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Thanos Rising: Avengers Infinity War
Thanos Rising: Avengers Infinity War
2018 | Action, Card Game, Dice Game
Thanos is on the warpath. He can’t wait to assemble the Infinity Gauntlet in preparation for The Snap. He has enemy minions to help fight off heroes in three different sectors. But we have The Avengers. And their friends. We can do this, heroes! We can defeat 10 minions before the Gauntlet is assembled and really hurt Thanos. It’s on!

This is a dice-rolling, card drafting game that is light on rules, heavy on teamwork, and a little longer playtime than what’s on the box if you’re doing well (from my experience). Without going too much into the rulebook, on your turn you are going to choose a sector in which you will work. Roll the two Thanos dice. They determine what he does, if he or his minions hit you and your team, and whether he gets closer to obtaining the six Infinity Stones. Then you roll your team dice to activate powers on your team’s cards, recruit more heroes to your team, or wound the minions in your sector. Thanos has three ways he can beat you and you only have one way to beat him – defeat 10 minions/bad guys. The odds are definitely stacked against you, but with the right team combos and with the willingness of your fellow players to play cooperatively, you can squeak out a win.

What I mean by this is using the bonus tokens effectively. On these bonus tokens are extra icons, extra dice to be used, healing capabilities, etc. You can hoard them all for yourself if you like, but the best way to truly beat the game is to be completely open with the bonus tokens. In fact, in the spirit of complete cooperation, I suggest everyone agree to keep bonus tokens in a shared pool so that anyone can access them. But maybe that’s just me.

I have played this game several times now and have not *technically* won a game yet. We would have won the last time we played it, but we had to cut the game short because our playmates’ kids came home with the babysitters. The other times we were completely decimated. The game is actually really hard to win. I like that. The dice are good quality, but I have my issues with the Thanos dice icon choices. It’s not enough to turn me off, but it could be way better. The cards are OK quality – nothing to write home about. I don’t feel the need to sleeve them because they aren’t really handled that much and they mostly stay on the table the whole game. The translucent cubes are fine, the Infinity Stones are really nice, and that completely unnecessary Thanos “mini” is very very cool. I have zero painting skills, or I would improve the paint job on mine for that extra level of coolness.

So I like the game a lot, but don’t LOVE the game. Maybe with even more playthroughs it will grow on me more. I have assembled all the promo cards and just need to play with them more. In all, Purple Phoenix Games finds this one really enjoyable, and we award it a superhuman score of 19 / 24.
2012 | Card Game, Dice Game, Fantasy
I really like Seasons. It’s a chaotic game, but it’s manageable. Especially with two players. The more players, the less control you have.
The timing element makes this game really interesting. You can manipulate the game and your opponents a lot by choosing or not choosing certain cards or dice. That, plus the card effects themselves and especially the effects of the Familiars, make this game very interactive.

Reviewer: Rowdy van Lieshout
Read the full review here:
2020 | Dice Game, Environmental
Sequoias are some of the largest trees on Earth, growing hundreds of feet tall and living for thousands of years. A few summers ago I had the chance to visit northern California, and spent a day hiking in a forest full of redwoods and sequoias. The sheer size of the trees was breathtaking, and that hike remains high on my list of favorite vacation spots ever. So when I saw a small game based on those behemoth trees, I was instantly transported back to NorCal, and knew I had to give this game a shot!

Sequoia is a game of dice rolling and area majority in which players are trying to grow the largest trees across different forests. To setup the game, lay out the 11 forest cards on the table within reach of all players, and randomly assign a 1st and 2nd place token to each card. Each player receives 5 dice and 20 tree tokens in their chosen color. The game is ready to begin!

On each turn, players will simultaneously roll their 5 dice – keeping the results secret from all other players! After rolling, players will create 2 pairs using 4 of their dice (one will be left out). Everyone reveals their pairs at the same time, and will place a tree token on the card that matches each of their dice pairs. For example, my pairs might be a 5 and a 2, and a 6 and a 6, so I would put a tree token on the 7 and 12 forest cards. Play continues in this manner (rolling dice, creating pairs, and placing tree tokens), until players have placed all of their tokens. Once all tokens have been placed, the game moves to the scoring phase. For each forest card, the 1st and 2nd place tokens go to the players who have the most and 2nd most tree tokens on the forest card. Once all cards have been scored, count up final points, and the player with the most points wins!
I have to start off by saying that Sequoia really surprised me. I was expecting a fast, light game, and that’s what I got. But I also got a game with a fun amount of player interaction and strategy that keeps all players engaged. You may not know what forest cards a player will choose each turn, but you can see who has already played tree tokens to each card, which can help drive your strategy. Do you want to directly compete with everyone and really pile on the tokens to win 1st place on a card? Or do you want to spread your tokens around to as many forest cards as possible, and hopefully maximize points that are otherwise being ignored by opponents? Especially since the 1st and 2nd place tokens are randomly assigned and have differing values, you really don’t know which forests will yield the highest points until the end of the game. Sequoia is a Yahtzee-esque game that allows direct player interaction, and that elevates the overall gameplay for me.

Let’s talk about components for a minute. These components are great. The forest cards are a nice thick card stock. The tree tokens and 1st/2nd place tokens are all good chunky bits that will definitely hold up over time. And the dice are nice little d6’s that are easy to read and fun to manipulate. The color matching with the dice and tree tokens is also really nice, and I appreciate that uniformity for each player color. All in all, a high quality production for such a small game.
If you ask me, I think Sequoia is a perfect filler game. It is super fast to teach and play, the setup/cleanup takes literally seconds, and it provides an engaging and fun gameplay. Beyond being a filler game, it is a great small standalone game as well. Want something fast to play while the oven is pre-heating for dinner? Pull out Sequoia! I also love that it is simple enough for younger players to understand – it is a numbers game, but you can also visually see what your opponents are working towards, and that lends itself to a good amount of player interaction. Definitely a game that I can see getting a decent amount of table time in my group! Purple Phoenix Games gives this one a sky-rocketing 8 / 12. Check it out, you might be surprised!