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Empire of Storms
Empire of Storms
Sarah J. Maas | 2016 | Children
9.4 (22 Ratings)
Book Rating
What?! What?! I can’t even… I’m literally speechless. How in the world do I try to explain how amazing, how intricate, how mind-blowingly shocking this part of the series is? There are no words. There is no way to adequately explain it – any attempt would be a vast understatement, the book being so overwhelming, no explanation could ever amount to its greatness. I began this series fully aware that it was unfinished, that the final book had yet to be released, but I became intrigued at my sister’s recommendation. So, I chose to begin reading, still unsure of whether I’d even enjoy the story, and very quickly became enthralled with the plot, with the characters, with the mystery. My love grew stronger with each book, even if I didn’t truly care for Assassin’s Blade as much as the rest, and my love turned into infatuation. More characters were introduced, more for to care about and hope would survive the unavoidable bloodbath I know will be coming their way. Each encounter with the Valg, each life and death situation, with every drop of blood that spilled, I held my breath in anticipation of preparing for the worst. Then that ending. The one that made me stick my tongue out at all the people who doubted Aelin and her strength, wisdom, and courage, that ending that made me pray for a thousand more pages; that ending that left me staring at my wall in total and utter desolation. What have I done, by reading this when the last part is so far off from being published? Why have I tortured myself in such a way? My only answer: I love a good story and I couldn’t stay away from this one, finished or not, once I got started. Also, apparently, I’m a masochist and enjoy torturing myself, because that is what it will be as I await the final chapter of Aelin’s destiny: pure torture.
Vita and the Birds
Vita and the Birds
Polly Crosby | 2023 | Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was so excited when I got an email with the offer to read this. Mainly because despite the fact that I’m utterly rubbish at reading and reviewing on time, I had still been given a chance to read an ARC. Well, true to form, I’m late reviewing this - but I like to think that I’ll catch the prevaricators (we’re a great bunch really!) and tip them in to buying mode!

Vita and the Birds is set in a dual timeline: 1938 and 1997.
In 1938, Lady Vita Goldsborough lives a very constrained life. Her brother is extremely controlling even for 1938, I think. Vita meets the artist Dodie Blakeney whilst on a walk on the East Anglian coastal marshes, and a deep bond is formed between the women that will have lasting repercussions.

1997, and Eve Blakeney has returned to her grandmothers beach hut where she had lived alone up to her death. Eve is grieving the death of her mother, and going through her grandmothers belongings is supposed to be helping her to grieve. Eve seemed to be so vulnerable, sad and lost through much of this book. So when she finds some letters of her grandmother's written by another woman, they are something of a distraction. Clearly this is a relationship that ended before either woman wanted it to, which makes it all the more sad.

There is a tangible feeling of melancholy and sadness throughout each timeline. All of the characters experience loss.

I just loved this book. It made my heart ache for all three women. The windswept landscape of the coast and marshes were evocatively described and added to the desolation. I’m making this sound very depressing, aren’t I? Well, it is and it isn’t. I don’t like to wallow in depressing prose, and this had such beauty in it: the landscape, the birds, the love of the women and Eve’s family. Ultimately there is hope - and that’s what rounded this beautiful novel off perfectly.

Highly recommended.
The Little Grave (Detective Amanda Steele #1)
The Little Grave (Detective Amanda Steele #1)
Carolyn Arnold | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I admit I don't read a lot of American crime; I've nothing against it but I just happen to prefer my crime books to be set in the UK however, this one caught my eye and I thought I'd have a bit of a change and, overall, I was very satisfied.

The blurb, as you can see, is a long one and sets the scene very well for this solid start to a new series.

Amanda is a complex character and was difficult to get to like at first but this was understandable given what she has experienced; she did grow on me at the end as she started to work through her grief and the true Amanda came out however, I admit to nearly giving up on her but glad I didn't.

As the blurb says, Amanda is investigating the murder of the man who killed her husband and daughter but can she be objective and why is she getting threatening phone calls telling her to back off? She doesn't of course, otherwise there wouldn't be a book, but this is not a straightforward murder and does it have anything to do with the murder of the man's business partner and an exotic dancer or is it just a coincidence? The closer Amanda gets to finding out, the closer she gets to discovering the answers are closer to home than she could ever imagined.

The plot was great, the pace was good and the characters were explored just enough to wet your appetite to want to get to know them more, particularly Trent, but what I felt was really well explored was the grieving process that Amanda was experiencing. I really got a sense of her total desolation and how little things triggered memories of her dead loved ones and how this impacted on her every waking minute because, let's face it, if you had lost your entire reason for being, I'm sure you'd be the same.

Like I said at the beginning, this is a solid start to a new series and I am looking forward to seeing what comes next.

Many thanks to Bookoutre and NetGalley for my copy in return for an unbiased review.
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)
2014 | Action, Sci-Fi
7.4 (28 Ratings)
Movie Rating
It’s been thirteen years since Director Peter Jackson first took us to middle earth and showed movie

audiences that large scale fantasy could be done right on film with The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. And

now the final trek through middle earth is here with the third and final film in the Hobbit series.

Picking up at the climatic conclusion of 2013’s The Desolation of Smaug, The Battle of the Five Armies is

less about the journey and more about the war between the various armies of middles earth over the

massive riches in the mountain home they journeyed to reclaim. After the exciting beginning that serves

to tie up the previous film and sets to table for this one, we begin to see the brotherhood between the

dwarfs, a wizard, a few elves and a Hobbit that focuses on the bonds of friendship and loyalty. This

builds on itself as it leads to the climactic battle of the five armies. The battle is on the grand scale you

would come to expect from these middle earth films, only at times this battle seems to rely on a bit too

much CGI and thus almost plays out cartoonish. Granted, this is a fantasy world were Dwarfs, Elves and

Men are fighting Orcs so it is really not that hard to suspend disbelief in the first place. Thus the film is

entertaining in its own right as it wraps up one trilogy and bridges to another.

This bridge is what surprised me most. We received a bit more insight to some of the higher beings and

their understanding that villain in the Lord of the Rings trilogy is slowly returning to power. These

sequences are entertaining and great for fan service, but they seem to be handled a bit to simply as it

makes us wonder, if they knew this dark figure was alive, why did they wait so long (The Lord of the

Rings Trilogy) to do something about it. Still, it is nice to see the story wrapped up into one complete

adventure that viewer could connect all the way through.

In the end, those fans of the books and previous films will be pleased with the action, pace and way this

film wraps everything up. Other than the sequence of Bilbo’s interaction with Smaug in the last film, The

Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies is the best film in the Hobbit Series.


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28 Weeks Later... (2007)
28 Weeks Later... (2007)
2007 | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
7.3 (30 Ratings)
Movie Rating
After being ravaged by the deadly “Rage” virus in “28 Days Later”, the nation of England is taking it’s first steps towards recovery under a U.S. lead United Nations force.

In 28 Weeks Later, society is slowing starting anew as thanks to a repopulated military zone on the Isle of Dogs. When a plane of natives arrives with two children, a sense of hope accompanies them, as the return of children is seen as a sign that the crisis is over and a better future is at hand.

The children are soon reunited with their father (Robert Carlyle), who is struggling to cope with the death of his wife, lost to the infected hordes months earlier. The fact that he panicked and left his wife to her fate is a secret that he has lived with, still he feels compelled to tell his children that their mother died despite his best efforts to help her.

As children are prone to do, the two children become bored with living in a compound and sneak past the blockade into the outer areas of London, areas that have not been fully reclaimed since the attack, declared off limits due to safety concerns.

Undaunted, the duo return to their former home to collect some of their personal items and there they make a startling discovery. Their mother is alive, and has been holding up inside their house since being left for dead by their father.

Once returned to the compound, it’s discovered the mother is a carrier of the virus, but does not manifest the disease nor it’s symptoms. Fascinated that they may have found a way to create a vaccine for the virus, the leader of the military medical community passes along her findings to her commanding officer. Unswayed by the possibility of creating a vaccine should future outbreaks occur, the commanding officer decides to follow standing orders and eradicate all signs of the virus which means killing the children’s’ mother.

Before the military can take action, a chance encounter causes the virus to spread and before long, the military is taking up arms in an effort to control the disease that is spreading like wildfire amongst the survivors. In short order, it becomes impossible to control the

infected, and the decision is made to kill anything that moves, infected or not in an effort to contain the outbreak.

During the chaos, the children are taken under protective care of a lone soldier and the doctor who is convinced that the children may hold the key to defeating the virus in their blood and must be protected at all costs. What follows is a chaotic race to get the children to safety while avoiding the infected and the soldiers in a deadly race against time for their very survival.

Following up the classic first film is a difficult task, and while not as good as the original, the sequel for the most part works. The characters and plot are paper thin, even by horror film standards, and there is little effort made to give the characters any back story or motivation beyond survival. The film is essentially one long segment of characters fleeing, yet there are some amazing visuals and chilling moments that will delight fans of the series and genre.

The images of London in desolation and of gas and fire flowing through the streets are haunting, and provide a none to subtle reference to the situation in Iraq, of a nation out of control.

Director has done a solid job of crafting a modern horror tale of a world gone mad, that raises ethical questions that will stay with viewers after the films conclusion.