikelihood that she would ever be allowed outside in the real world.

But everything changes when a new family moves into the house near hers. Normally, she would just let the sound wash over her, ignore the beeping of the moving truck, but not today. For some reason, she goes to the window and her entire world changes. She makes a new friend, one she won’t allow to pity her, and his name is Olly. He opens up her world and before long, they’re messaging one another long into the night.

Their story together was so precious, that you couldn’t help but fall in love with each of them. The strength that Maddy had to live, cheerfully, day by day and the heart that Olly had to love and want to protect his family no matter what. The tale was heartbreaking and lovely, and to my surprise, it was not predictable.

I would highly recommend this book to young adult/teen readers who enjoy character-driven plots and unique contemporary book. This novel really delves into Maddy’s head and gives you a glimpse into her thoughts through a variety of mediums.

Joana Lau (3 KP) rated Artemis in Books

Feb 5, 2018  
Andy Weir | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.7 (34 Ratings)
Book Rating
Artemis is a fun, fast paced book featuring a charming heroine.

Jazz Bashara is smart, funny, sexy and like many of this generation – although the book takes place in the future – a little lost in her ways.

After a series of what some might call (Jazz included) “bad life decisions”, Jazz splits her time between working a legit porter job and as a smuggler of mostly harmless goods into her town, Artemis.

Artemis is the first lunar town, an earth colony of blue collar laborers, its main economies in are tourism, glass and aluminum production.

Through her pattern of making questionable choices, Jazz finds herself neck deep in some big trouble involving the town’s main big shots, the mayor, the aluminum industry and the Brazilian syndicate mob. I can’t wait to listen to the audiobook version narrated by Rosario Dawson, she will be the perfect voice for Jazz Bashara.

As I Brazilian native I was a little bothered by the lack of research into Brazilian surnames and cultural background. It is a huge pet peeve of mine when Brazilians are characterized too much like other Hispanic peoples. Although many shared similarities, our names and language are quite different and the names “Sanchez” and “Alvarez” are Hispanic names that are practically inexistent in Brazil.

Besides the above mentioned and a few tacky, too predictable, unoriginal sex jokes, the book is extremely charming.

Artemis is fun and the plot is very engaging. The dialogues are quick witted and the brainy problem solving echoes Mr. Weir’s debut “The Martian”.

The characters are well rounded or at least, well thought of, the dialogue is funny and the adventure is endless. There’s enough detailed chemistry and space mechanics to satisfy the inner nerd and the touch of romance is just enough to make you cheer for Jazz’s love conquests without being turned off – I am one of those people that get irritated when romance becomes the story’s main purpose. The gentrified, tight community vibe of Artemis juxtaposes well with the bare, unexciting moonscape.

Overall, one of my favorite books of the year and a huge relief. As a big fan of “The Martian”, I had big expectations for Mr. Weir’s new book. It did not disappoint.
Goodbye Days
Goodbye Days
Jeff Zentner | 2017 | Children
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Where do I start with this book? I read Jeff Zentner’s debut novel, The Serpent King, last year and I absolutely loved it, I’m talking one of my favorite reads of the year. And after finishing his follow-up novel, it’s safe to say that he’s becoming an auto-read author for me. The story opens with Carver Briggs (named after Raymond Carver and nicknamed Blade, how cool is that?) attending the funerals of his three best friends who were killed in an auto accident while texting Carver. As you can imagine, Carver is constantly plagued by guilt, grief, and the threat of possible prosecution. Every time I picked up this book, I immediately had a lump in my throat, the emotion was so real and so raw. Throughout the course of the book, Carver has “goodbye days” with each of his friends’ families, sharing memories and trying to make peace with his loss. They were the hardest parts to read, but also the most beautiful, where you could really feel Carver’s love for his friends and the depth of his grief.
One of my favorite things about Jeff Zentner is how he writes his characters. Carver and his friends, The Sauce Crew, feel like real teenage boys, sometimes cringingly so. Zentner writes misfits and outcasts as only someone who has been there can; honestly and compassionately. His prose sometimes feels almost poetical, lyrical; which makes sense. He’s also a guitarist and songwriter with five albums under his belt, who’s recorded with Iggy Pop and Debbie Harry. His love for music is a common thread in his books, both of which feature musicians and the power of music to heal and inspire. (The music-related Serpent King cameo was possibly my favorite thing in this novel)
While I didn’t love this one quite as much as The Serpent King, it was still a five star read for me and I recommend it if you’re a YA contemporary fan or if you just enjoy having your heart ripped out of your chest and shredded into confetti multiple times.
Shadow Fall (Shadow Fall, #1)
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rating 1.5 stars

<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

For almost a decade, dystopian literature has become mainstream amongst the young adult community, and it appears set to stay as another debut author joins the bandwagon. <i>Shadow Fall</i> by Audrey Grey encompasses ideas from popular series, such as<i> The Hunger Games</i> and <i>The Maze Runner</i>, to create an original apocalyptic story. In barely more than a fortnight the Earth is doomed to be destroyed by a passing asteroid, only a handful of humans can survive. The question is who?

Maia Graystone, a fugitive, has been given the opportunity to win a place on Hyperion space station – a castle in the stars – and safety from the asteroid, Pandora. However in a game of life and death it is not going to be easy to get through the trials. Posing, quite literally, as the Lady Everly March, Maia hopes not to be recognized by the tyrannous Emperor, nor by the mother who abandoned her. Yet Maia’s supporters have an ulterior motive – kill the Emperor.

To be brutally honest, <i>Shadow Fall</i> was a rather tedious book to read. Granted there was a lot of action – mostly unnecessary, bloodthirsty murder – however the confusing storyline, rude characters and the inability to evoke a visual idea of the setting, resulted in a painstakingly uninspiring story.

With so many dystopian novels to compete against, it is going to be hard for a new writer to stand out from the crowd. Audrey Grey used a lot of Greek mythological references as the basis of her ideas, something that appealed to me, but may be lost on other readers.
On the other hand,<i> Shadow Fall </i>contains a couple of scenes that will conjure emotion up in the majority of readers, and mildly excite and engage. Yet, for me, this was not enough to save it from a negative review. I really wanted to like this book but I struggled to get into the story and appreciate the author’s hard work.
This Raging Light
This Raging Light
Estelle Laure | 2016 | Children
6.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

This Raging Light</i> is a contemporary young adult debut novel by Estelle Laure. It is a fast paced story of family, friendship and first love. Seventeen-year-old Lucille should be worrying about her senior year at school, spending time with her best friend Eden and admiring Eden’s twin brother, Digby. Instead both parents have disappeared, leaving 9-year-old Wren and a pile of bills in Lucille’s unprepared hands.

Whilst trying to keep up appearances so that no one finds out what is going on at home, Lucille struggles to maintain her friendship with words-of-wisdom-quoting Eden and curb her ever-growing fascination with Digby.

Laure’s writing style instantly connects the reader with Lucille’s personality and circumstance. Lucille is an admirable character who has already been through so much before the story even began. Her father had a mental breakdown and then disappeared from the hospital with no word of where he was going. At a time in their life when they needed as much support as possible, Lucille and Wren’s mother takes off as well. It is unfathomable how Lucille managed to cope and keep it secret for so long; readers are sure to question how they would cope in the same situation.

Toward the beginning of the book the phrases used to describe Lucille’s father and his mental health problems were a bit stigmatic. This almost made mental illness appear to be a negative problem to be avoided and shunned. Hopefully this will not fuel any reader’s prejudices about the mental ill.

Lucille and Digby’s relationship was a little confusing. It was not delved into deep enough to create any climax within the storyline. The key theme was about Lucille surviving on her own rather than her romantic experiences.

Overall, <i>This Raging Light</i> is so easy to read that many people will find it difficult to put down. Lucille is such a lovely character that you will want to see through to the very end to make sure she is okay and looked after.