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Escape: The Curse of the Temple
Escape: The Curse of the Temple
2012 | Adventure, Dice Game, Electronic, Exploration, Real-time
Being a treasure hunter definitely sounds like a ton of fun – you get to travel to and explore exotic locations, decipher some hidden clues, and ultimately uncover some cool (and probably expensive!) artifacts and treasures! No reward is without risk, however, and you must be willing to put your life on the line, literally, to hack it in the treasure-hunting world!

Your latest quest has brought you and your comrades to an ancient temple. While exploring, you come across a treasure cache – score!! Your team decides to take it…for research purposes of course…but unbeknownst to you, this temple and its treasure are cursed, and you have just literally brought that curse down upon yourselves. The temple begins to collapse, and you and your team must make it to the exit alive! But wait, which way did you come from? Seriously? Did nobody leave any breadcrumbs? Which path is the right way? Too late to ask questions, just go! Traverse your way through this maze of a temple and get out! Will you make it out? Will your comrades make it too? I guess you’ll just have to wait and see…

DISCLAIMER: There are several expansions to this game, but we are not reviewing them at this time. Should we review them in the future we will either update this review or post a link to the new material here. -T

Escape: The Curse of the Temple is a real-time cooperative game in which players must roll dice, uncover new tiles, and find their way to the exit before the temple collapses, trapping the explorers inside. Played in exactly 10 minutes, all actions are taken simultaneously – you are trying to escape after all! By rolling dice, players can uncover new rooms and find magic gems. Once the exit tile has been discovered, all players must make their way to it and out of the temple! Strategy is key – do you move as a group in the same direction (there is safety in numbers…) or do you split up in an attempt to find the exit more quickly? That’s up to you and your team to decide – but decide quickly, because time is running out!

One super neat thing about this game is the countdown timer/soundtrack. When I say the game takes 10 minutes to play, I mean that literally – there is a timer! The corresponding soundtrack really brings the theme to life and creates a unique atmosphere. The pressure of a time limit means that players are frantically rolling dice and moving throughout the temple, just as they would be frantically searching for the exit in the real world. For a pretty simple game of dice-rolling, I think the timer adds to the overall excitement of the game – without it, there is no element of urgency and the theme would not feel as authentic.

That being said, timers kind of stress me out in games. One thing that can alleviate some of the pressure created by the timer is being able to work as a group. Cooperation is important to success because everyone wins or loses together. I don’t have to race against the clock on my own, I just need to do my part to help the group succeed. Whether it’s uncovering new room tiles or pooling dice with another player to find magic gems, winning Escape is, overall, a group effort.

If you’ve never played a real-time game or one with a timer before, I would recommend Escape: The Curse of the Temple. It’s simple enough to be a good introduction to the mechanics, yet engaging and exciting enough to keep you coming back. Purple Phoenix Games gives it a heart-pounding 17 / 24.
Tiny Epic Galaxies
Tiny Epic Galaxies
2015 | Dice Game, Science Fiction, Space
When it comes to game themes, I’ve got them all – modern mystery, fantasy, superhero, abstract puzzle, pirates, zombies, and more. But the one theme I never had was space. Which, thinking back on it now, is kind of weird because there are so many space-themed games out there. In my exploration of the Tiny Epic series, I eventually came to the third installment, Tiny Epic Galaxies. And thus, the space-game void I didn’t even know I had was filled. Since then, I’ve played a handful of other space-themed games, but Tiny Epic Galaxies is by far my favorite.

In Tiny Epic Galaxies, you are the leader of a galactic empire looking to expand its borders and influence across space. Unfortunately, you are not the only one vying for power – competing galactic leaders are also gathering resources and sending out scouts to planets in hopes of bringing them into the folds of their own empires. Can you outwit your opponents and stake your claim on these new planets before your rivals do? Or are you doomed to live under someone else’s rule forever?

DISCLAIMER: There are several expansions to this game, but we are not reviewing them at this time. Should we review them in the future we will either update this review or post a link to the new material here. -T

Tiny Epic Galaxies is a game of dice rolling and area control/influence in which players take turns rolling dice and activating powers in order to gather resources and increase their influence on newly-discovered planets. On your turn, you will roll a specified number of dice, and activate them in any order you choose to perform any of the available actions: move a ship, advance your colonization of a planet, acquire resources, or utilize the special power of a planet you control. Gaining control of a planet earns victory points, and the game ends once a player has reached 21 VPs. Sounds simple enough, right? But here’s a twist – when you activate a die on your turn, any other player can spend a resource to follow your action and perform the same action you just did. Make sure you keep an eye on your opponents’ ships and resources – a beneficial action for you could also earn your opponents a planet!

My absolute favorite part of all the Tiny Epic games is that they have so much more to offer than meets the eye, and Tiny Epic Galaxies is no exception. The premise of the game is simple and easy to learn, yet mastering the strategy is what keeps me coming back for more. There is no single strategy for guaranteed success, and the necessity to adapt strategy based upon your dice rolls keeps the game engaging and exciting. You may have a plan in mind, but unless the dice cooperate, you’ll have to adjust that plan on the fly. And you’ve also got to pay attention to your resources and your opponents’ turns, because you might be able to capitalize on their dice if you can afford the cost. It could potentially always be your turn, even if it’s not your official turn, since you have the ability to follow an opponent’s action. You’re coming up with your own strategy, while also trying to decipher your opponents’ strategies so you can outwit them and earn the most VPs the fastest.

Another great part of this game is that there is a good amount of player interaction, but not in a way that feels confrontational. In some situations it may feel like a bit of ‘take that,’ but remember – you’re the one who gave them the opportunity to take that action! Without you taking the action in the first place, your opponent would not have had the chance to follow you! Your strategy must transcend your individual galaxy and also take into account every other galaxy in play. In Tiny Epic Galaxies, you’re constantly interacting – some interactions are just more subtle than others.

Tiny Epic Galaxies is perhaps my favorite Tiny Epic game to date. It’s quick, simple, and yet deceptively strategic. Plus the little spaceships are so cute! If I had to pick one Tiny Epic game to use to introduce someone to the series, I would pick this one. Purple Phoenix Games gives Tiny Epic Galaxies an out-of-this-world 17 / 18.
Tales & Games: The Three Little Pigs
Tales & Games: The Three Little Pigs
2013 | Animals, Book, Dice Game, Kids Game
The Wolf always gets a bad rap. Think of all the stories you know that include an anthropomorphic wolf and tell me three that show The Wolf in a positive light. Can’t think of any? Me neither. But they need to eat to survive and it’s tough in these streets! errm, trees! Such is the plight of The Wolf in this one, as he is attempting to wrest the Little Pigs out of their hidey-holes so he can have a nice bacon dinner. And honestly, who can blame him? Bacon!

Tales & Games: The Three Little Pigs (which I will fondly refer to as 3LP for the remainder of this review) is a cute little family dice and take-that game about building houses for maximum points while avoiding The Wolf’s hungry advances. The winner of the game is the Little Piggy who has built the most complete structures using the best materials that afford them the most endgame points.

To setup, sort the building tiles by material type and house level type as shown inside the box cover. Place the dice and spinner nearby. Let the youngest or cutest player go first. The game is now ready to be played!

On a player’s turn they will roll all the dice Yahtzee-style (so with two re-roll attempts), and the remainder of the turn is based on what is rolled. Players are not required to re-roll, but must stop once two or more Wolf symbols are rolled, or after the second re-roll. The player may then use the dice to purchase house materials corresponding to what was rolled. If three doors are rolled, a player may purchase a straw door (which cost two door symbols) or a wooden door (which cost three door symbols). These house parts can be of mixed materials, so once the pieces have been purchased, house construction can then be done.

Should a player roll The Wolf, then the “breath” spinner will be spun. The player who rolled The Wolf dice will choose an opponent AND one of their houses to target. Spin the spinner and destroy all matching pieces in their house. Some children have issues with this, but hey, they should have built more brick sections! Play continues in this fashion taking turns rolling and purchasing and building until several stacks of house sections are gone (depending on player count). All incomplete houses are crumbled, and piggy faces on standing houses are scored to determine the victor! When playing with my kiddo I don’t use the bonus cards, but they are available if playing with older and more strategic players.

Components. As this is one of the famed (and first in the line) Tales & Games Bookshelf games, it has set a standard for the series. These games come in boxes that look like books on the outside, open like a book, and contain a story to be read as a prelude to the game, if wished. The box is very very cool, and the insert is pink and wonderfully designed. The house tiles are thick and colorful, and the pink dice are just a joy to roll. I love the components in this one!

So obviously this is a game really designed to target younger gamers. And though it says 7+ on the box, I have successfully played this with my 3 year old with zero issues. He loves it, and in turn, makes me love it too. Now, I will certainly not pull this out at any given Game Night with adults (unless we have gamer spouses or friends who have NEVER played modern games at all). However, I really do enjoy playing it with my son for now, and for super-newbies. It is colorful, light on rules, offers some choices, and of course, has a touch of luck and take-that. All this while still feeling like you are in the story of The Three Little Pigs. So I say, if you were ever on the fence with this one – get it. Play it with whomever you like and just enjoy it. It is light enough with just a touch of adultness to keep you smiling. But don’t invite your Twilight Imperium or Mage Knight friends. They won’t like it. We at Purple Phoenix Games know how to get down with the simpler games as well, so that’s why we give this one a blown-over 9 / 12.
Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization
Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization
2006 | Civilization, Economic
Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization is a bear of a game – and I love it. It’s the game that I wish I had as a teenager to play with my older brothers instead of our weekend long Risk or Axis and Allies binges (Those weekends may have had something to do with why I feel this way about dice now).

If you are a filler game type of person, or someone who doesn’t like to get too deep into games, I want to be honest with you – Through the Ages is probably not for you.

Reviewer: Joseph
Read the full review here: