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Haley Mathiot (9 KP) rated 101 Family Meal-Time Devotions in Books
Apr 27, 2018
The stories are (I feel) mainly for younger children who are still feeling their way around in their personality and relationship with God, and still trying to apply basic truths like speaking with love, not getting frustrated, not being afraid to be friends with someone who is a little different.
There are some devotionals that kids read to adults, which I think awesome! Some of the most important moments for me as a kid (and even now) was when my parents were honest with me about their struggles. Some things I’ve heard from my parents that have impacted my life:
-“I wanted so badly to be mean to that person, and it was really hard not to.”
-“Your father frustrated me today but God told me to love him and respect him, and sometimes that means forgiving him even when he makes me upset.”
-“Your mother and I are very different people. But we don’t fight or argue. We love each other and that means sometimes we sit down and have to talk out our problems. Because it’s not about being right, it’s about keeping our relationship healthy and God-glorifying.”
-“Haley, I snapped at you this evening and that was wrong. Forgive me?”
And the thing about devotionals like this is, you don’t use them by themselves: they are a diving board you use to get to the good stuff. For instance, a devotional about wanting to snap at someone could remind you of a time you did snap at someone, and how you should have handled the situation, and then a story of a victory in a similar situation.
The text itself wasn’t edited very well, and I’m assuming it’s because I was reading an ARC. and even if those typos don’t get fixed, it won’t take away from the content.
I think this book is an awesome tool for young kids (ages 4-12) and their parents to get into the habit of having God-glorifying conversations that build each other up and prepare them for life, and empower them to make worshipful decisions.
This book is for you.
The ten decisions (and ten lies exposed!) are so straightforward that they totally change your thinking. It's blunt, clear, easy to read, and divided up into chunks that are easy to swallow (although I had no problem tearing through several chunks at a time because of how clear and understandable it is).
Here are 5 reasons why this is a great book for individuals and small groups:
It comes from someone who has not only counseled people with problems, but someone who has been through emotional and spiritual pain himself. He understands what you're thinking and feeling, and he has a way of writing it that everything makes sense.
It is extremely biblically founded. It's not just quoting a few verses and most of it psychology… It's all straight from God's word.
The new version has a workbook built right into it. There are journaling places, Bible verses to look up and relate back to the chapter, and exercises to complete (individually, or as a group, depending on your situation).
It can be used as a devotional, or as a small-group handbook, because everything in here will apply to every small or large problem you have.
I know this is really random, but there are decent sized margins and good space between the lines. This makes for good annotating and note taking. I don't know about you, but all my non-fiction books—especially God books—have writing all over them. It annoys me when I don't have space to write my thoughts in the book. There is space in this one.
All in all, I encourage you to grab this book. It's excellent and I love it, and have been using it for my personal Bible study.
Content/Recommendation: Some of the stories used for examples included in this book are about very…mature topics. I would recommend ages 14+, and if used for anyone younger than that, maybe a parent or small-group leader to guide the younger students and explain certain things, or assign only specific readings. That being said, there is nothing graphic or offensive. In my experience, however, some young teens are just not ready for certain content. As always, this is only a personal recommendation.
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