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A Quiet Place (2018)
A Quiet Place (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Cool with being terrified for ninety nonstop minutes? I have just the film for you. In A Quiet Place, a family of four tries to silently survive a terror that stalks by sound.

Acting: 10
The number of words said in this film probably equal the number of words it took me to write this review. The cast relies heavily on body language and facial expressions to convey their emotions and it's extremely effective. You feel their fear, their love for one another, their hatred. No way this emanates without an amazing cast.

Emily Blunt. Emily Blunt. Emily Blunt. Absolutely...freaking...phenomenal. It's hard for me to put into words how outstanding of a role she played in making this film work. She's powerful yet vulnerable in her role as mother Evelyn. Again, so challenging to do when your words are limited. Seeing her kill it made me excited to rewatch Edge of Tomorrow.

Beginning: 10
One does not simply get eased into watching A Quiet Place. It's a film that comes out of the gates swinging with one of the best intros I've seen since Baby Driver. Tensions run high as you're just waiting for something awful to happen. It's the perfect setup for a film that holds on to you and never lets go.

Characters: 10
While Blunt's Evelyn blew me away, I felt I related most to John Krasinski's character Lee, the father of the family. He is trying to keep everyone safe by having them abide by the rules that have kept them alive for so long. At the same time you can tell it frustrates him to have to shelter his kids from being kids and living their lives normally. He loves his family and is solely focused on the duty of keeping them safe and together.

Each character is layered with their own personal demons that have affected them in some form or fashion. The kids are intelligent as you would expect from children that have had to grow up in such an insane world. At the same time their sporadic and unpredictable feelings remind you that they are still just children.

Cinematography/Visuals: 9

Conflict: 10

Genre: 10

Memorability: 10

Pace: 10
A nonstop thrill ride. Sure you will get a couple breathers, but there is ALWAYS tension. Whether it's silence or looming threats around the corner, A Quiet Place never gives you a chance to get comfortable. I heard all of this going into the film and I still wasn't prepared for such intensity. Get ready...

Plot: 6
My one gripe. There is definitely a slight plot hole here that caused me to dock points. I won't ruin things, but if you look closely enough it's pretty obvious. I will also say that this one plot hole does little to nothing to ruin the overall experience of the film.

Resolution: 8
Strong ending that nicely ties everything together. It's a resolution that doesn't linger or wear out its welcome. It reminds me of Edge of Tomorrow in that it's just enough.

Overall: 93
If you're looking for a a memorable film to watch, A Quiet Place is a wonderful solution. Very original spin on a genre that can be repetitive at times. This one will stand out in my head for years to come.

Stormi (105 KP) Apr 20, 2018

I can't wait to see this!!! Thanks for a great review!!!

I loved that this book took a concept that I am very familiar with, the Four Horsemen from Revelation, and turned it on its head. For all of the repetitiveness of fantasy fiction using the same species over and over again - from mermaids to vampires - the horsemen are definitely new vehicles for enticing literature.
The background of the story is that all of the horsemen once lead human lives, but were cursed to become the horsemen after reacting very badly to the news that Lilith is their mother. Another interesting quirk on the common tale is that one of them is actually female, Limos. The four are destined to either fulfill the Biblical prophecy or the demonic equivalent - which none of them want to do. In addition, each of them have a unique method by which they fall into the demonic prophecy's designated role and must fight to keep said method from playing out.
Ares, whom the story says the Greek god of war is named for, is destined to become War should the being bearing his seal, or agimortus, dies. Thanks to Cara, a human, inadvertently crossing paths with a hellhound, she becomes the bearer of the agimortus. Luckily, she has a few tricks of her own to aid her in her new role. I liked Cara and the way she seemed to blossom despite her captivity and impending death, as well as how easily she could stand up to Ares. I would have liked a little more character development, as it did not feel like her character arc was complete.
Ares is also an interesting character. Even though he is drawn to wars and violence, with his very presence inciting violence and rage among humans, Cara is immune to this ability. Because of how her presence weakens him, Ares shows a vulnerability characteristic of the humanity he left behind thousands of years ago. Around Cara, he is simply a normal guy falling in love, and the way he attempts to "macho-up" to deal with it is positively adorable.
The violence in the book is both believable and quite gritty. Of course, the horsemen's supernatural abilities of strength and healing allow it to be especially intense and dramatic. The sexual scenes in the book are also quite graphic and detailed, without feeling cheesy or awkward.
The laws built into Ione's world of horsemen, angels, and demons is complex without being confusing. The reader is introduced to its structure piece by piece throughout the novel without being bombarded by the details, and all of the pieces fit together nicely. In addition, Ione even includes a glossary at the beginning of the book to help the reader become more accustomed to the world.
The other siblings are all unique and show lots of promise for future books in the series. Thanatos, destined to become Death, has a seductive air of mystery that had me wondering several times throughout the book if something would occur between him and Cara. The sister, Limos, destined to be Famine, also shows many interesting characteristics, such as a certain hidden madness that she struggles to keep leashed, and the chemistry she shares with Arik is palpable. Even though Reseph becomes Pestilence early in the book, I have a feeling he may prove to be the most interesting of the siblings under a theme of redemption. I only have to wait till December for Immortal Rider (Lords of Deliverance), which centers on Limos, to find out what happens next!
Burning Ridge
Burning Ridge
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Burning Ridge by Margaret Mizushima is a fast-paced and engrossing police procedural. It features Matti Cobb and her K-9 German Shepherd partner Robo, which makes these stories appealing to not only those who enjoy mysteries, but also to animal lovers.

Having done her homework, the author spoke with and shadowed those that train dogs. “I have a friend who retired from training tracking dogs. She allowed me to watch her train for tracking and evidence detection. I was inspired by her to write about a female canine handler. In fact, she had a dog named Robo, which I based the story dog Robo on. He could do so many things: Patrol, apprehend, track, and even pick up on gun powder to find hidden shells and casings.”

The plot has veterinarian Cole Walker and his two young daughters enjoying their trail ride in the Colorado mountains until they find a man’s charred boot with a decomposing foot in it. Called in to search for the rest of the body Matti and Robo find him. It is then Mattie realizes there is a personal link to her own troubled past.

This book explores her disturbed childhood, having been placed in foster homes since the age of six. Her father was convicted of abusing her mother who later abandoned her and her brother. This is why she and Cole are taking the relationship slow although it is obvious they love each other.

Because her husband is a vet, Mizushima knows something about the profession. “I always wanted to write a vet as a protagonist. Similar to my husband, Cole is a mixed practice vet, which means he treats large and small animals. He has to overcome some personal problems after his wife left him and his daughters. Both he and Mattie are hesitant to connect because of their baggage with abandonment issues. This is why I wrote, ‘And as much as she wanted to, she had trouble allowing him past the wall she built to protect her feelings.’ He is a work driven, a type-A personality, but soft-hearted. She is kind, athletic, spunky, a loner, independent, and vulnerable.”

What makes this novel special is the relationship between the partners. Robo is not written as some Superdog, but with realistic traits. Mattie and Robo are a dedicated team who have a strong bond professionally and personally. He is truly her best friend, and when she goes missing Robo uses his search and rescue skills to find her.

Having lived in Colorado all her life, Mizushima is able to create a realistic setting. She seems to draw from current events since there have been so many wildfires this season. In the novel, she uses it to enhance the action where the fire becomes an antagonist. “I grew in a small town on a ranch. I used the mountains because there is a sense of suspense and danger. This is why I wrote in the book quote, ‘Blazing orang lit the ridge above her, rapidly feeding on timber and eating its way downward. Balls of fire leapt from tree to tree, the dry needles wicking flames into branches and sap, setting off booming explosions in the treetops.’”

This is a gripping tale that has a message of hope. With Robo at her side Mattie is trying to overcome her childhood demons and learn to tear down the wall she has built, allowing Cole and his daughters into her life.
A Court of Mist and Fury
A Court of Mist and Fury
Sarah J. Maas | 2016 | Young Adult (YA)
9.3 (54 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (3 more)
Action packed
Umm Everything?
Seriously. Amazing.
I put off starting A Court of Thorns and Roses because of vanity reasons (the cover just didn't do it for me, ok?!), but I fell in love with it immediately. I didn't even wait a second before starting A Court of Mist and Fury. Seriously. This series has become one my all time favorites. A Court of Mist and Fury is the continued story of Feyre. After being under the mountain she has found herself with a strange new body and a constant battle with the demons wrecking havoc in her mind. This book spends a good deal of time letting Feyre find herself and realize the good and toxic things in her life. As a threat looms ever closer, she learns to trust in herself and her abilities to become the curse breaker the all need.

The story is remarkable. I am always a little wary about the second books in series but this one far surpassed the first book. Sarah J Mass took an abusive relationship that we see all too often in books and turned it upside down. The sad part was I didn't even realize that it was an abusive relationship until I started into this book. I began to look back and pick out unhealthy parts to Feyre and Tamlin's relationship. I found myself giddy with delight as Feyre finds healthy relationships. I kept looking around as I was reading to see if anyone would notice the pure delight on my face (awkward..). The best part? The entire book moved so quickly I felt like I was sprinting to complete it. My emotions were on a rollercoaster the entire time. The author did a great job including scenes that provide a break from the chaos to let us catch our breath before diving right back in.

The characters really make this book. All the main women in this book are badasses. It is a breath of fresh air to see these women be more than a pretty face and hold their own. I also can't get over their friendship. It's clearly a true, bone deep friendship where the love is hard to miss. The night court men in this book are also refreshing. They will protect their friends family, but they are also aware that everyone is capable of taking care of themselves and each of them have their own strengths. I love the friendship and love between these characters.

The relationships had such tension in them it was impossible not to feel them. Apparently, fae do not do a good job of hiding how they feel about those they care about, and I am not complaining! I loved the relationship between Feyre and Rhys. Even from A Court of Thorns and Roses I wanted more interaction between the both of them. Although I couldn't tell what exactly was between them, I could feel the pull, the need to hear more of their story. Authors are amazing for being able to capture things like that! I do feel the need to note that there are some pretty heavy sex scenes in this book, significantly more than the first one. Maybe don't read out in public ;).

I loved a Court of Mist and Fury! I am a yelling at myself for not jumping on the bandwagon sooner. I highly recommend this book to everyone who likes magical fantasy books, books with strong female leads, books with a bit (ok a lot) of romance but in a healthy way, and an effortless read.
Beneath This Mask (Enhanced #3)
Beneath This Mask (Enhanced #3)
Victoria Sue | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Russo's narration broke me!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my AUDIO copy of this book.

This is book three in the Enhanced Series. I wouldn't say it was necessary for you to have read books one and two, but it might give you a better reading experience. It would also give you a a better experience of these men, and just what being Enhanced means.

Gael doesn't want a regular human partner, especially not one from the task force they have all come to hate. But Jake is different, he's not got that inbuilt hatred the others seem to have. When Jake and Gael come across a non-verbal Enhanced child, who later becomes a murder suspect, Gael has to put his feelings aside, even if they threaten to be his very undoing.

Oh Gael, Gael, Gael! My heart bled for this man, it really did! He's in a whole lotta pain, and he hides it from the others in his team, who are his family too. But Jake?? Jake sees, really SEES Gael, and Gael isn't entirely sure he wants to be seen.

While there is the murders of the Enhanced as the back story, what I particularly loved about this one, was the emotions involved between Gael and Jake. With the emotions involved with turning, and the aftemath of that. Gael's history wasn't the best before that point, but it became a whole lot worse after. Jake has his own demons, and when Gael finds out what that is, he lashes out, quite LITERALLY. But he does come around, once the awful truth becomes clear.

It's not as explicit as books one and two, but it doesn't need to be. I did find it a little more graphic, though, but I think that really IS needed.

When Gael is caught by the one doing the murders ( I knew! I knew when that person first showed up, I KNEW they were no good, that something bad would happen!) his feeling for Jake, his own abilities are used against him, and Gael has to trust the guys find him in time. And after that, when Gael pulls away from Jake?? That boy pulls out all the stops to make Gael SEE Jake, he really does. That Jake wants a family with Gael, and all who come along too. And I cried then, great heart wrecking sobs, because it's such a beautiful scene!

We are introduced to Sam, AKA Angel, who pushes ALL of Vance's buttons and then some! Can't wait for their story, really can't. But I'll wait for the audio, don't wanna flip between reading and listening.

Again, Nick J Russo narrates. This above mentioned scene? When Jake makes Gael SEE Jake?? I have no doubts, none at all, that it's the way that scene was deliver by Russo, his NARRATION, that wrecked me! Reading would not have had the same impact, not for me, anyway. Russo KILLS it, he absolutely does.

His voices are clear and consistent across all three books, he has a way of getting so much emotions across, that really is beyond compare. I love his narration, so please keep them coming!

5 stars for the book
5 stars for the narration
5 stars overall

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
In The Dark World, Zak Bagans talks about his ghostly encounters, as the lead investigator for the documentary series Ghost Adventures! As one of the more seasoned and experienced professionals in the field, Zak has had some pretty crazy experiences! They cover the entire spectrum of ghost hunting phenomena, from seeing full body apparitions, to having his butt pinched by a spirit, LOL!

Zak begins by talking about the experiences he’s had with spirits prior to the series, and explaining why his own nature led him to this danger’s-edge career path. It’s not a biography however, and in some places is more like a manual for future ghost hunters.

There is an element of progression in the book, in that it starts by concentrating on innocent spirits, which he admits make up the majority; followed by confused spirits, who are sometimes unaware that they have died. This is succeeded by chapters on angry spirits, followed by downright evil spirits, which he refers to as demons.

The book starts with less dramatic phenomena such as words being heard through a white noise generator, emotional transference, and unexplained orbs of light on camera. But this is quickly followed up by tales of pebbles and shards being levitated vertically and flung horizontally by unseen hands, and physical scratch marks on Zak’s back! Zak also comes dangerously close to being possessed!

When Zak carries out an investigation, he starts by researching the history of the buildings and accompanying remaining personalities linked to the buildings. This makes for better story-telling, both on the screen, and certainly in his book.

I am a follower of the show when it’s available in the UK, and have always been intrigued by the equipment they use. I was expecting the book to be heavily edited, and, as such lacking in this kind of detail. However I was very pleasantly surprised - Zak even goes as far as explaining which pieces of equipment are better, and why. To an extent, the book can serve as a manual for would be ghost hunters.

Zak explains the difference between residual and intelligent hauntings, and chronicles instances where the lines between the two are blurred. He also documents moments when he’s had simultaneous significant readings on several devices, and argues that that in itself provides excellent evidence of the paranormal.

The nerd that I am looked forward to the section on the scientific theories for these paranormal experiences - and I wasn’t disappointed! Several theories were put forward and they form one of the most accessible guides to scientific theories that I’ve ever read! Zak discusses how each theory fits particular experiences of his, and compares and contrasts them for different phenomena.

The book is rounded off with Zak relating his ambitions for the field of paranormal investigation, where he puts a case forward for a central repository of data. In this section, we also hear from other prominent figures in the field, with their hopes for the field, including a striking passage from Marie D. Jones.

The book has high entertainment value, but a mere book, even one written as seriously as this, won’t make a believer out of a sceptic. Its content provides essential background for a would-be ghost hunter however. A recommended read for the open-minded and curious.
Fifty Shades Darker (2017)
Fifty Shades Darker (2017)
2017 | Drama, Romance
Anastasia Steele (Dakota Johnson) and Christian Grey (Jamie Dornan) have returned in “50 Shades Darker” which looks to continue the massive success of the series.

Picking up shortly after the last film, the newly single Anastasia has begun working her dream job as an assistant in a Seattle publishing company. When she is reunited with Christian at a social event, he pleads with her to take him back and offers to redefine the terms of their relationship agreement.

Although cautions, she takes him back and despite telling him she wants to take it slow, the first of many sex scenes follow.

Although happy to be reunited, the pair are plagued by issues from Christian’s past as well as his own inner demons which constantly pull at them and threaten to undermine their new relationship.

Of course much if it is little more than thinly veiled lip service designed to get them into the bedroom time and time again so the camera can focus on their bodies and Christian resorting to his old ways with all manner of restraints and devices.

One would think that a film that is supposed to be so erotic would be far more exciting and titillating but the film’s sex scenes are so dull and by the numbers you will soon find yourself losing interest. A big part of this goes to the total lack of chemistry between the leads. If you thought it was strained in the first film it is pretty much non-existent this time out. The dialogue is also not much better as it is laughably bad in areas and unintentionally funny. The monotone delivery of the leads does not help much as it seems like there is a competition to see how many shots of the beautiful Seattle area and their bodies can be creamed into the film.

Kim Bassinger does bring the film a bit of intrigue as a woman from Christian’s past, but she is not in the film enough to really make that much of a difference as pretty much all of the supporting characters are paper thin and not given the chance to grow.

I did like the film more than I liked the original film, but I continue to struggle with the appeal of the film series. The leads lack any chemistry and supporters of the BDSM lifestyle have said the series does not portray their lifestyle accurately and that what Christian does is abusive.

I posted the question that how much appeal would the series have if Christian was a struggling musician living in a hovel who could not even afford a Starbucks run. He would be considered a deeply damaged individual who women would run from. But package him up as a young and attractive billionaire, and it seems that common sense goes out the window as far as the ladies in his life go, and he gets a pass on behaviors that would be totally unacceptable to most.

For me the lack of eroticism, chemistry between the leads, and a compelling story could be overlooked as despite the issues, it does entertain. But when the characters are so hard to like, I found myself not having much sympathy for any obstacles they encountered. My advice, wait for the video as there are far more erotic and entertaining films on Netflix.

Darren (1599 KP) rated 8 Mile (2002) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019  
8 Mile (2002)
8 Mile (2002)
2002 | Drama
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Story: 8 Mile starts as we head to Detroit to follow Jimmy B-Rabbit Smith (Eminem) as along with his friends David ‘Future’ Porter (Phifer) Cheddar Bob (Jones), Sol George (Miller) are trying to make an impact in the raping world, this world is dominated by the black community though he does have the skills.

The world is filled with gangs that are out for control, Jimmy must deal with his mother Stephanie (Basinger) and her problems as well as meeting a new love in Alex (Murphy), we follow as he is desperate to get out of the town which has held back man before.


Thoughts on 8 Mile


Characters – Jimmy B-Rabbit Smith is a young man who aspires to be a rapper, he is from the wrong side of town in Detroit, where he is given a chance to prove himself in the underground rap battle world, where any wrong move could be his last move with the gangs around him. He has the close friends that will watch his back, while working a dead-end job for any money he can get. Stephanie Smith is the mother of Rabbit, she is dating an aggressive man around he sons age and struggling to pay the rent to keep the roof over her daughter’s head. She does try to do the best things but has her own personal demons holding her back. David is the closest friend to Jimmy, he offers him the chance he wants to reach the next level but also needs to be the one to stop him making the mistakes in his life. Alex is the new romance in Jimmy’s life, she dreams of leaving too, to become a model which helps the to connect on a level unlike what Jimmy is used to.

Performances – Eminem is strong in this leading role, there are a few moments where he does look lost, one second too long for fight sequences, but the emotional levels he shows good. Kim Basinger is good in her role which shows that we have the most experience from her. Mekhi Phifer continued his rise in the early 2000s with this performance where he shows his ability to blend into any film. the whole cast performers well through the film with talent that went onto bigger things.

Story – The story shows the struggles of a young man trying to break into the world of rapping in the mean streets of Detroit, he is from the wrong side of the town and the gangs are always dangerous. Seeing the struggles for everyday life is very interesting to see unfold, however I was expecting something different with more rap battles. If you are a fan of the underground rap scene this will be a story that you want to watch.

Music – The music in the film starts with a battle rap and I was expecting more as the song Lose yourself did win Best Oscar Song.

Settings – The film shows us just how difficult growing up in Detroit can be, we feel the tension and feeling of abandonment the city is feeling.

Scene of the Movie – Battle rap.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Not enough rapping.

Final Thoughts – This is a look at the mean streets of Detroit in the battle rap world where every corner could be dangerous.


Overall: The rap world unfolded.
Spine Chillers: Krampus
Spine Chillers: Krampus
Nancy Gray | 2018 | Children, Fiction & Poetry, Horror
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Interesting second half (0 more)
Slow pacing for the first half (0 more)
Just an Okay Read
When I heard about Krampus by Nancy Gray, it sounded like something I would love to read especially since I loved her other novel, Empty Eyes, so much. Unfortunately, Krampus was just an alright read.

The plot for Krampus is based on the central European folklore about a horned half goat, half demon who punishes naughty children during the Christmas season. Nancy Gray does a great job at sticking with the folklore in her book. Although this is a middle grade book, I felt like this would be better for upper middle grade since the subject matter is a bit more scary than Nancy Gray's previous scary novels. There are a few decent plot twists throughout Krampus. The world building is done very well, and at times, I felt like I was right there with Nick, living every moment, both good and bad, with him. Krampus is a short read which is perfect for middle schoolers who may not have the attention span for a longer book.

I had a hard time caring about the characters in Krampus at first, but about halfway through, I found myself worried about what would happen to Nick and wanting everything to turn out alright for him. I especially loved the character of Gretel/Greta. I found her to be the most interesting in the book even if she wasn't in the novel very much. I just loved her no-nonsense, straightforward attitude. I would love to read a Spine Chiller's novel about Greta. That's how much I loved her! The character of the Krampus was done very well, and as I've said before, the Krampus in this novel is very much like the one in folklore.

The pacing is what lets this book down the most in my opinion. During the first half of Krampus, the pacing is a bit all over the place although mostly it's just a bit slow. I found myself growing bored with Krampus and wondering if I should just give up. The action takes a long time to make an appearance, and I kept wondering when something major would happen. Since this is a short novel, I decided to persevere. I'm glad that I kept on reading because the second half is where the pacing picks up, and I found myself immersed in the book. I couldn't wait to learn what Nick's fate would be and what would become of the Krampus. The second half of this book definitely held my attention to the point where I stayed up a little later just to finish it so I could get closure.

Trigger warnings for Krampus include demons, monsters, violence, scary themes, one profanity, bullying, and death. Basically, this is a very dark book.

Overall, Krampus was just an alright read. I felt like it was much darker than the previous Nancy Gray book I had read. The plot is interesting enough, but the pacing during the first half is what makes Krampus just an okay read. However, I would definitely recommend Krampus by Nancy Gray to those aged 13+. The second half of this book makes it worthwhile.
(A special thanks to Lola's Blog Tours for providing me with an eBook of Spine Chillers:Krampus by Nancy Gray in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)
The Written (Emaneska #1)
The Written (Emaneska #1)
Ben Galley | 2010 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ben Galley is a fantasy author and staunch defender of independent publishing. The Written is his first book, and the first in The Emaneska trilogy.

I have to say I was expecting some fairly standard sword and sorcery tale here, a bit of magic, a few fabulous beasts slain, the usual wise grey beards and prophecies. As a first book that would have definitely been the safe option, and would still have been a good read.

Needless to say this isn't what you get. You get a slew of mythical creatures - dragons (I suspect only the Pern novels exceed the sheer number in this book), werewolves and more besides. You get heroes and villains. You get magic. You get sword fights. But all of these are put together in a way that's different from the norm. Rather than trying to subvert all the fantasy tropes it is as if Galley dropped them and they smashed and in putting them back together they aren't quite the same as they were before.

The basic story concerns the theft of a spell book which, in the wrong hands, can be used to summon a mighty and powerful evil. Farden, one of the Written (a sort of magic user that has spells tattooed onto his back) has to try to prevent this happening. I won't give any more details as there are many twists and turns as the story unfolds.

Farden is a powerful mage and a tough fighter and although he is heoric he also has personal demons that could cause his mission to fail. He is a loner with little patience for others. He doubts his own abilities and judgement. As the reader you feel you want to give him a good shaking sometimes to get him to act. This makes him a very complex character, realistic and interesting to follow. The other main characters are also fully realised with their own mannerisms and momentum.

Galley takes his time describing the world and there is a feeling of real depth and history, perhaps not on the same scale as Tolkien but the comparison is apt. Clearly Galley has spent considerable time putting this world together and is rightly proud of the results.

He takes his time with descriptions, each of the many locations vividly worded and memorable. The action scenes (of which there are a fair number) crack along at a breathless pace although possibly a little overwritten at times (allowable when there is so much to try to convey to the reader I think).

As the first of a trilogy of books this obviously leaves the story open for the sequel at the end, but it is a satisfying conclusion and there is no doubt that the first part of Farden's journey is complete but that there is much more - and probably harder - to come.

Really the only criticism I have is that occasionally - at the start and then a small part about half way through - the writing perhaps isn't up to the standard of the rest, which I think is because this is a first novel. And the standard of the rest of the writing to so high this really is a niggle.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes their fantasy fast and interesting. It's a long book and a good book. And even better, it's free to download so what is stopping you?