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Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated Goodreads: Book Reviews in Apps

Nov 4, 2017 (Updated Nov 4, 2017)  
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Book, Social Networking
8.8 (453 Ratings)
App Rating
The only way I keep track of my books
If I didn't have this app, I would be using the website daily, logging my one-a-day diet of books. It's as simple as that. As I have memory of a goldfish, I'd have no idea what I'd read this year if I didn't use GoodReads. And since I'm up to 270 books this year, there would be absolutely no chance of me remembering them all.

The best bit is seeing what others are reading and adding it to my To Be Read list. Reading reviews has helped immensely in terms of choosing what I should plough through next. And seeing how many pages is useful so I can calculate how much time I need to read the next book.

Of course, the app isn't perfect - the search functionality can be problematic as you can't really search just for an author's page. But it's easier than using the website.

Tom Turner (388 KP) rated Ozma of Oz in Books

Apr 30, 2021  
Ozma of Oz
Ozma of Oz
L. Frank Baum | 1907 | Children
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you've seen the 1985 movie Return to Oz you will no doubt recognise elements of this book. While the Gump and Pumpkin Head were pulled from The Marvelous Land of Oz (the previous Oz book.) Pretty much the rest of the movie was taken from this book.

Ozma of Oz configure the perfectly peculiar style from the first two. As I suspected would be the case, also starts to tie loose ends together from the previous works so it definitely starts feeling like the series is one cohesive whole. Because so much of it was familiar from the movie it's hard for me to evaluate the book on its own merits. This is diffent from other adaptations because it wasn't a diet adaptation, so it's impossible to say "Movie did X better while book did Y better." and unlike WWoO the story isn't an institution.

Ultimately it was an enjoyable entry.
The face of Brendan Brazier blazes across the opening page of the book, along with a full body shot of him again at the beginning of the introduction. He certainly has an intimidating litany of accomplishments, from a former profession as an Ironman triathlete and two-time Canadian 50 km Ultra Marathon champion to designing the Vega product line to supplement the plant-based diet taught in his previous books, Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life and Thrive Fitness: The Vegan-Based Training Program for Maximum Strength, Health, and Fitness. The list goes on, and this is only on the first page of the book.
The Introduction explains what drove Brazier to write this book, namely an avid curiosity about the source of a food's nutritional quality as well as the environmental cost of these sources. He then describes what each of the first five chapters focus on, followed by 200 recipes created with the help of top chefs, "all made with nutriet-dense, plant-based whole foods that are both health-boosting and easy on the environment." The contributing chefs are Julie Morris, Amanda Cohen, Matthew Kenney, Chad Sarno, and Tal Ronnen; and many recipes are also pulled from Brazier's favorite restaurants across Canada and the United States.
In the first chapter, Brazier discusses the hurdles he overcame in becoming an Ironman triathlete in regards to proper nutrition and how this drove him to study nutrition in-depth and formulate his own conclusions about how to achieve a proper diet. Chapter Two takes proper nutrition one step further by exploring the environmental impact of all aspects of the food industry with both high nutrient-dense foods and low nutrient-dense foods. Chapter Three investigates the various solutions offered for both the environmental toll of the food industry and the initiatives to achieve higher nutrient density in food, as well as compares the ratios of nutrients to environmental toll in various foods. Chapter Four lists the eight components of healthy food with its purpose, best sources, and specific benefits. Chapter Five uses the information from the previous chapter to list and discuss the most nutrient-dense foods available. In addition, each of the chapters have a quick summary of that chapter in "Thrive at a Glance" for quick reference.
The end of the book has a detailed Guide to Nutrients, which covers phytonutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, followed by a list of Brazier's favorite restaurants and cafes, complete with addresses and short blurbs. The book concludes with a list of calculations that compare the emissions of a variety of foods to nutrient density that are discussed in chapter three, as well as a glossary and list of resources.
I was incredibly impressed with the knowledge that Brazier provides between the pages of this book, and how well he illustrates the knowledge so that anyone can understand it. While I do not completely agree with everything that Brazier is preaching with his"Thrive" diet, most of it does make sense and with the right amount of dedication I think that it could work for most people - and you don't have to be a triathlete to do it.
Eat Yourself Healthy: An easy-to digest guide to health and happiness from the inside out
Eat Yourself Healthy: An easy-to digest guide to health and happiness from the inside out
Megan Rossi | 2019 | Food & Drink, Science & Mathematics
3.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I chose this book because I have a keen interest in healthy eating. I’m not a major healthy eater (I’m the wrong size and shape for that) but I try to make good food choices, I like cooking from scratch, and i’m interested in the science of food. ‘Eat yourself healthy’ also appealed to me as it didn’t come across as a standard diet and weight loss book, this seemed to just be focusing more on the whole health of your body.

This is a really informative book, Megan Rossi knows her stuff and relays that information in a straight forward and understandable way. The book is also interactive, as you can follow links (if you have the e-book version, hardcopy readers will just have to do it the old fashioned way and type in the web address) to take different types of self assessments. So you can learn where you are within mind and body at the moment of reading, and take re-assessments along the way to track your journey.

Of course this wouldn’t be a complete healthy eating book if it didn’t contain some recipes, so of course it does. There are some ‘interesting’ recipes within, not all to my taste, and some contain ingredients way beyond my standard shopping list but they could be worth a try. (The sautéed Brussel sprouts and tenderstem broccoli with pesto and wild rice sounds tempting)

My top take away from ‘Eat yourself healthy’ is the suggestion for gut goodness bowls. Rossi provides you with various ingredients divided into columns like ‘Fibre Base’ ‘Fermented Flavours’ ‘Healthy fats’ and ‘Dress and Coat’. You then essentially mix and match ingredients from these columns to create your own gut goodness bowl. I think its a great idea, you know you’re making healthy choices, and with just a few ingredients you can create a whole variety of different choices.

On the whole ‘Eat Yourself Healthy’ is a useful and informative book, not exactly ground-breaking in the science and diet department but still a great source of information.
Fitbit Alta HR Fitness Wristband
Fitbit Alta HR Fitness Wristband
Wearable Technology > Smart Watches
7.3 (23 Ratings)
Tech Rating
Stylish and full of features
The Alta manages to be both stylish, light and sleek as well as containing all the desired features of a fitness band and smartwatch in one go. This slimline band fits on the wrist and will track any heart-rate-raising activity - it excels at detection, being able to determine road cycling from mountain biking (but it cannot detect weight lifting, as the heart rate isn't consistently high enough. It will detect a cardio class like Body Pump though.) It will monitor sleep cycles, your active minutes and calories burned. You can set all manner of goals in the app - fitness, diet or sleep goals, for example - and data is displayed in easy-to-read formats. Honestly I wouldn't be without it: it makes controlling your fitness a breeze, which is vital when you have goals to hit and stats to crunch. It will also, as a bonus, hook up to your phone and display the first line of any text or whatsapp messages, and you can set a silent alarm too.
English Professor James (now the town librarian) moves back to his hometown to take care of his widowed father and is invited to join a Supper Club. The club (later called the flab five) is for members trying to lose weight. As the newly formed group start a low-carb diet and start to form friendships, the town is rocked by the murder of a high school football alumni.

James and the rest of the flab five tried to weed through who could have killed the ex-jock. Was it one of the ladies he has spurned, a boyfriend that didn’t like Brinkley’s attention to his girl, or the sweet young waitress at the town diner?

The book is more than just about a mystery. The author pulls you in and has you falling in love with the likable yet flawed James, the wanna be cop Lucy, Bennett the postman, Lindy the teacher, Gillian the pet groomer, and Jackson (James’s dad) the lovable grump.

This book is a great start to what I know will be a favored series.
Eat Less: Stop Overeating. Start Undereating.
Eat Less: Stop Overeating. Start Undereating.
Jeremy Jackson-Sytner | 2019 | Food & Drink, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It was quite an interesting book, filled with information about such subjects as fasting and it’s benefits, grains and its harmfulness, facts about obesity and where the humanity is headed with overeating, and many more. As it says in the description, it is not a diet book, it doesn’t give you any meal plans or rules to follow. The only rule is EAT LESS! 😀

It is written in an easy and understandable manner followed by pictures, so it was a fun and quick read for me. I did like the research done for this book but there are many things which I do not agree with. It tells you about the benefits of certain actions, but it doesn’t talk about dangers it can cause to your health.

So, to conclude, it is a great book if you need an “eye-opener” or a “kick to your backside” towards that healthy eating journey. It offers facts, advice and it did get me thinking, but I think you should consult with your doctor first, and do your own research before following any diets, everyone is different, and what fits one, might not be suitable for another.
Eat Yourself Healthy: An easy-to digest guide to health and happiness from the inside out
Eat Yourself Healthy: An easy-to digest guide to health and happiness from the inside out
Megan Rossi | 2019 | Food & Drink, Science & Mathematics
3.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really wanted this book to be useful, especially I've I have just yet another health kick. However, there seemed to be a lot of words and not a lot of substance.
I received this book on my #kindle It was poorly formatted for the kindle with a lot of sentences repeated with paragraph, different don't sizes and pages referenced that just didn't exist. As far as I'm aware I didn't get a sample copy but the pages referenced to were in triple figures whereas my copy must have had about 50 pages. There was also a lot of "do this survey on this website" which I didn't like. I'm also a bit dubious about the "facts" given in this book, for example how yoga can be as effective as the FODMAP diet for IBS. I was also hoping for some more recipes, because, as the title suggests, the book is a "digest guide" and how can one digest without a ton of food. But there were only a few and they were thrown in the back of the book. On the whole, somewhat disappointing

Karla Dee (6 KP) rated Cherry Robbers in Books

May 10, 2022  
Cherry Robbers
Cherry Robbers
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have already read the book Diet Land and was obsessed so I had to get my hands on this read. Looking at the cover I thought I would be reading a western and turns out this is more of a cursed ghost story about a family who made there legacy selling firearms. All the women in the family are curse and can't get married without death in the family. The book is set in the 1950s so the only way to escape their curse home is through marriage, so do the ladies have much of a choice? There are five sister in the book and after the first one gets married she dies and never gets to live life aftr escaping their mentally ill mother and alcoholic father. The mother is haunted by the souls of the people killed by the Chapel's firearm fortune and the sister's are close to one another since they didn't have parents who were able to care for them or keep them company. Will the sister's find a way to escape their haunted past?! So difficult to not give all the spoilers!!
Cover Me - Single by Camille Miller
Cover Me - Single by Camille Miller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Camille Miller is a German-born singer-songwriter who was raised on military bases all over Canada. Not too long ago, she released a cool indie-alternative tune, entitled, “Cover Me”.

“Stand before me, let me your soul. Let me feel the warmth of your touch. Hearts unguarded, bodies perfect in their flaws. I can’t do this on my own. Modern life through the telephone staring in and fading out. We’re all covered in lonely, we’re all covered in doubt.” – lyrics

‘Cover Me’ contains a relatable narrative, pleasing vocals, and lush instrumentation flavored with indie-pop and alternative elements. Also, the track possesses a tasty guitar solo.

“Thinking about how technology and social media sometimes make us doubt ourselves. How something that can brilliantly bring us together, can also keep us separated in ways we have never experienced before. How the need and want of human interaction is so important and deeply needed.” – Camille Miller

Camille Miller was brought up on a hearty diet of Motown, Carly Simon, The Carpenters, Aretha Franklin, Stevie Wonder, and the Rolling Stones.

With the sound of these greats of yesteryear oozing through her veins, she continues her global trend of turning listeners into lifelong fans.