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Cult of the Deep
Cult of the Deep
2021 | Bluff, Deduction, Dice Game, Fantasy, Horror
You see that cultist in the foreground of the box art about to dab? If I knew being in a cult was THIS cool… Well, I have never been in a cult. At least not that I am aware. However, if I ever were to be in a cult, I certainly wouldn’t wish it to be one that is intent on reviving or calling upon the scourges of the earth. I would rather be in one of those happy cults that take wisdom from a prophet and make delicious breads or something. But how does the Cult of the Deep operate and would I want to join?

Cult of the Deep is a dice-driven, fantasy horror, hidden role game with similarities to some classic games. In it players will be donning the personas (personae?) of cultists with different roles and agendas. Players will be forming alliances with other cultists of unknown roles and possibly having their character perish and return to play as a Wraith with a totally new agenda. Each cultist’s role will have their own victory conditions to fulfill and the game ends once a player (or players) have fulfilling their victory conditions.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a prototype copy of this game for the purposes of this review. These are preview copy components, and I do not know for sure if the final components will be any different from these shown. Also, it is not my intention to detail every rule in the game, as there are just too many. You are invited to download the rulebook, back the game through the Kickstarter campaign, or through any retailers stocking it after fulfillment. -T

Setup involves placing out the Altar Boards and Ritual Cards upon them. Players will also receive one Role, Character, Sigil, and Reference Card to use during play. Players will reveal their Character Cards and collect enough Life Tokens to equal what is shown upon these cards. Each set of dice and the coins are to be set on the table within reach. The player who received the High Priest Role Card reveals it, takes extra Life Counters, and becomes the first player. They take five Cultist Dice and the game may begin!
Each turn is divided into four phases: Roll, Commit, Response, Resolve. During the Roll phase the active player will roll five dice, and any dice may be re-rolled another two times. Once all re-rolls are complete or the player decides to stop, they will take each die and Commit them to other players, altars, or themselves. For example, if the player rolls two blood drop icons they may wish to heal themselves by two, so they can commit these dice to themselves. Should this player also have rolled any dagger icons they may commit these dice to other players in order to attack them for one life per icon. If any player has a special ability that can be enacted during the Response phase, they must now use it. One such ability may be turning a one-dagger icon into a two-dagger icon, or other abilities. Once all players have had a chance to activate any abilities during this phase, the dice must now be Resolved in any order of the active player’s choosing. So now the player can regain life counters (or even surpass their starting life total), attack other players’ life points, or activate any Altar abilities if dice were placed on Ritual Cards on altars.

The Resolve phase is where the action happens, and can lead to some serious actions. Players can be killed, Rituals can be activated, and players can be healed. If a Ritual is completed (no more activation slots remaining) during this phase, the active player becomes the Keeper of the Ritual and collects its card from the altar to be used for an immediate effect, or an ongoing effect for the rest of the game. Should a player be slain, they may return to the game as a Wraith, and thus draws a Wraith card (shown below) to now represent their altered state. Wraiths play the game differently, as they will not be able to commit any dice during their turn, but rather have their dice to be used during other cultists’ Response phases.

Play continues in this fashion of taking turns around the table until victory conditions have been met for a player or group of players. The game may be over, but the lasting effects of the results will remain in each player’s heart for some time.
Components. Again, this is a prototype copy of the game, so not all components are as they will be in the finished version. That said, we received an excellent prototype copy of the game. The cards are great, the cardboard components are equally great, and I know we were provided with examples of the Kickstarter exclusive add-on metal coins, but I certainly would spring for them. These coins are the real deal and just feel amazing to handle. I know the dice will be different upon a successful campaign, as stickered dice simply will not hold up to many plays (and I see on the KS page that the d4s will have numbers ON TOP, which is where they should be). So once all is said and done, I believe this will be a beautiful, if not dark, game with excellent components and art style.

I mentioned in my open that this game reminds me of bits of other classic games. Perhaps you were able to discern these in my description, but here are my thoughts. I enjoy dice-based hidden-role games like BANG! The Dice Game. Cult of the Deep feels similar in that players may suss out roles of other players simply by attacking them until roles are revealed or cultists slain. This is not the ideal strategy, as I have been repeatedly told by my wife, but it certain is effective. What is improved here is that players come back as Wraiths and really are not ever out of the game. This is very good, as I usually am the player who is ganged up on and first to exit any game of this type.

Secondly, rolling dice and then committing them to certain areas of the game feels extremely reminiscent of the classic Biblios. Biblios uses cards and each turn the different areas MUST be committed to, but here again Cult of the Deep improves on this mechanic by allowing the player to choose every location to which they wish to commit their dice. Maybe every turn a player will commit daggers to one player (more than likely the High Priest), or certain dice faces to heal another player, but it is not necessary, and always being aware of what faces the Rituals need to progress will also dissuade players from ganging on one player each turn.

I didn’t mention it in my description, but each player is also given a Sigil card that can be used once per game, and they are especially powerful. Having so many choices available during a turn, or even during other players’ turns makes this game unique and incredibly enjoyable.

If you are looking for a game that has that Cthulhu-esque theme, hints of other classic game mechanics, and a deluxe look, then Cult of the Deep is certainly highly recommended. It is a notch more difficult than BANG! The Dice Game, and utilizes Biblios’s resource allocation mechanic better, thus creating a great blend of each. I do think you should check out the Kickstarter campaign ending Wednesday, March 3, 2021 to back it and add it to your collection. Obviously, this isn’t for everyone, but if you have read this far, I will assume at least a small measure of interest. I believe it will be a great game to have available for the right group of people who can handle the theme and don’t mind dying and becoming a character in Lord of the Rings.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) Feb 25, 2021

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BANG! The Dice Game
BANG! The Dice Game
2013 | American West, Bluff, Deduction, Dice Game, Fighting
“I’m gonna bang you.” Taken out of context, one might be slapped for saying such things. While playing a rousing game of BANG! The Dice Game, it’s only too common. To “bang” someone (in this game) is to shoot them. With a gun. While Purple Phoenix Games does not condone violence or murder, you gotta admit that banging your friends with no risk of bodily harm is definitely exciting!

Okay, so at its Wild West heart, BANG! The Dice Game is just that: a dice game. Have you played Yahtzee! before? Or anything with the Yahtzee! mechanic? You know, you throw some dice, save one or more for scoring, and can re-roll up to twice more to try to get the desired result? Well now you know how to play BANG! The Dice Game – mostly.

What makes this different and more exciting than Yahtzee! is that everyone will have a special identity which affords them a special player power. It could be re-rolling a specific die face again, or minimizing damage from an attack. Add to that the fact that everyone is also dealt a role card to determine their team affiliation – Sheriff and Deputy, Outlaws, or the Renegade. The Sheriff wins if the bad guys are eliminated, the Deputy wins if the Sheriff survives, the Outlaws win if the Sheriff is eliminated, and the Renegade wins if they are the last one standing.

Now, I didn’t mention that there are “Indians” who could possibly shoot arrows at the players because it’s not politically correct, but this is set in the Old West, and that’s unfortunately what they called Native Americans, and that’s the terminology that is used in the game.

This game boasts a play experience that is fast, engaging on every turn (even the other players’), easy to learn, and just plain hilarious fun. Yes, you could be eliminated in a game, but games typically last like 15-20 minutes, so you don’t have to wait long to get back in the fight.

With easy, fast, and fun gameplay, an interesting theme to role play, and great components, Purple Phoenix Games gives this one a rootin’ tootin’ 13 / 18 (Josh hasn’t played it yet).
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The Island of El Dorado
2018 | Adventure, Exploration
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I thought this game was quite enjoyable. I am not personally the greatest fan of strategy-based games, and the dice-rolling adds an element of luck to the game that I thought made the game more fun. Easy enough game to learn, I think new players could pick it up relatively quick. Good choice in game to learn.