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Keep Clear: My Adventures With Aspergers
Keep Clear: My Adventures With Aspergers
Tom Cutler | 2019 | Biography, Education
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An honest account of Aspergers.
Keep Clear was such an interesting, informative and frank book. It gives a look into the life of Tom Cutler as he receives his Aspergers diagnosis. Immediately, he realises why he has always struggled in social situations and why people consider him to be rude and inappropriate. He then goes on to tell the story of his life and how Aspergers influenced it.

I really enjoyed this book as it gave me a lot to think about. It wasn’t all scientific based information - although that was there too. The anecdotes were sad at times, particularly his loneliness and depression when he started at university, but there was also great humour and the ability to laugh at himself.

Actually, I think there are a lot of people out there who could do with reading this. It explains so well that ‘high functioning’ doesn’t mean ‘easily able to cope’, that those with Aspergers need as much consideration as anyone else on the autism spectrum.

I will definitely be using what I’ve learnt in this book at work, as well as in everyday life. Thanks to the Pigeonhole for introducing me to such a great book, and to Tom for reading along with us and answering questions.
How To Save a Life
How To Save a Life
Eva Carter | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a moving story about three school friends - one of whom goes into cardiac arrest on New Year’s Eve. Kerry begins CPR immediately, Tim freezes and finds himself unable to help, which is inconvenient as they both want to go to medical school. But when the paramedics arrive, Tim has at last started to help (even though Kerry has worked alone for about 15 minutes) and takes the praise as well as Kerry.

It’s here Tim starts to realise that being a doctor may not be what he thought it would be.

Kerry’s life takes a turn when she fails her A Levels, and Joel finds it hard to accept his heart condition and the changes he has to make in his life.

I liked that each of the characters had the chance to tell their story in alternating chapters. These characters experienced addiction, depression and other health conditions, and the main theme of the story, Joel’s heart condition, is revisited often. As are the mechanics of CPR, and it’s pointed out by the author that a persons life is more likely to be saved if you at least try.

This is a lovely, and often moving story. I really enjoyed it.
Z for Zodiac - Single by Mxlcxlm
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Mxlcxlm Z is an up-and-coming rapper based in Denver, Colorado. Not too long ago, he released a freestyle lyric video for his “Z for Zodiac” single.

“I hope this video sparks some new found interest in raw hip-hop/bars again by inspiring folks with the creativity and the depth of thought. I hope it makes people want to rewind it and dissect the lyrics, catching things on listen #5 or #10 that they didn’t notice on the initial listens. Also, I hope a few of the bars about the Zodiac (the real ones, not the ‘clever’ ones) inspire people to pursue their own interest into the Houses of the Zodiac and their connection to religious texts/doctrine/allegories. Finally, I hope this song gives people a small but intriguing-enough look into my life and that they realize that I truly do rhyme about what’s going on in my real life, what my heart feels, and about real situations that often don’t get talked about enough.” – Mxlcxlm Z

The audiovisual video features Mxlcxlm Z rapping 116 witty bars based on the 12 houses of the horoscope.

This is the first no cut video the rapper has ever edited which proved to be a challenge. But overall, he was able to bring to fruition the vision he saw in his head.

‘Z for Zodiac’ contains an introspective storyline, lyrical rap vocals, and lush instrumentation flavored with a hip-hop aroma.

“My favorite bars in the song, partly because of the double entendre but mostly because of the reality, is when I say, ‘Jonny died I tried to act like that sh*t didn’t bother me. I do this sh*t for him (hymn) like when the choir sing’. Another of my favorites is the bar referring to mama Sarah, when I say, ‘Tried coping with sobriety, performed lobotomy with an acid tab and a pile of weed’. Which means that, though I attempted to deal with my problems in a sober way, I was able to help treat my mental illnesses with LSD and cannabis.” – Mxlcxlm Z

Mxlcxlm Z’s studies in metaphysics, the occult, and astrology heavily influence the way he views the world. Of course, those beliefs find their way into his music.

When he lost his brother Jonny and grandmother Sarah, he fell into a major depression.

Because of his experience with loss, he is thankful for the nieces and nephew he has from his sister who once thought she might not ever have children.

“I speak briefly [in this song] on my upbringing, my sister dealing with miscarriages, and how she’s since been blessed with 3 kids. Dealing with depression at a young age, I feel like it was the Creator/God that saved me.” – Mxlcxlm Z
The Secrets of the Forest
The Secrets of the Forest
Helena Brady | 2019 | Horror, Mystery
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
It was well thought out as to what the requirements were for someone to become a spirit or not (0 more)
I did not find this book to be very original at all. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
The Secrets of the Forest by Helena Brady is a creepy-pasta in a slightly longer book. It takes on elements of the 2016 movie “The Forest” and Slenderman who showed up sometime around 2009. It also talks of depression and suicide a lot, along with murder, death, and abuse. If these topics bother you please be advised.

 Sarah-Rose has entered the hardest time of her life. Her father has recently died and her mother blames Sarah-Rose for his death. Not only is Sarah-Rose’s mother blaming her but she has turned to alcohol and beating her daughter as a way to cope. Understandably enough Sarah-Rose can not handle all this, even more so because it is her sixteenth birthday.

 To escape all of this Sarah-Rose heads into The Forest that is on the edge of town, the one no one goes into for fear of death. She is hoping that the stories are true and like everyone else who has entered The Forest that she either won’t come out or will come out as a corpse floating in the river. What Sarah-Rose didn’t expect was that The Forest had its own plans for her. Upon entering The Forest, Sarah-Rose starts discovering secret after secret about her town’s past and herself. The only question that remains is if and when The Forest plans on claiming her as well.

 It was well thought out as to what the requirements were for someone to become a spirit or not. The same goes for if said person’s spirit becomes bound to The Forest or if they can leave it of their own free will. I did not find this book to be very original at all. It seemed to be a combination of a few different popular stories of recent years. The name and cover even immediately made me think of other things.

 This is a young adult book, but it is largely about depression and suicide. With these extremely tough subjects being at the front of the story I encourage anyone extremely sensitive about these topics to put the book down. All others, please enjoy it. I rate this book 2 out of 4. Overall the story was good. It was just too unoriginal for my taste. I do believe this book will be enjoyed by those who choose to read it. There are a few small surprises that the unsuspecting reader will find interesting.
This Little Prayer of Mine
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This Little Prayer of Mine is a beautiful prayer book that every kid—and parent—should read and pray. It gets down into the heart, disclosing what's really there and how we all really feel. I was surprised how much I as an 18 year old related to this book. I pray the same prayers—though not in such beautiful verse—as this prayer.

It targets just about everything: the biblical command to be joyful: "help me to be happy," the search for the God's will: "show me what the right path is and help me follow you," and even loneliness and depression: "please let me know you're here with me and everything's alright," and then our end path, what really matters: "but most of all I'm grateful for your love that never ends." I had shivers running down my spine while I read this prayer.

Not only is it a wonderful prayer in itself, but the rhythm of the verse is enchanting and perfectly smooth. The illustrations are beautiful, and instantly reminded me of Max Lucado's children's book You Are Special (those of you who don't know, another highly recommended book and author).

This Little Prayer of Mine may be short, but it's a prayer that needs to be read by the big and the small.

Recommendation: Ages 4+

Sarah (7798 KP) rated The Bell Jar in Books

Mar 18, 2020  
The Bell Jar
The Bell Jar
Sylvia Plath | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
7.4 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
A worthy classic
The Bell Jar is one of those well known classic books that pretty much everyone has heard of, but yet for me I hadn't a clue what the story was actually about. The story centres around a young woman's mental breakdown and descent into depression, and her subsequent slow path to recovery. It's not in the slightest what I was expected, but this is actually a rather good and worthy classic novel.

I wouldnt say Esther is a particularly endearing protagonist, there's a lot about her tale that doesn't make sense or seems a little lacking but I'm guessing this is because it's meant to represent her rather unhinged state of mind. It can get a little frustrating when things aren't explained properly, but for the most part the plot and story is very interesting and I struggled to put this down. It's well written without being pretentious, and it seems to be a very realistic tale about mental illness. The metaphor of the bell jar itself is a rather wonderful term despite the subject matter and one of the best metaphors I've ever come across in literature, as it's so true.

Overall this is a great classic and whilst it may seem a little dated, it's a really good study on mental health.

gayga (2127 KP) created a post in Smashbomb Council

Mar 19, 2020  
Perhaps we should think a little bit out of the box for this. So, as well as the usual apps, games, books etc, there could be suggestions on particular apps etc for each category

Individuals: Depends on age really. If people have issues such as depression, addiction they could be guided towards national or regional websites. If anyone feels lonely during self isolating there’s regional and national friendship and support groups on Facebook and elsewhere.

I think for all categories you could have Netflix/BBCiPlayer/etc box set recommendations and there’s a lot of shows on YouTube.

Perhaps for teens you could recommend games that wouldn’t normally play. Again, they may be afraid of current events and need support so you could recommend groups/websites for people their age to discuss their feeling.

Young families could have ideas for entertaining small children, supporting parents Recommendations for children/baby reading books. Recipe book recommendations since people who want to cook will have more time to do so or may need to cook using limited ingredients.

Couples and older families could have book recommendations. Could advise on hobby apps or websites.

I just think as well as the normal Facebook/Twitter options we could suggest items and options that people may either not have heard of or considered

Imogen SB (4507 KP) Mar 19, 2020

This is a fantastic idea!


gayga (2127 KP) Mar 19, 2020

I just think because we are living in extraordinary times we should be able to guide people to more practical help and services so that they are as comfortable physically and mentally as they are stimulated with media such as books, games and films etc to make life easier all round


Louise (64 KP) rated Furiously Happy in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
Furiously Happy
Furiously Happy
Jenny Lawson | 2016 | Biography
8.7 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
So! where do I start! hmmmm....

This a non-fiction memoir about a woman, Jenny Lawson who suffers from mental illness, but not just one she has a whole mixed bag of mental health problems, Jenny suffers from depression, anxiety, insomnia, ADD and others.

This is her memoir of how she copes with mental health and what is like to live with these debilitating illnesses. The book is told in several short stories of Jenny's life, there are also pictures added in several of the chapters.(proof that these things really happened).

Her husband Victor is a saint that's all I can say, Jenny is crazy but in a good way crazy, she just talks about the most random things ever, but this a symptom of anxiety you over think things and you can tell by her writing.

This book is very funny, and Jenny isn't bothered about the stigma that is still attached to mental health, she is just being herself which is so refreshing.

I never heard of Jenny Lawson when I requested this book, I was more drawn to the synopsis and the amazing raccoon on the front cover. Jenny is a taxidermist's daughter and has a lot of love for stuffed animals which is clear in the book and shown with pictures.

I really could relate to Jenny as I suffer from depression and anxiety, I knew where she was coming from and when she was explaining they symptoms, I was like yes, I get that too! The book is very funny in places, but there are parts which I think are just silly!

My favourite part of the book has to be when she is trying to convinve Victor to get another cat so she can call it the 'President', her ideas are very witty and weird - i mean who thinks of stuff like this.

Whilst this book was good and funny, I was wanting her to be a bit more serious in some parts. I wanted to know how she really felt without trying to make it humorous. And yeah I know it's a serious topic and she is trying to make it light-hearted but I feel that maybe she is still holding back on what she really wants to say.

There is a trigger warning for this book, it does discuss self harm and suicide, so if you are easily offended I would not suggest it for you. Also there is a lot of swearing/cussing.

This is Jenny's second book, first being Let's pretend this never happened and also she has her own blog called the bloggess which I will be following.

I would recommend this book for anyone suffering from mental illness or has a family member/friends that does.

I rated this book 3.5 stars out of 5.

For more of my reviews please check out
The Pink Bonnet: True Colors
The Pink Bonnet: True Colors
Liz Tolsma | 2019
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cecile Dowd is a single mother, just trying to keep life together in 1933 for her and her three year old daughter Millie. Cecile is a widow and it's the great depression. Without her husband, it's difficult to always control Millie's behavior and make sure there is enough food on the table. Cecile decides she needs to get another job to help make things easier. While she goes out looking, she leaves Millie with a neighbor. When she returns to pick up Millie at the end of the day, Millie is gone. The neighbor says, that Cecile can't handle the child and has given her to someone who can help, Georgia Tann the head of the Tennessee Children's Home. They "help" parents find loving families for their children. But Cecile didn't ask for this and neither did a lot of other parents. Ms. Tann is taking children from parents she deems unfit and sending them to other families in the area. Ms. Tann has most of the Tennessee government in her back pocket and no matter who Cecile goes to for help, it's to no avail. Will she be able to find Millie before she's gone forever? With people trying to stop her at every turn, Cecile is determined, no matter what the cost.

Thank you to NetGalley and Barbour Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this book.

This book is based on a true story. Georgia Tann was a real woman who really ran an adoption agency in Tennessee for over 25 years. During her tenure, it is believed that approximately 5,000 children were taken unwillingly from their parents and sold in adoptions to whoever would pay the highest price.

This book hit my heart hard. I can't imagine what I would do, if I left my child with a friend or neighbor for a little bit and then when I came back they had forged my name on documents to allow my child to be taken for adoption. Or if they were just snatched from the street on their way home from school. This was happening to hundreds of families during the depression. People were doing anything they could to make ends meet, but for Georgia Tann that didn't matter. One parent should be with the child at all times. That is the only way to show that you really love and are able to take care of the child.

I would love to read more about this lady. I hope there was a warm seat in hell waiting for her and all her cohorts when she passed away. Throughout the story, you can feel the love for Millie that Cecile has and she risks her life and the lives of those that are helping her in order to get to her daughter. No matter what she does, though it never seems like enough, Millie is always just beyond her grasp.

If you like historical, true crime fiction, you will enjoy this book.

Lindsay (1706 KP) rated Storm Proof in Books

Feb 5, 2019  
Storm Proof
Storm Proof
Carol McLeod | 2019 | Mind, Body & Spiritual, Religion
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Felt like reading the bible (0 more)
Storm Proof was something completely different then what I was expecting to read. I thinking it was going to be about a storm that you were going to proof. This is not a bad way to think that when I read the title it caught me to pick it up.

As I was reading the book that what I got the impression. This book was boring for me to read. I did finish it. The reason for that is because it was on a book tour with me. I just could not get into reading it. I really could have just left it on my kindle. Thats how boring it was for me to read.

Their was nothing wrong with it in any way. Author did good in writing it. It just was not a my taste of book. I felt like I was reading the bible or God Words, that is not me. If you are into reading the great book be my guess. No offense to the author.

I thinking I would be reading a bit more about the author experience with Depression or her Cancer battle and how she manage them though this book. Then I might have seen using the scriptures of the bible or god's words. This is my opinion on that.

Those that enjoy reading about God words or the bible, this book might be for you.