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From Darkness to Light—My journey back from a brain filled with blood
by Lynn Christopher Roby
Rating: 3.5/5
Genre: Memoir, Autobiography, Christian

Summary: Lynn tells the story of her aneurysm, her life before and after, and her walk with God. She recalls her aneurysm and tells the sad and frightening story of her trials trying to get through it. Living through an aneurysm is hard—I had no idea how hard! She went through constant pain and a lot of depression. She also talks about her alcoholism early in life, mentions her sexual abuse, and her early depression. Eventually, after the aneurysm, she was able to heal enough to start her work for the Lord, opening a clinic to help people through the things she has gone through.

Thoughts: Lynn’s story is amazing and inspiring. This books shows how the bible verse “all things work together for good” plays out in real life. Lynn never would have been able to help the people she helped, or save the lives she helped save, if it hadn’t been for her very rough life.

Writing: The writing style and prose was tough to read in that it felt very choppy, had a lot of fragments, and quite a few typos, giving it an overall casual feel. The pacing was also a bit fast through the aneurysm, and slow through the rest. I found it difficult to read during the section where she explained the “12 steps to A.A.” which she explained in detail and then related it to her experiences, and showed how she used them through her life as a recovering alcoholic and getting through the aneurysm. The layout was a bit hard to follow, too. She starts with the aneurysm, then the healing process, then backtracks to tell about her alcoholism and depression, divorce, and second marriage before she finishes the story of what happened after the aneurysm. It was a little confusing, but once I saw what she was doing, it was easier to follow.

Content: There was no language or sex. She does mention God very often, as it is a memoir of a Christian’s suffering, but does not leave you with the feeling that you’ve been “preached to.”

Recommendation: Ages 13+ because of reference to alcohol. I really enjoyed this book—it had its on-the-edge-of-your-seat moments, its sad sections, and its happy parts.

About the author:
Lynn lives in Carroll Valley Pa. with her husband Bill and their Samoyed Abigail. She is a Mother blessed with four sons and beautiful grandchildren that add to filling her life with joy and fun.

Lynn is a certified Professional Level Kripalu Yoga Teacher; she continues her studies at The Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health in Stockbridge Ma. Lynn and her husband Bill are the founders and owners of The Gettysburg Holistic Health Center where Lynn teaches in her studio which is a Kripalu affiliated studio. Lynn is a Master level addictions specialist and a Reiki Master. She feels honored to work with folks who suffer from the disease of addiction as she watches them transform their lives from turmoil to surrender.

Lynn’s journey led her into writing this book that was very cathartic hoping to inspire anyone suffering not only from a ruptured brain aneurysm, or alcoholism, or abuse but to touch anyone who can relate to such pain and suffering and find hope from reading this book
**Thank you to Bostic Communications and Lynn for providing me with my review copy!**

About a Boy (2002)
About a Boy (2002)
2002 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
Story: About a Boy starts as we meet Will Freeman (Grant) who lives the perfect life in his head, no job because of his father’s royalties, no responsibilities and no relationship, he can jump from woman to woman and now he has learnt about single mums, he new target. Marcus (Hoult) is a young boy whose single mother is battling depression and when the two become unlikely friends.

As the friendship builds between Will and Marcus, the two learn valuable life lessons with Will finally learning the serious side to life, one he had coasted over through his life.


Thoughts on About a Boy


Characters – Will is the playboy bachelor who has gone from woman to woman never taking responsibility in anything in his life, at the age of 38 he isn’t getting any younger and wants to look to a new location to meet women, which finally gives him a chance to look at his own life errors and start to make something from life. Marcus is a bullied young boy, his mother is battling depression and he never fits in at school, he sees a male role model in Will and starts to becoming friends with Will where he can starts to learn how to be who he should be. This character is drawn up wonderfully because he doesn’t understand the problems his mother is going through, while he is aware there is a problem it reflects in his everyday life. Fiona is the mother of Marcus, she is battle depression in her life while trying her hardest to stay positive for Marcus, a battle she isn’t always winning. Rachel is the woman that shows Will a new meaning to life, only she is the one that could shatter his new look too.

Performances – Hugh Grant is easily one of the most British actors out there, he gives one of his best performances here that will make you like his bad character. This role could easily be a look at the person people believed he would be in real life. Nicholas Hoult gives one of the greatest breakthrough performances for a young star and by seeing just how far he has gone since this shows the early talent he showed. Toni Collette gives us a supporting performance that is just as difficult to watch because of her characters problems that it is an essential performance to see. Rachel Weisz is good in her supporting role, she doesn’t need to do too much with her character though.

Story – The story here plays out as a middle-aged man needing to grow up, a young boy who needs a male role model and understand that life isn’t going to be perfect no matter how much you want to believe it. The growing up side of the story is the one that we get to focus on the most and is everything you expect it to be. There is however a much deeper and stronger side to this story we see, that comes from seeing how young Marcus doesn’t completely understand his mother’s depression and just wants somebody to talk to, while finding his own way to fix her. Now this is important because the mental health issues are a bigger talking point now and showing it through the eyes of an innocent young boy shows how difficult it can be to talk about and deal with, with him never truly understanding what the problems are.

Comedy/Romance – This film did get me laughing a lot, this is usually hard for any comedy movie, this has so many clever visions on life through the shallow nature Will has. The romance is the backburner because it shows us just how Will is trying to find women, even if one does change his life.

Settings – The film is set in London, we get the see the home environment, which for the most part are empty, the social life and everyday life, nothing is new.

Scene of the Movie – Be a Godfather question?

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The generic bullies.

Final Thoughts – This is a brilliant comedy that gets everything right with the way the comedy is handled, we do get a big issue covered and is a film that people need to look back on and watch.


Overall: Must watch comedy.
Kiss Me First
Kiss Me First
2018 | Animation, Drama, Thriller
good story line, interesting characters (0 more)
a bit slow (0 more)
Kiss me first is six part T.V. series form 2018 that is (loosely) based on a book of the same title by Lottie Moggach. Set in the near future the series follows Leila, a young woman living alone in the house she shared with her mother, who had recently died. Leila spends most of her time in the Virtual Reality world of Azana where she goes by the name Shadowfax. Whilst in Azana, Shadowfax meets another play known as Mania who introduces her to a group known as ‘Red Pill’. As Shadowfax begins to spend more time with red pill she starts to realise that events in the game are being mirrored in real life.
As we are introduced to the characters the first couple of episodes’ flip between the real world and the VR world of Azana but, as the series progresses the VR gives way to the real world, pulling you into the madness of the characters and making the games being played even more sinister.
Kiss me first is not a light hearted series and through the red pill members it tackles subjects like depression, suicide & euthanasia as well as the core theme of manipulation which also makes it quite a slow burn.
I said that Kiss Me First was based on a book of the same title and, after watching the series I went off and read the book and found it to be quite different but also the same, let me explain. The book has the main core characters but Red Pill is a chat room and there is no VR or other version of Azana. Shadowfax/Leila only meets/speaks to two of the group (Mania and Adrian) and one of those are dead for most of the novel. Most of the same subjects are still covered in the book but the book seems to have a bigger focus on suicide whereas the T.V. series spends more time on depression. The book also seems to be a search for purpose and the series a search for belonging and friendship and the changes made in the series seem to make the Leila/ Jonty relationship a bit forced and almost irrelevant. If you enjoyed the book the series is worth a shot but expect a lot of changes and a bit more of a techie element.
Lights Out (2016)
Lights Out (2016)
2016 | Horror
When The Lights Are Off
Lights Out- is a scary movie. Its terrorfying, horrorfying, suspenseful and twisted.

The plot: When Rebecca (Teresa Palmer) left home, she thought that her childhood fears were behind her. As a young girl growing up, she was never really sure of what was real when the lights went out at night. Now, her little brother Martin (Gabriel Bateman) is experiencing the same unexplained and terrifying events that jeopardized her safety and sanity. Holding a mysterious attachment to their mother (Maria Bello), a supernatural entity has returned with a vengeance to torment the entire family.

is based on Sandberg's 2013 short film of the same name and features Lotta Losten, who starred in the short.

Special effects of having the ghost appear and disappear were mostly done by using a split-screen technique as also used in the short. Sandberg said "Whenever she's in frame with another character, it's basically just a split screen. So you shoot it with her and without her. You turn the camera on with her, you turn it off and she walks off, and then you turn it on again. It's super simple, actually." Sandberg also made a list of what he called the "light gags", or different ways to create light sources from flashlights to cell phones and gunfire. In the scene when Diana appears in Rebecca's room, James Wan suggested replacing passing car headlights in an early treatment with the flashing neon sign that appears in the final film.

Sandberg originally based the character of Rebecca on a real girl that he knew who was suffering from depression, and who was engaging in self-harm, which is why Rebecca has scars on her arms, but the development of the film made it less about depression and more of a ghost story in which Diana would have been the real person who died and became a ghost. Wan came up with the idea of making Diana the ghost. Rebecca's boyfriend was also given a twist of being a rocker, but is actually committed and responsible, even driving a safe car like a Volvo. Another twist Sandberg liked was making the imaginary friend for the mother rather than the trope of having the friend be for the child

Its a excellent supernatural movie.
Eliza and Her Monsters
Eliza and Her Monsters
Francesca Zappia | 2017 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
I don't know how to feel about this.

It was a little everywhere at the beginning and it took me about 100 pages to actually get the hang of it and start enjoying it.

I really did enjoy Eliza and Wallace at the beginning.

But towards the end i didn't really feel their connection anymore.

I was more concerned about Eliza and her anxiety and depression and holy shit did that hit me in the feels.

I think if this would have been one of the books that she would have done well had they just stayed friends and she worked on herself more than being in a relationship.

I would really love to see Monstrous Sea be a real thing . I would pay big bucks for that lol

I also want more on Max and Emma. They are my favorite side characters and they weren't even physically with Eliza.

To me, with the hype going around this, it missed its mark for me ( I didn't really feel the relationship aspect of it) But that aside i loved the concept, the art and looking forward to reading more from this author.
Flowers for Algernon
Flowers for Algernon
Daniel Keyes | 1966 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.1 (26 Ratings)
Book Rating
The characterisation of Charlie was superb throughout. (0 more)
Sensationally clever without being pretentious
I found this book on a blog recommending books for depression sufferers, although I'm not sure in retrospect why this book was on that list. The book is written in the form of progress reports written by the protagonist, Charlie, who starts off the book as an adult with severe learning difficulties, during a less enlightened era. Despite his rough treatment by a society that fails to understand him, he is thoroughly charming, warm and kind, but above all desperate to better himself by learning to write and read. When he is offered the chance to undergo groundbreaking experimental surgery that will elevate his capacity to learn, he jumps at the chance. Algernon is a lab mouse who has had the surgery already and is considered a genius (by mouse standards).

Although this is technically science fiction, I found it more a focus on society and the perceptions of intelligence and happiness. I grew such fondness for Algernon and Charlie, I found the ending truly heartbreaking.

I'm not normally a fan of the sci-fi genre, but I couldn't put this down.
The Catcher in the Rye
The Catcher in the Rye
J.D. Salinger | 2016 | Essays
6.8 (85 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
I honestly really enjoyed reading this book in my junior year of high school. My teacher let everyone in my class pick a classic and I decided to read this by chance. At first, I was annoyed with how Holden was acting and was truly confused on how this book became a classic. He basically hires a prostitute to just talk to her? It made no sense to me, he was just in some kind of haze. But then, everything clicked for me and Holden became extremely relatable. In high school, I suffered from depression but didn't realize until much later that that was indeed the reason I was acting so off, much like Holden during the book. He definitely was on a downward spiral and he didn't himself understand why he was the way he was. I think this is a good book for kids to read in school because it's honest and it's interesting. It's one of the only classics I've read that I can get through without yawning! This was always be a book that holds a deep meaning to me!
Will Grayson, Will Grayson
Will Grayson, Will Grayson
John Green | 2012 | Children
8.3 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really liked this novel. I found that I really enjoyed John Green. I've heard a lot about him and I figured I'd give him a try, the fact that I found a novel by him and my favorite author was simply icing on the cake. I'm always nervous to start a David Levithan novel because you never know if it going to change your life. This book was not earth shattering but it was still an extremely interesting read and made me smile.

The characters were outrageous. Tiny was hilarious and irritating at the same time. I wanted to hug him and punch him. Will Grayson (1st Will Grayson) was an interesting guy. I found him annoying yet lovable and realistic. will grayson(2nd Will Grayson) was an interesting read. You don't get the characters when they are in the middle of everything. You get a character who is struggling with the onset of depression but never the character who has it and is just living with it.

I found myself really entertained with this novel. I am definitely glad that I read this novel and I will definitely look into John Green.