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Gaslands Refuelled
Gaslands Refuelled
2019 | Game System, Miniatures
Super cheap miniatures game (3 more)
Easy to get into
Fun rules
Unlimited modelling options
No official pre-made pre-painted miniatures (1 more)
Print off your own templates or buy from 3rd parties
A brilliantly written and illustrated book for a tabletop game of post-apocalyptic racing – fast cars with big guns – Mad Max in miniature.
It’s tons of fun and easy to play the basics straight away. After that, there is more depth to the rules to explore and building teams to keep things interesting and have long term playability. To get started, you can use templates copied and printed from the book and normal dice, or like I have done, you can get plenty of third-party companies selling templates, scenery and ‘skid’ dice.

One of the main reasons I picked this game up, apart from the raving reviews I’d seen online, was the DIY modelling aspect of the game. As a long time mini-gamer of things like Warhammer and Star Wars FFG, I’m used to my miniatures burning a big hole in my pocket. Re-modelling and repainting HotWheels cars (Super cheap – a couple of quid vs about £30 for a Star Wars ship) is the best part of this game for me, you can use standard cars if you want to, but there are no official pre-made pre-painted ‘cars’ which may be a negative, if you’re not into modelling.

Fun is the main priority and my favourite rule is that if a rule is unclear, you choose whichever option results in the most carnage for all concerned … This is ‘The Rule of Carnage’.

Highly recommended – if you want a different mini game that’s fun and won’t break the bank, check this out!
2007 | Nautical, Pirates, Racing, Transportation
Easy to Learn (4 more)
Simultaneous Movement Selection based on cards in hand
It's a racing game where you fight when you land on the same space
The Art.
The theme is rich and evocative.
Luck based in the cards available to you (0 more)
Amazing Gateway Game, Easy to Learn, Beautiful, Fun Theme, light strategy.
Although this game can have frustrating moments, it's a really fun light game for kids. the light choices of going around the outside for more treasure, or the inside for more speed, and the idea of rolling the dice first and then choosing how to use them based entirely on the cards you have in hand, provides a touch of strategy, but not enough for A.P.

For heavier gamers who like complexity, this is way too light. But the art is gorgeous and fun.
The Castles of Burgundy
The Castles of Burgundy
2011 | Dice Game, Medieval, Territory Building
Highly Strategic (0 more)
Component quality isn't very good. (1 more)
More luck based than I would like
I give the game a 6, my wife gives it a 10, so we'll settle on a 7.
My wife adores this game, she's incredible at it, my parents love it... I'm the wet blanket. It's ranked very highly on board game geek, but yet i don't love this game myself. It's a cool concept with a very boring theme. I love the idea of owning a village in burgundy and placing castles and boat houses, but it doesn't really make me feel anything when I play, and I worry too much about the dice and how to make them actually work with what I need. This one isn't for me, but everyone else loves it so you shouldn't listen to me.
Stone Age
Stone Age
2008 | Dice Game, Prehistoric
Great worker placement for beginning gamers (1 more)
The Art is Great!
a little bit luck oriented (0 more)
Great Gateway Game: In the stone ages, you send your village out to accomplish different things
Worker placement is essentially you being the boss, and you tell people what to do, and you do this by putting your people in different areas like hunting for food, cutting down wood, building a farm, making tools, or maybe even making some more villagers (brown chicken, brown cow) You roll the dice to see how good your workers are at the jobs you assign them. This is a great version of this genre of game, It also has an ipad app we love as well. The expansion is out of print and very expensive, but we would love to own it when it gets reprinted.