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The Psychology of Time Travel
The Psychology of Time Travel
Kate Mascarenhas | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Engaging, fully formed world (1 more)
Complex female characters
This book had my interest on the premise alone, enough to give it a shot - but I didn't expect it to be such an enjoyable ride.

Usually when fiction tackles time travel concepts you get glaring paradoxes, intentional blurring of details or overdone tropes but this book actually pulled it off well. Rather than focusing on the usual quandaries faced by time travelling instead we had a plethora of content I'd never even considered before!

From the humble beginnings of the four 'pioneers' in the '60s (which most books would have kept focus on) we jump forwards to the modern era and have what happened between was filled in through very natural exposition and character discovery. The result is a rich and vast world I wanted to know more and more about. What a fantastic concept to show modern day Britain with a history knocked off course by the creation of the conclave and decades of shared knowledge.
I was repeatedly impressed by the level of detail that Mascarenhas took things to (the time travel terminology/slang definitely being one of them!) and the areas she covered.

Over the course of reading this book I found myself bringing up the book in conversation at work and home. I couldn't help but talk about it. It was also at this point, in describing the book, that I suddenly realised there were no male characters of note in the book at all. This absolutely took nothing away from the story. The women in this story were fully formed and real enough to be flawed. Such a refreshing experience in sci-fi! I was pleasantly surprised by the romantic sub-plot between two women as well. This was such a natural progression of the story, with no fan-fare or overdue focus - it was just right and wonderfully depicted.

The themes covered by the book are equal parts beautiful and painful - just like life itself. What an incredible debut novel from a voice I am keen to hear more from.

Thank you to NetGalley and Head of Zeus for an ARC of this book in in exchange for an honest review
Favorite Flavor by Virgin Miri
Favorite Flavor by Virgin Miri
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Virgin Miri is a singer-songwriter from Sweden. Not too long ago, she released a bouncy Scandi-pop tune, entitled, “Favorite Flavor”.

“When I wake, I wanna bake ya and hide your clothes. You can stay with me forever, I wanna overdose. I can’t get enough of you. Can I keep you in my room? Wear you like a new perfume. I can’t get enough, you’re my favorite flavor. Spicy chili, baby, hotter than a fever.” – lyrics

‘Favorite Flavor’ tells a slightly psychotic tale of a young woman who enjoys a perfect sleepover with her significant other.

Apparently, she has no self-control when he’s around, and every day she can’t seem to get enough of him.

Later, she admits that when she’s done with him, she’s going to wrap him up like candy and save him for later.

‘Favorite Flavor’ contains a dreamy storyline, pleasant vocals, and bouncy instrumentation flavored with playful synths and sticky kicks.

Also, the likable tune was partly inspired by a friend who hugged her bunny so hard it suffocated.

“‘Favorite Flavor’ is a love song about the honeymoon phase. When you can’t sleep because the butterflies in your belly keep you up. And you just want to hang out and make out forever.” – Virgin Miri

As a teen, Virgin Miri co-founded the controversial pop-duo, Cupid Kidz, “Sweden’s most dangerous band” according to Channel 4 News.

After a few age-restricted music videos and getting banned in the city of Falun, she moved to New York to chase the American dream.

Two years later, she found herself with an expired visa and a broken heart. She quit her job, boyfriend, and hairstyle. Also, she bought a one-way ticket to Mexico, where she crashed her best friend’s honeymoon.

Under a palm tree by the Caribbean sea, she ate 200 tacos and wrote 200 songs. With a new sound, she returned home to reside and create bedroom pop in her dad’s Stockholm office.

‘Favorite Flavor’ is the first single from Virgin Miri’s upcoming debut EP, which was written and produced with Hessam Esfahani.
L.A. - Single by Kyan
L.A. - Single by Kyan
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Kyan is a singer-songwriter and producer from Cambridge, England. Not too long ago, he released a music video for his “L.A.” single, which was shot in South Africa.

“I came across an incredible self-portraiture photographer, Danielle Terblance, on Instagram. I had had this video concept in the back of my head for a while to create a narrative around a series of still images. We created it using 500 photographs, edited down from the 4,000 we took over the two shoot days. The piece follows my character as a fallen angel, attempting to navigate his way through the South African landscape back to The City of Angels (L.A.).” – Kyan

‘L.A.’ tells an interesting tale of a young guy with an aching heart who relocates to L.A to get his mind right.

Apparently, he tries his best to cope with life after experiencing an emotional breakup with his ex-girlfriend. Even though L.A. is five thousand miles away from where she stays, he can’t seem to get her out of his mind.

Later, he admits that he’s been lying on a sofa for a week. Also, in his mind, she’s everywhere he goes and in everything he knows. Therefore, he realizes that he needs her in his life.

‘L.A.’ contains a bittersweet storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and lush instrumentation flavored with sentimental elements.

“The narrative concept came from my personal experience of traveling to L.A. after a breakup with my long-term girlfriend and record label. I’d always viewed L.A. as this distant, shining beacon of dreams and opportunity. Then, all of a sudden, I was going there under really difficult circumstances. Due to the breakups, the trip had switched from being something I was running to, to something I was running from. In the weeks before the trip, L.A. became an escape, a chance for air amongst the intense emotional claustrophobia I was experiencing inside.” – Kyan

Since releasing his debut EP, entitled, “The Purple Experiment”​ ​​in 2014, Kyan has toured with the critically acclaimed trio, ​London Grammar​​.

Also, he has had a series of collaborations with the likes of ​Cedric Gervais & Just Kiddin, Duke Dumont​​, electro-pop king ​Madeon​​, ​Benga​​, and ​Knox Brown.
Wanted in Paradise
Wanted in Paradise
Kate Ashenden | 2019 | Crime, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wanted in Paradise by Kate Ashenden is a quick-to-read romance thriller set on the tropical nation of the Maldives. The twenty-five-year-old protagonist, Jasmine Hartwell has been on a hellish journey: surviving a typhoon in the Philippines, which killed thousands of people, and quitting her job because she cannot stand the way her boss treats her. To top it off, her ex-boyfriend has disappeared, presumed dead. After sending her condolences to his good looking superstar brother, Romeo Moretti, Jasmine is offered the chance to join him in the Maldives to help set up a concert in aid of climate change.

Readers are aware that Jasmine has had a crush on Romeo since she met him five years ago but due to their current circumstances, it would not be right for them to form a relationship while her ex, Diego is still missing. That does not stop Jasmine having strong feelings for Romeo and vice versa, however, there is another love interest on the scene. The Sheikh has fallen for Jasmine but Romeo believes he is an evil character set on destroying the concert and taking over the islands. Not only does Jasmine have to contend with this love-triangle, but Romeo's publicist also seems fixed on making things unnecessarily hard for her.

It takes a while for the reader to warm to the characters, especially as the story is fast-paced. It also takes a moment to appreciate the complexities of the storyline; it is not only about romance, but it also encompasses natural disasters, the dangers of climate change and the ignorance and selfishness of those with power. By the closing chapters, readers are enthralled with the potential of a happy-ever-after but still in the knowledge that all could backfire at the last minute.

Wanted in Paradise is Kate Ashenden's debut novel, which, whilst it has room for improvement, gives a taster of her potential. It is the ideal book for those who want a quick read and to be transported to another part of the world to escape the challenged of everyday life.
Living the life of nobility can be oppressive and demanding. There are restrictions for every aspect of life. Lady Miranda longs to be free of the expectations placed on her, but will she have the courage to stand up to her mother and her "lady lessons"?

"A lady never posted letters to an unrelated male. But the very writing of his name made her feel dangerous."

Lady Miranda Hawthorne has been raised to be the epitome of poise and grace, but everything inside of her screams to rebel. She pours her heart out on paper, in letters she never sends, to her brother's childhood friend, the Duke of Marshington. She is approaching her fourth London season when Marlow, the handsome new valet to Lady Miranda's brother, accidentally mails one of these letters. She is mortified, until she receives a reply. Conflicted with her growing attraction for two men, her life is quickly changing in ways she never thought possible. She soon realises however, that there is more at stake than her heart. Miranda has had to hide behind the mask she have been expected to wear for so long. Hiding her true personality and identity. But the time has come for her to become the person she was created to be.

"'A Lady never sits on the floor.' A lady probably wasn't supposed to crawl on her belly through the dirt either."

A Noble Masquerade is a fabulous story from beginning to end! Kristi Ann Hunter has done a marvelous job with her debut novel! I was completely captivated by the intrigue and espionage. I was surprised more than once when the story line went in a different direction than I anticipated. The faith was natural and the romance genuine and clean. Kidnappings, traitors, witty humour and masquerades will keep you turning the pages of this remarkable story. This is a book that I will enjoy reading over and over again. I can not wait for Mrs. Hunter's next book!

I received a free advanced reading copy of A Noble Masquerade from Bethany House Publishers through Library Thing in exchange for my honest review.
An Inconvenient Beauty
An Inconvenient Beauty
Kristi Ann Hunter | 2017 | Romance
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kristi's debut series is beyond fabulous and she wraps it all up perfectly with Griffith's story! With several laugh out loud moments and an equal number of touching scenes that will tug at your heart, you will want to read this book in one sitting. (If only that were a reality in my household.) Griffith has been my favorite since the first book, A Noble Masquerade. And he completely lived up to (and quite possibly exceeded) my expectations that I have held on to. Especially picturing him as Chris Hemsworth...

One of the aspects that stood out to me in this story, is discerning God's direction for our lives. Especially when it comes to thinking that we don't deserve happiness, or a second chance, or forgiveness. These blinders can distract us from the GOOD that God wants to give to us.

I.LOVE.GRIFFITH. That is all...actually, I could go on about him for hours. So, what I want to highlight is his protective nature. His family is more important to him than anything, and he would go to any lengths to keep them safe and cared for. However, that means he puts their needs before his own. And this sacrificial love hasn't left much room for him to worry about his own future. BUT, when love strikes, things change. You could say his "world is turned upside down." He is adorable and hilarious!

Isabella is my new favorite woman in the Hawthorne Series. Even though she has secrets to hide, it is impossible to ignore her pure heart. And Uncle Percy, can only be described as the opposite of pure. The bitterness that stemmed from a heartbreaking loss has turned into a vendetta.

Four books, five if you include the novella, a slew of Hawthornes, romance, kidnappings, adventures, foiled plans, and upstanding and *ahem* SWOONY gentlemen...while my heart is sad that this series has ended. I am so thankful for the friends that I found within these pages.

I received a complimentary copy of An Inconvenient Beauty. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
All That is Solid Melts into Air
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>My rating: 3.5</b>

<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

<i>All That is Solid Melts into Air</i> (the title taken from a Karl Marx quote) is the debut novel from Irish author Darragh McKeon. Set mostly in 1986, it follows the lives of several people in the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster.

On reading the blurb I thought that the plot would be solely focused on the Chernobyl disaster however this was not the case. In fact it is difficult to pick out what the actual plot line was. Each character has individual storylines, some of which connect up, but the disaster is not completely the entire focus of the novel.

Beginning in April 1986 we read about Yevgeni, a nine-year-old piano prodigy and his life in Soviet Russia. We also discover his aunt, Maria, who, although through third person narrative, describes her life, thoughts and difficulties at this period of time. The person who appeared to be the main character for the majority of the narrative was Grigory Ivanovich Brovkin, a surgeon who so happens to be Maria’s ex-husband that gets sent out to Ukraine to assist with the clean up after the Chernobyl incident. In Ukraine lives Artyom, a thirteen-year-old boy who is forced to evacuate his home to get away from the radiation. Here, while not until November 1986, Grigory and Artyom’s storylines merge together.

The novel ends in April 2011, but by this point Artyom’s story has fizzled out, his sole purpose being to show the reader what life was like for the evacuees: shockingly terrible.

As I have said, there was not really a main plotline, however the book gives a good account of what happened and how things were dealt with after. That is, of course, if it is historically accurate. Despite studying the Soviet Union at school, my knowledge of the Chernobyl disaster was virtually non-existent. There is also a hint of romance regarding Grigory and Maria.

Overall it was incredibly well written, full of description and very interesting.
Baby Teeth
Baby Teeth
Zoje Stage | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
For all the hype that Zoje Stage’s debut novel, Baby Teeth has garnered, I expected this to be a delightful, bone-chilling read. After all, the idea of homicidal children is, on its own, creepy. Unfortunately, it fell disgustingly flat, repetitive and, for the most part, bored me. This is not a novel of horror; it is barely even a thriller. If anything, it’s the story of how a selfish mother, oblivious father, and attention-seeking child live their day-to-day lives.

One of the things that drew me in initially with this book is the fact that the mother, Suzette, suffers from Crohn’s disease. Stage does an amazing job at describing life for someone who suffers from IBD – all the way down to the medications (which I knew by their descriptions exactly what they were from experience). This is great, especially since more attention needs to be drawn to Crohn’s and colitis. However, Suzette’s personality, innermost thoughts, and general disdain give a poor, almost stereotypical visual of the character. Stage makes it seem like Suzette simply doesn’t want to do things, rather than can’t which, as a sufferer of ulcerative colitis, really irks me. In fact, Suzette is utterly unlikable.

Hanna, on the other hand, is a child that acts out horridly in order to garner her father’s attention. Sure, it’s pretty messed up–the things she does to her mother–but overall, she seems more like an undisciplined brat with a hint of something worse wrong with her. And the father? God forbid he man up and play his role as he should; rather, he coddles and feeds into Hanna’s bad behavior. Seriously, there’s nothing to like about the characters here.

Moving on to the plot, Baby Teeth is an absolute snoozefest. Girl attacks mom, mom gets upset, dad doesn’t listen, rinse and repeat for three hundred or so pages. Seriously, the only good thing it has is that things escalate, but even that is extremely slow.

Overall, I’m utterly disappointed in this book. It’s extremely tame (though there is a brief, unnecessary sex scene). I’d like to thank NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for providing me with a copy of this book for the purpose of an unbiased review.
Apple Cider Slaying
Apple Cider Slaying
Julie Anne Lindsey | 2019 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Death of a Neighbor Complicates Winnie’s Plans
The apple orchard that Winnie Montgomery calls home, along with her Granny, is having financial issues, and she is looking for ideas to save it. The idea she is most excited about is turning a barn on the property into a cider shop. She just needs a loan from the bank to be able to do the renovations. However, the meeting with the loan officers doesn’t turn out well when they find the body of Nadine during their tour of the facilities. The police are looking at Granny as their prime suspect since she and Nadine fought on a regular basis. With Granny’s freedom and the fate of the family orchard on the line, can Winnie figure out what really happened?

I always pick up the debut in a new series with hopes for a great read. I had more of a mixed reaction to this book. The plot was uneven, with what should have been sub-plots taking over for pages at a time and leaving me wondering when we’d get back to the mystery. The mystery was driven more by events than Winnie uncovering clues, but those events did draw me into the book, especially since I had come to care for the characters. I loved Winnie, Granny, and the rest of the cast. This was really driven home to me in the second half when an event made me gasp and read a little longer than I had intended that day. The timeline was fuzzy, which always bugs me. However, the book is set during the beginning of the Christmas season, and I loved how that season added to the coziness of the book. The four recipes at the end sound delicious, and yes, one of them is for cider. Julie Anne Lindsey also writes under the names Jacqueline Frost and Bree Baker, and I know she has a large fan base under all of those names. While I find this book uneven, I think this fantastic case of new characters will draw in many readers to this series.
When Dimple Met Rishi
When Dimple Met Rishi
Sandhya Menon | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.4 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cute contemporaries might be my downfall this year - there are so many amazing ones, and I am on a contemporary spree of sorts. (I hopped back to fantasy, but I'll be back for more cute ones, contemporary!)

Sandhya Menon’s debut novel has got to be one of my favorite contemporaries - and that says a lot since I'm not exactly a contemporary person. If anything, I avoid the genre like the plague.

Sit back, grab some Pocky Sticks, and allow me to gently shove this wonderful book in your face.

<b>Four Reasons to Pick Up When Dimple Met Rishi</b>
Rishi and Dimple are the cutest beans together - After the early hiccup between the two of them, I loved seeing their interactions together. I'm pretty sure my heart eyes emoji went a little out of control. Also can I please adopt them?

Women in STEM - I'll admit it: we need more females in the STEM fields - in both reality and in the literature we read. Dimple has a passion for coding, and the book is set around Dimple’s aspirations to win Insomnia Con (where coders spend several weeks creating an app of their own) in addition to her developing romance with Rishi.

Dimple doesn't care for romance - Dimple cares more about other things (like coding), and I really loved Menon included this because I can definitely relate. I prefer no makeup, and I suppose if I were in Dimple’s place, my mother would say no boy would want to talk to me because I look like I'm going to bite a boy. (Good.)

Iced coffee being thrown - I don't care what some peeps think about Dimple throwing iced coffee at Rishi, but I think it was A+, and it is one of my favorite scenes in the book. I was looking forward for this scene to happen, and if this book becomes a movie, this scene has GOT to be in there.

If you’re looking for a cute romance, definitely give When Dimple Met Rishi a try! If not for the cute romance, at least for the iced coffee being thrown?

<a href="">This review is originally posted on The Novelistics</a>