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New Moon (Twilight, #2)
New Moon (Twilight, #2)
Stephenie Meyer | 2006 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.9 (85 Ratings)
Book Rating
I remember this book being a lot worse. I was actually pleasantly surprised when, on reading it again, I felt some empathy for Bella.

Here's the story:

Bella and Edward are happy, lalala. Jasper freaks out at her birthday and Edward decides this would be a great time to desert Bella and tell her he doesn't love her anymore. The thing here, is...I understand the motivation, and it kinda makes sense, but it was executed so bady, you have to wonder if Edward actually <i>loves</i> Bella or is just toying with her emotions.

Bella ends up transferring her codependence on Jacob and trying dangerous things so she can hear Edward's voice in her head. Now, in my opinion, this book would have been much better if Edward and Bella were presented as mentally unstable and emotionally damaged, because that's how they come across.

As much as I have been unimpressed with Meyer's writing in the past, the scenes depicting Bella's depression were pretty much on target, and in a way almost painful to read.

I still don't get the swooning over Edward thing. I'm just not that impressed with him. He spent the first book alternately growling, sneering, and laughing at Bella. It makes me want to lock him in a room with Stefan Salvatore and see who whines the most.

To recap: this book would be amazing if it had different characters who acted competely differently. As it stands, it's just "okay".

MelanieTheresa (997 KP) rated Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist in TV

Mar 10, 2020 (Updated Mar 10, 2020)  
Zoey&#039;s Extraordinary Playlist
Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist
2020 | Comedy, Musical
8.6 (5 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Surprisingly delightful!
Though I have loved musical TV shows in the past (Glee, Smash, etc.), I was very iffy about this show when I first heard about it, was still iffy as I was getting ready to record the first episode on my DVR. I've now watched 5 episodes, and I'm so glad I gave it a chance. It's completely different from everything else I'm currently watching - refreshingly so.

However, this is no lighthearted comedic musical show. No, this show hits you right in the heart with some absolutely gut-wrenching emotional numbers. They deal with some very heavy subject matter (suicide, debilitating neurological disease, depression) in a beautiful way, and I have found myself tearing up more than once in the first 5 episodes. The first time Zoey's dad sings to her? BAWLING. šŸ˜­

The beauty of this show, though, is in the switch from emotional/sad to happy/fun and back again. You know the songs. The humor is spot-on and will make you literally laugh out loud at times. The actors are all terrific, particularly Lauren Graham and Peter Gallagher - and I'll admit I don't think I knew that either one of them could sing prior to this. Jane Levy is adorable and the perfect actress for this role. Alex Newell, as Zoey's trans neighbor, Mo, is simultaneously hilarious and inspiring.

I truly hope NBC renews this show. I'm in for the long haul. šŸŽµ
Sullivan&#039;s Travels (1941)
Sullivan's Travels (1941)
1941 | Action, Classics, Comedy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I saw this for the first time at CalArts [and] since then Iā€™ve become a big fan of all Preston Sturges films. Again, I [had] already chosen what I wanted to do for a living but [this] story touched me so deeply. Hereā€™s a guy who makes comedies during the Depression and heā€™s so isolated in Hollywood [that] he sets out to learn whatā€™s going on with people. He becomes a hobo. And he ends up way in the South and [is] put into this work prison. And everyone in Hollywood believes that heā€™s dead, that a hobo stole his coat and was killed by a train. And so heā€™s there and [he canā€™t] get word back that heā€™s still alive. Itā€™s a horrible situation. For Christmas Eve, at the depth of his misery, a black church in the segregated South invites all the prisoners out. And they sit there and what they watch is a Pluto cartoon. Itā€™s the famous scene of Pluto getting the flypaper stuck on him and he canā€™t get it off. And [the audience] starts howling with laughter. Howling with laughter. People who you wouldnā€™t think would still have laughter in their bodies. And Sullivan came out of this and gets back to Hollywood and everyoneā€™s like, ā€œOh, you had this horrible situation, you must make a great drama.ā€ And he goes, ā€œNo, Iā€™m going to make a comedy. Because thatā€™s what the world needs.ā€"

Sullivan&#039;s Travels (1941)
Sullivan's Travels (1941)
1941 | Action, Classics, Comedy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Letā€™s do Preston Sturges and the greatest comedy of all. This film hasnā€™t aged a day from 1941 when it came out; itā€™s amazing ā€” especially with Hollywood in mind. Itā€™s the ultimate inside Hollywood movie. Itā€™s about a guy searching for meaning in his art whoā€™s had all this success in Hollywoodā€¦ The human dynamics of it are very true to life. I mean, itā€™s a comedy and itā€™s all pitched at that point, but Preston Sturges was such the master of dialogue and delivery that the whole tone and pitch of it is totally unique. Itā€™s amazingly contemporary. This characterā€™s desires and the timeless subject of, say, art versus commerce is one of the best film depictions of that you could ever find ā€” and in a very comedic way. He has a project that the studio doesnā€™t want him to make about homelessness ā€” this is coming out of the Depression ā€” and heā€™s a spoiled rich guy and he has a project he wants to make. Of course, the Coens made a film with that name, O Brother, Where Art Thou? Thatā€™s where that comes from. And itā€™s kind of a ridiculous desire to say something that has social significance and meaning about suffering and all that stuff, but heā€™s really kind of desperate to make a comedy. He ends up on a chain gang by a series of misadventuresā€¦ So he really is suffering. Itā€™s just a brilliant movie and surprisingly contemporary."

Scent of a Woman (1992)
Scent of a Woman (1992)
1992 | Drama
Al Pacino (0 more)
When you look up thansgiving movies, Scent of a Women comes up. Yes even though it takes over thanksgiving break, it is far from a thanksgiving movie. Its depressing, sad, motived, caring and heartwarming. Its a excellent movie, but man its very depressing and sad. Both Al Pacino and Chris O'Donnell are excellent.

The plot: Frank is a retired Lt. Col. in the US army. He's blind and impossible to get along with. Charlie is at school and is looking forward to going to college. To help pay for a trip home for Christmas, he agrees to look after Frank over Thanksgiving. Frank's niece says this will be easy money, but she didn't reckon on Frank spending his Thanksgiving in New York.

Pacino painstakingly researched his part in Scent of a Woman. To understand what it feels like to be blind, he met with clients of New York's Associated Blind, being particularly interested in seeing from those who had lost their sight due to trauma. Clients traced the entire progression for himā€”from the moment they knew they would never see again to the depression and through to acceptance and adjustment. The Lighthouse, also in New York, schooled him in techniques a blind person might use to find a chair and seat themselves, pour liquid from a bottle and light a cigar.

Its a excellent movie, but its very depressing and sad at moments. So get ready to cry at those moments.
Endeavor (Voyagers #4)
Endeavor (Voyagers #4)
Ava Olsen | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
ENDEAVOR is the fourth book in the Voyagers series and I'm really hoping isn't the end! After all, as was pointed out, Charlie hasn't found love yet. Please tell me there is more to come!

Anyway, back to this one...

Jared, Alex, and Aiden are all characters we have met in the previous books. Alex is Jarad's bodyguard, and Aiden is his lawyer. The sparks have been there for all to see but they haven't acted on for numerous reasons. But then they stay on Now, Voyager and the love spell works once again.

This was a hard read in places, dealing with stalkers, sexual assault, depression and PTSD, to name just a couple of topics. However, they are perfectly written, with no quick fixes, just understanding and compassion.

It was also hot as hell, and not just because they're in Thailand for part of it! They may have a multitude of reasons, but once they decide to go for it, phew! Hold onto your hats! Hot and steamy and so full of feelings.

Once I started this, I couldn't put it down. Absolutely fantastic and HIGHLY recommended by me.

Just... please tell me there's another book. Please?!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 14, 2023
Whistle In The Dark
Whistle In The Dark
Emma Healey | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jen Maddox is on holiday with her fifteen-year-old daughter, Lana, when Lana disappears. But, somehow, Lana is found four days later: confused and bloody, but in one piece. Jen and her husband, Hugh, are beyond relieved, but Jen cannot shake the fear plaguing her. Lana has struggled with depression these past few years. What happened over those four days? Why can't her daughter remember anything? Jen knows she should welcome Lana back with welcome arms, but she cannot rest until she knows what happened to her daughter.

This was a complicated read, which made me feel and think all sorts of feelings. I have to definitely point out that there are triggers for self-harm and suicide in this one. The book hit home for me, as I lost a dear cousin-who was more like a sister to me-to suicide. She was a little older than Lana when she died, but I saw a lot of similarity between the two, and I could understand some of Jen's frustration and sadness with her daughter because of it. Because, honestly, a lot of this book is just sad and depressing.

It's written in short snippets, not long chapters, each with a title, and they are all told from Jen's perspective. I would have liked to have heard from Lana sometimes. Because this is Emma Healey, many of these little pieces and insights are brilliant, truly. But, also, I won't lie, some of this book is a slog. It mirrors living with someone with depression--it's slow, painful, and tough. I wouldn't call this a fun read, even though I could definitely enjoy some of the breakthroughs and beautiful moments Lana and Jen did share.

While the premise of this book is finding out what happened to Lana, much of it is just Jen and Lana's daily life--trying to find themselves after Lana's disappearance. You see the guilt Jen feels about her daughter's mental illness and the complications of motherhood--how hard it can be. Jen's older daughter Meg and her husband, Hugh, are more supporting characters to the Jen and Lana show. There definitely are some humorous pieces among the sad parts--Jen and her husband struggling to raise a teen, Jen's interactions with her mom stand out. And Lana, as she comes across through her mom's eyes, is an interesting and dynamic character. Her grim sense of humor is enjoyable, too.

I found this novel to be very driven by emotions and to be a deep look at a family who is torn apart not only by Lana's disappearance, but by mental illness. I think, too, overall it does a very good job portraying what mental illness can do to a family. Even Lana's descriptions of what her depression feels like are quite well-done. So much of the book actually made me feel tense on Jen's behalf, and you just can't help but feel so sad and scared for both Jen and Lana. The little snippets of the book really do a good job of capturing moments--that is life, after all. A series of moments that add up.

I wish that Jen had been less obsessed with figuring out what had happened to Lana, but I think I can understand where it came from (her fear). For a little bit, I wasn't sure I could push through the book, but I was also motivated to figure out where Lana had been for those four days, and I was attached to Lana (and even Jen), I won't lie. The end of the book also redeemed it for me. There was something about it that made it all work.

This book isn't for everyone, and in some ways, I even have trouble recommending it for those who have struggled with mental illness, because it can be really triggering. Still, I think the author treated the topic very respectfully. I couldn't help but feel for Jen and I really found myself wanting to help Lana, to reach out to her. Healey really does know how to create nuanced characters. Still, if this is your first time reading her, I can't help but recommend the amazing Elizabeth Is Missing, which I just adore. Still, it has its lovely moments and is certainly well-written, if not a slow read.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
Sinead Flynn | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed how the book acknowledges the superhuman strength it takes to overcome mental illness, even a circumstantial one. (0 more)
What I didnā€™t like was that I felt like Louiseā€™s discovery of the criminal was extremely anti-climatic and would have liked to know more about that situation. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Superwoman by Sinead Flynn is a story about the strength it takes to pull out of depression and the amount of support it requires. While it canā€™t be called heartwarming, it can provide hope to those in similar situations.

 Louise might not have her dream job yet, because she is still undecided as to just what her dream job would be, but she has basically everything else she could want. She has a good job that pays the bills, good friends, and even shares an apartment with one of them. She is happy and content in her life, or so she believes. Then comes ā€œthat morningā€, the day when just going about her job turns her life upside down. Now things are difficult for Louise. She no longer has a job due to the recession, yet she still has bills to pay. There is no way she will be able to get a job in her present state considering all she does is take medication, sleep, and refuses to leave the apartment.

  Slowly she gets worse and worse until one day while her roommate is away she almost burns down the apartment because she falls asleep while cooking. Thankfully her friends have her back even with her alienating them, and they arrange for her to go back home to be cared for by her parents. However, Louise seems to have given up, labeling the real world as too scary. Will it be possible for the unconditional love of her parents to ā€œsnap her out of itā€ or will she stay safely hidden away in the back bedroom for the rest of her life?

 I enjoyed how the book acknowledges the superhuman strength it takes to overcome mental illness, even a circumstantial one. These circumstantial illnesses often seem to be over-the-top reactions to a negative event and are rarely talked about. What I didnā€™t like was that I felt like Louiseā€™s discovery of the criminal was extremely anti-climatic and would have liked to know more about that situation. The person the criminal was found with was surprising and readers are left to speculate why they were even together.

 This book is directed more towards adults, and people who trigger easily should probably think twice about picking it up. It has a large focus on depression, anxiety, and self-loathing after one morning that turns a womanā€™s life upside down. I rate this book 2 out of 4. The book describes a tough subject very well. Unfortunately once I got to Part 2 (page 120 of 145) the book fell apart. I mean to say it felt unbelievably rushed, there is a lot of important things that happen in the last 25 pages that just get glossed over.
The Forgotten Girls
The Forgotten Girls
Owen Laukkanen | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Received an ARC from First To Read for an honest review:

First, I like many others it seems, did not know from the blurb that it was book 6 in a series. That scared me just a tiny bit when I started it, but as I read the book I realized it definitely also works as a standalone.

Second, I'm not big on crime novels that are not of the "cozy mystery" variety. That being said, the more violent scenes in this book were not...bothersome. It worked it's way up in intensity, but there was nothing that forced me to step away from the book and take a breather.

That being said, though, the book was full of amazing scenes beautifully described that you couldn't, as a reader, NOT picture, even if you didn't want to. Lines like: "Even the sky seemed static, just a blank wall, a paint swatch, 'chronic depression gray'." were scattered throughout, and they place you in the wintry, desolate, desperate situation of the characters so that you are right beside them, experiencing what they are, for better or worse.

Overall, I really enjoyed the book, even though the content was not a topic of my normal choosing (sorry, serial killers hunting women freak me out).

Extra bonus for the techy geek stuff I didn't know about the "cloud" that I had to double check with the more "techno-advanced" member of our household about. Definitely makes me think twice about the idea of even donating a used phone.
Spirit Fall (The Guardians #1)
Spirit Fall (The Guardians #1)
Tessa McFionn | 2014 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Spirit Fall (The Guardians #1) by Tessa McFionn
Spirit Fall is the first book in The Guardians series, and we start off with Malakai and Voni. Malakai is an immortal warrior who fights for good. Voni is a dancer, tormented by the death of her fiance. She plans to take her life as she simply cannot take it any longer, but along comes Malakai and literally talks her off the ledge. It turns out that Voni has an ability to be desired, and her depression and nightmares are being done deliberately, to drive her to the Rogue Warriors.

This was a great start to the series, with plenty of information given without it being an info-dump. Kai and Voni are both three dimensional characters, with plenty going for them. There is also a great supporting character in Eamon, who has his own twist at the end, definitely leaving me wanting more. And how could I forget Roxi and Daphne! I would love to hear more about them!

With no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, I was able to lose myself in this contemporary world with paranormal characters. The pacing was smooth, and I thoroughly enjoyed how the story moved along. Absolutely recommended by me, and I look forward to continuing with this series.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!