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Rating: 4.5

As an artist, a writer, and a creator, God has left His fingerprints in His work. Look at an eyeball… now look at gold particles. Look at a cabbage leaf… now look at blood vessels. One of my favorite comparisons: The birth of a cell, a nebula in space. A cell is so small… a nebula is so big. Both are small or big to the point that we really can't wrap our minds around how small and big they are… and yet the similarities are striking.

Gordon has created a beautiful book with 40 days of photographs and daily devotions, scripture verses, and some thought provoking questions. I thoroughly enjoyed reading through his thoughts and devotional guides. This book really opened my eyes to what was meant when God said that He had clearly exposed himself in creation, so that man had no excuse.

In Plain Sight was a joy to explore, and left me with a whole new way of looking at God's creation.

Recommendation: This book would be great for a family devotion, a small group, a Bible study, or an individual of any age. I would recommend keeping a notebook to answer the questions, and instead of reading the one verse in the text, read the paragraph or chapter that it came from, for the sake of keeping the verses in context.