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First Man In Leading from the Front
First Man In Leading from the Front
Ant Middleton | 2019 | Biography
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
To be honest this is not my type of book of read, it was purchased for my husband to take on a flight but he forgot it so I picked it up and started to read it and have not put it down. You may know him from the TV programme SAS Who Dares Wins. This is not the typical autobiography that you read, yes it does give some of his history in the military but it is more about the inner turmoil that they are go through in the way of demons, attitude and how to deal with things. Recommended to everyone
Girls of Paper and Fire
Girls of Paper and Fire
Natasha Ngan | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.9 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Let me start off by saying the world building in this is just phenomenal. The moon, steel, and paper castes are so well thought out that. you can picture the different demons throughout and find yourself immursed in a new kingdom.
The romance was wonderful and not at all what you are expecting. It made you want to squeal and fight for love. Fight for what you want.
This was in no way what I was expecting but I really enjoyed the story. It dragged you into the middle and kept you on the edge of your seat.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Out of Blue (2019) in Movies

Apr 10, 2019 (Updated Apr 10, 2019)  
Out of Blue (2019)
Out of Blue (2019)
2019 | Drama, Thriller
5.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Bafflingly impenetrable crime drama. A young woman is found dead from a gunshot wound; assigned to the case is veteran homicide detective Mike Hoolihan (Clarkson) who finds it opens up many unanswered questions from her own past, raising many demons.

Sounds fairly straightforward, but film's many strange pretensions - discussion of quantum theory, astrophysics - and dourly humourless tone make it intensely hard work. Why does title not include word 'the'? It's a mystery. Why does this review not include word 'the'? Well, you've got to do something for entertainment, and this film certainly doesn't fit bill. Feels weirdly incompetent on many levels.
The Stars Never Rise (The Stars Never Rise, #1)
The Stars Never Rise (The Stars Never Rise, #1)
Rachel Vincent | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest

The Stars Never Rise</i> is the first book in an exciting new dystopian series. Since the war, the rise of soul sucking demons has been reduced, but instead of worrying about the remaining few, Nina Kane spends her time trying to provide food and clothing for herself and her younger sister Melanie. That is until she comes face to face with a demon – a degenerate – that she barely escapes from. Believing that it was a one off encounter and that she is safe within the walled in town of New Temperance run by the Unified Church, Nina turns her focus back to her sister who has her own troubles.

Before Nina gets the chance to help Melanie try to resolve her problem she encounters her second demon in the physical form of someone she has known all her life. While trying to protect herself, Nina unleashes a power she never knew she had. She is an exorcist who can rid bodies of demons, however the Church paints her as a wanted person with suspicions of being possessed.

The story gets exciting when Nina meets Finn, a fugitive, and his friends who help her to escape from the clutches of the Church. The mysterious Finn reveals the truth about Nina’s abilities and the lies the Church want people to believe. Within twenty-four hours the world is no longer the place Nina knew it to be.

Rachel Vincent has filled this book with lots of original ideas from her interpretation of demons to the character Finn, who is not human in the traditional sense. Not only does the story have fantasy/supernatural themes, it also deals with other more realistic issues such as poverty and teenage pregnancy.

<i>The Stars Never Rise</i> is bound to make an impression in the young adult market and become popular with dystopian lovers of all ages. Those who love this book will be eagerly awaiting the next in the series.
The Desert Spear
The Desert Spear
Peter V. Brett | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Desert Spear is the second book in the Demon Cycle by Peter V Brett. The first book is The Painted Man which introduces a world where demons rise at night and try to kill people, the only protection from them being to draw 'wards' which the demons are unable to cross.

I approached this second book in two minds. I liked the first book, the concept is excellent and well imagined. The main protagonist is interesting and the directions taken are unexpected. The only let down for me was that apart from the Painted Main himself, I found the other 'main' characters a little less interesting. Leesha's story was interesting and gave insights into Brett's world. However Rojer's story left me cold to be honest, he didn't seem to add very much to the book. I was a little concerned that this second book might be the same for me.

I needn't have worried. The first third of the book concerns the back story of Jardir, a desert warrior prince who appears as a second tier (though instrumental) character in the first book. In this book he is definitely a leading character. He has declared himself the Deliverer and is determined to unite all of humanity under his banner to fight the demons, as has been long foretold. He is determined and quite prepared to take cities by force if required. The back story explains what drives him and also the reasons for his actions in the first book.

Meanwhile the Painted Man is being called the Deliverer by the free peoples of the North, something he strenuously denies. But there can only be one Deliverer and as Jardir encroaches on the North their worlds will come into conflict.

This is a long book - the paperback I read ended on page 750 - and there is a lot to read. Brett is all about character development and there are a lot of characters in this book, some new some returning ones. Rojer is a much better character in this book, possibly because he is not required to carry the storyline but instead can provide a different point of view on events. Leesha is once again a main character and of course the Painted Man plays his part, fighting demons both physical and his own mental demons. There is a lot of dialogue as the story and plot are very much personality driven. There are of course scenes of demon fights large and small but they in no way make up the bulk of the book.

There is another plot strand that I won't give away here but adds more dimension to the demon threat and provides some excellent moments.

The writing is excellent and the characterisation outstanding. This is one of those books which makes you wonder why there is such snobbery in the wider fiction community for 'niche' genres such as fantasy. I would hold the writing and characters from this book against any established classic.

Despite my reluctance to pick this book up, I really enjoyed it and am very much looking forward to the third installment - The Daylight War. It promises to be an absolute corker.

If you liked the first book just for the demon fights and skimmed all the talking and character development in the middle then this is not for you. However if you found at least one character from the first book interesting and worth following, read this book.
Every girl has a secret she hopes the light will never find–but the demons already have.

Four girls. Four sets of secrets. Four searching for answers.

Mackenzie is the shy, awkward new girl at school, depressed and desperate for a real friend. When she stumbles upon the deepest secret of a sarcastic, angry-at-the-world track star, Krystal, they become instant enemies-especially about the flirtatious baseball player, Bryce.

Tammi, a gloomy singer/musician who couldn’t care less about what others think of her, meets Sadie, a dancer and a people-pleaser with a cotton candy disposition. They have nothing in common until their lives begin to collide in more ways than one.

As the girls’ worlds begin to converge, their secrets rather than their similarities draw them together. Meanwhile, all that’s kept hidden has left them vulnerable to a battle in an invisible realm where demonic creatures fight to keep the girls chained to their pasts while angels of light work to free them.

Can good ever come from evil? Can beauty ever arise from ashes?

My Thoughts: This is an amazing story of how 4 teenage girls deal not only with every day teenage issues, but with a war with demons. There is a war waging around us that we can not see and this book illustrates this extremely well. Do we think of where our bad moods and thoughts come from? This is an intense and creative novel that truly illustrates what goes on in a realm that we cannot see. This novel teaches us that with God, we can be set free from our past and win the battle against evil.

In this story-line, not only did the girls had to deal with some issues from their past, from abuse, arents dealing with depression and alcoholism; they had their usual teenage issues to deal with as well. We as readers learn how they all came together to face these demons controlling them and winning the war.

While reading this book, it made me think what is happening around me when I have a bad thought or a bad mood; those demons in this book will come to my mind to remind me that all I need to do is turn to God in prayer.

The unbelievers are given the gospel and learn how to trust in God and learn how prayer works in their lives.

This was an amazing book, those who enjoy reading about the spiritual realm around us will certainly enjoy this book as much as I did. I am looking forward to her next book in the Beauty from the Ashes series "The Uninvited".
The Flame Never Dies (The Stars Never Rise, #2)
The Flame Never Dies (The Stars Never Rise, #2)
Rachel Vincent | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Rachel Vincent’s first novel<i> The Stars Never Rise</i> introduced Young Adult readers to a whole new dystopian concept. The world as we know it has been invaded by demons who can possess the human body. After discovering she has the power of exorcism, seventeen-year-old Nina joins other teenage exorcists, including the disembodied Finn, who aim to rid their town of the parasitic creatures. However the totalitarian Unified Church, the rulers of what was once the USA, have been secretly taken over by demons and will stop at nothing to get rid of Nina and her friends.

<i>The Flame Never Dies</i> continues five months after the Anathema (the name the demons gave to the group of exorcists) escaped from the clutches of the Church. Whilst exorcising all the demons they come across, Nina and company are desperately seeking food and supplies to sustain themselves as well as nourish Nina’s heavily pregnant sister.

The story is fast paced and contains a multitude of climaxes and plot twists. Vincent omits all the mundane details resulting in a tale that appears to take place over a few days rather than weeks and months. With bombshell following bombshell it is impossible to get bored of reading or predict the final conclusion. The ending, however, is the only part of the novel that is a little disappointing. After such a build up, the speed and ease that the final burst of action takes leads to a slightly unsatisfying finale.

The key characters from the first book are all involved in <i>The Flame Never Dies</i> as well as a welcome selection of new and splendid faces. Vincent emphasises the importance of teamwork, the effects of love and the notion of hope through religious belief. Although unique, the beliefs expressed by some of the characters are not much different from the monotheistic faiths of today. As a result there is something in this book that almost everyone will be able to relate to.

<i>The Flame Never Dies</i>, in my opinion, is much more exciting and engaging than its predecessor, so if you loved <i>The Stars Never Rise</i> you can guarantee you will enjoy this too. Sadly the ending does not do the story justice, readers are left with no knowledge of how the characters survive the future, and, as this is a duology, no one will ever know. Yet despite all this, Rachel Vincent has created a fantastic piece of fiction that will no doubt be as popular as other books in its genre.
Unbalanced (Demon Lovers, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Addie is having a last drink with her colleagues before making her way home to nurse her upcoming hangover. She has been made redundant and has nothing to get up for. On her way home, she hears a cry for help and goes to see what she can do. What happens next is beyond her wildest imaginings and sends her spiraling into the world of demons and fulcrums. What Leah did out of duty, Addie quickly comes to do out of love and affections for 'her' demons. Will she be able to balance out Jet and Locan before they kill each other and will them be able to kill the demon that is taking out the teams?

This is a very short story that is full of heat. It has an interesting part with the fulcrum and what it means to lose one but there is a part when Addie wonders if she has done her 'job' too well and isn't actually needed anymore. There are gaps in the world building and character back stories but it is only a short novella so you can't expect everything. There is some ménage action and a snippet of M/M that Addie watches whilst half asleep.

If you would like something to warm you up but not bog you down with details, then give this one a shot.
Divided Paths (Afterlife #4)
Divided Paths (Afterlife #4)
Katrina Cope | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Although the fourth book in the Afterlife series released, this serves as the back story to both Zacharius and to events in the related Supernatural Evolvement series. This can also be read as a stand alone or as an introduction to both series.

Zacharius is an angel used to fighting demons and protecting his friend Archangel Michael from danger. When Michael gives him an important mission he doesn't expect it to be protecting a young girl living on a remote farm. However he soon discovers that the girl may indeed be as special as Michael suspects.

This is a great read from cover to cover. After the jaded and somewhat embittered version of Zacharius in the earlier books, it is good to see him not only fully fit but a suitable angelic hero. This story answers a few of the questions left over from the two series it touches upon and further expands the world of angels, demons, witches and shape changers that Cope has managed to conjure.

The story isn't complex but that just allows the characters to stand out, particularly Zacharius and Ava for obvious reasons, but also the other players in the cast.

As usual with any of Cope's stories the only disappointment is getting to the last page and having to wait to see what happens next.
Hers, Times Two (Hers #4)
Hers, Times Two (Hers #4)
Anna Adler | 2021 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Strong female lead...check.
Two, hot, sexy male aliens....check.
Recipe for hot alien sex and action.....Oh hell yeah!!

Hers, times two is book four in what looks to be a cracking series! I've read it as a standalone as I've not read the first three books.... considering I'm wanting to know what happens next I'll be heading off to get the others pretty sharpish.

Liz is cool, confident and feisty, but, like the rest of us, she's fighting her own demons. Demons which put her and her crew in the path of danger. Not her fault but she really takes it to heart.
    I really like her, she's a dedicated friend and is an awesome pilot. She does annoy me a little as she tries to take too much responsibility for things she had no control over and beats herself up for it.....

Jackal and Zaster......the hot, sexy aliens.....and typical idiots that take forever to pluck up the courage to approach the woman of their dreams. I'll let them off though as they more than make up for it and the more we get to know and understand them it's easy to see why they're who they are.

I was entertained from start to finish and I even cried a few times, I'm such a softie haha