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Hurry Less, Worry Less for Moms
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a short book with only 10 chapters and each chapter reads like a devotional. The chapters each begin with an "Encouraging Word," an "Everyday Step" and "A Mom's Thoughts," and ends with "Mom's Quiet Corner," which contains a summary of the chapter in the form of a "Busy Mom's Tip," "A Mom's Special Scripture," "Mom to Mom," and a "Prayer for the Journey." Peppered throughout each chapter are related verses and useful advice from the author and other anonymous mothers. Each chapter also encourages journaling with appropriate questions, plus the book ends with a Discussion Guide that is meant to be used in a group setting among other moms.
I enjoyed reading this book slowly, savoring the words and advice from so many other moms. With three daughters of my own, all under the age of five, I can use all of the tips on less hurry and worry I can get. I may even pass this book on to other moms who need the same kind of encouragement that I got from reading this lovely book.
Big and Little Activity Devotional
Big and Little Activity Devotional
Rachel Swanson | 2020 | Education, Mind, Body & Spiritual
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Big and Little Activity Devotional is a good activity to do with your child or children. This book is good for you and your child to have some 1 on 1 time. As it is to help discuss the faith and the lord in a fun way.

It will help with doing something together and talk about the bible. Though activities. There are quite a few different activities to do throughout the book. I used mostly to color and destress myself. This book is really good for this time that we are in as well. With all the time we have off and you can not go to church this activity book can help you with that. You do that by doing these activities on a Sunday.

You can even use it as a thing to unwind your day as well. There is a side for your child to use and aside for the adult to use. There Color by Number and other activities. You can discuss the different passages and chat while coloring.