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This Charming Man
This Charming Man
C. K. McDonnell | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Humor & Comedy, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you feeling despondent? Need a little pick-me-up? Nothing too heavy? We all need (in this case) a book to make us feel happier and give us something to laugh at, and for me, that’s C. K. McDonnell’s job. I love these books. I really do laugh out loud.

The team at The Stranger Times have probably lost the will to laugh at their editor anymore. I mean, they see him every day, but his general bad attitude and shockingly bad work relations are hilarious.

Assistant Editor Hannah is back at work after her messy divorce, and Manchester is faced with what appears to be a bit of a vampire problem. But, you see, Vampires don’t exist. And everyone agrees on this.

Even when this book was being serious, it made me laugh. Banecroft’s interesting swearing system is workplace goals (although I work in Early Years, so still a no for me!), there’s a man on a canal boat who can’t lie and lives with a talking pug, the new journalist who lives in his van and lives on a diet of ice cream (and has terrible wind) - well. It’s just all delightfully wonky, funny and frankly genius!
I can’t wait for the next one!
Not As Nature Intended
Not As Nature Intended
Rich Hardy | 2020 | Education, Food & Drink
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not As Nature Intended is not a book that’s going to give you the warm and fuzzies. It’s a book that tells it how it is: it’s graphic, even without the pictures.

Rich Hardy is an animal activist, and he considers that it is his responsibility to inform the public of the living conditions that the animals who live and die for our food and clothing endure. And it’s not easy reading. It can’t have been easy researching either. It’s clear that Rich’s life and/ or safety is in danger on several occasions, and that by the way he deals with these incidents it just shows that these aren’t the first time he’s had to deal with them. This man has made it his life’s work to stand up for animals and the way they live and die (although as he is a vegan, I’m pretty sure he’d rather they didn’t have to die for our benefit at all), and has written this book in an informative, non-preachy way.

This has certainly made me think more about the food I put on my family’s plate, and we have reduced the amount of meat in our diet as a consequence. Who knows, perhaps we’ll ditch it completely!

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising the book, and Rich Hardy for reading along.
Anna and the Apocalypse (2018)
Anna and the Apocalypse (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Horror, Musical
Just Strange Overall
Anna and the Apolcalypse- is basically Shaun of the Dead meets Santa Clarita Diet meets a musical. You throw horror, comedy, action, drama and music all togther you get Anna and the Apolcalypse. I think their is too many genres in this movie. First its wants to be a drama, than a musical than a zombie film than a zombie action film than musical mix comedy in. So many genres i cant tell what this movie wants to be. And thats its major downfall.

The plot: A zombie apocalypse threatens the sleepy town of Little Haven - at Christmas - forcing Anna and her friends to fight, slash and sing their way to survival, facing the undead in a desperate race to reach their loved ones. But they soon discover that no one is safe in this new world, and with civilization falling apart around them, the only people they can truly rely on are each other.

Ohh i almost forgot its also trying to be a christmas film, revolving around christmas and set during christmas. Yes its one of those horror films. A horror film based/set around a holiday.

The reason im giving it a "7", because it reminds me so much of "Shaun of Dead" and i loved that film. And this film had good zombie kills in it and good action.
Little House in the Big Woods
Little House in the Big Woods
Laura Ingalls Wilder | 1932 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (11 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"I grew up with the Little House characters - I loved Laura Ingalls Wilder's books as a kid. Little House in the Big Woods is written for a younger child, and as you mature, the books do too. I was confused when my daughter did not like them at all. -- in I started reading Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House series when I was 8. The drama of the series was enhanced by the fact that I knew these were true stories – the hardships and pleasures of the pioneer life she described had actually happened to a little girl, and not only had she survived it, but she had grown up to write about it too. The most emotionally wrenching and enthralling of the series was “The Long Winter,” a depiction of the winter her family endured in 1880-81 while they were living in South Dakota. The winter blizzards lasted seven long months, during which the railroads stopped running to their town, and her family was trapped inside their house, subsisting on a very meager diet of potatoes and brown bread. I can still remember the passages where Ingalls described twisting hay into sticks all day for fuel for the fire, and her worry that they would finally run out of hay and they would freeze to death. It kind of made my pre-adolescent worries pale by comparison."

Cherry Chapstick - Single by Olivia Nelson
Cherry Chapstick - Single by Olivia Nelson
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Olivia Nelson is a 23-year-old singer-songwriter based in East London. Not too long ago, she released an attractive contemporary R&B tune, entitled, “Cherry Chapstick”, produced by Jayjay.

“Interaction, we all need that attraction. That holiday feeling, that wine in the evening like smooth R&B. Maybe, love’s what you need. Twenty-somethings, house party, conversations flowing. She’s finally noticed you. You gotta see this through, boy. ‘Cause when you look at her, you know he gets butterflies and all that. She could be the one. Better kiss her before she goes home.” – lyrics

‘Cherry Chapstick’ contains a relatable storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and lush instrumentation flavored with contemporary R&B and neo-soul elements.

Also, the likable tune will be featured on Olivia Nelson’s upcoming EP, entitled, “Back To You”.

“‘Cherry Chapstick’ is a story about two people finding love at a party. It’s that exciting moment when they meet and the connection starts blossoming. It’s a feel-good story that people root for.” – Olivia Nelson

Olivia Nelson was raised on an eclectic diet of contemporary soul and Motown classics.

Her appreciation for vocal proficiency lead her to pursue singing from a young age. Now, she seeks collaborations with boundary-pushing writers and producers.

Also, her music has amassed over 17M streams online via Spotify, and her captivating live show solidifies her status as one of British R&B’s most exciting new talents.
Okja (2017)
Okja (2017)
2017 | Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
The Film that turned me vegetarian
Netflix has been hitting it out of the park with their original movies and TV series recently. Stranger Things, The Sinner, and Gerald’s Game have all been recent Netflix releases, with a caliber to beat some of the most seasoned of television broadcasters and filmmakers. One of the main films that stood out to me was Joon-ho Bong’s Okja – a heartfelt tale of a ‘superpig’ and her family.

Okja follows a young girl called Mija and her mission to save her best friend, Okja, from being kidnapped by a multi-national company. As much as this is a magical and funny tale of friendship, it is also a heartbreaking satire for corporate greed and the mistreatment of animals in the food industry.

Mija is trying to save Okja from Lucy Mirando (Tilda Swinton) – the CEO of the Mirando Corporation, who wants to create a ‘superpig’ to fuel her latest food venture. This movie really highlights how we, as humans, see animals as less than us, when actually they are our friends.

The ending of this film is especially poignant. Not to reveal any spoilers, but I haven’t cried that hard at a film since Marley & Me. It puts you in the position of these animals, innocent but not naive, and seeing things from their perspective really made me consider my actions in a different light.

Before I went to university, I wasn’t that interested in vegetarianism. I had tried it a few times, forgot I was a vegetarian, and then given up almost immediately. When I moved to uni and one of my flat mates was a long-time veggie, it intrigued me.

My interest was cemented after watching Okja. This story of friendship between man and beast made me realise that animals, as much as people may not like to think about it, can feel and think and be in pain. Whilst watching this, my heart ached for these imaginary creatures, that much that I made a big decision.

I decided to try to be vegetarian. For once in my life, I was going to genuinely try. It took me a while, and of course, I have lapsed at some points in these few months since watching the film. It’s only recently that I have genuinely been sticking to a mainly vegetarian diet, and I feel so much better, both morally and physically, in myself.

There’s no denying the health benefits of vegetarianism. It lowers your cholesterol, you tend to lose weight, and you generally have quite a balanced diet. However, the idea that I could be fighting against the mistreatment of animals just by changing my diet a bit, was reason enough for me.

By no means am I the perfect vegetarian. I still eat meat sometimes, if I want to, or if I don’t fancy any of the (usually awful) vegetarian offerings at a restaurant. I am just trying my hardest to live a 90% vegetarian lifestyle.

Some may say that this is a bit of a drastic decision to make off of the back of a film that isn’t real. This is the power of good storytelling. It can make you feel things, say things, change things. It’s a powerful skill to master.

By no means am I telling you that watching Okja will make you vegetarian immediately. It’s just so heart warming and also devastating at the same time, that I couldn’t ignore what it was telling me.

The friendship between Mija and Okja is beautiful. It’s fun, it’s hilarious, it’s special. They have a bond that even the threat of death cannot break, and Mija will not let go of Okja until she has her back.

Overall, this movie is an absolute triumph. Director/writer Joon-ho Bong creates a script that’s almost lyrical in its approach, so fluid and well strung together that there are no seams, no breaks in the approach, no cracks in the well-polished veneer. He creates a story that breaks and heals, it takes the watcher on a journey of both the mind and the heart. It’s art.

This film’s aim is not to make you vegetarian. It’s not to make you feel bad about your food choices or your love of meat. It’s a story of love.
I don’t like Christmas books. Usually. I like A Christmas Carol, but I tend not to read many modern Christmas books - unless they’re children’s ones at work, or when I used to read them for my own children when they were little. Which is probably why I liked this so much. Usually in anthologies, there will be a few standout stories that make reading the collection as a whole worthwhile, but I’ve really struggled to single out one or two - I enjoyed them all far too much for that.

Most of the stories are set around Christmas with only a couple of exceptions. That didn’t cause me to like them any less though. The real standouts for me (if I absolutely HAVE to choose!) were: Phoebe Morgan’s Unexpected Present - the gift wrapped so nicely in expensive M&S paper being the main protagonists husband; The Switch by James Delargy had a Stephen King vibe to it (and I should add that it wasn’t because of The Green Mile!); Fresh Meat by Elle Croft gives new meaning to a raw meat diet for your cat; and The Vigilante by Clare Empson was a sad story of a Charles Dickens look-a-like who tries to save victims of crime in the dead of night.

If you need an excuse to buy this, then the proceeds go to ESDAS and Rights of Women, both domestic abuse charities.

Many thanks to The PIgeonhole for serialising this book, and to the authors who joined in. As always, it was a great experience!!
The Jinx (Rachel Benjamin, #2)
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jan. 16, 2008
I'm close to the middle of the book and am not sure if I want to read on because of these reasons...

(1) I've picked this book up numerous times, in many months I might add, and have only read a few pages at a time. Definitely not a good sign.
(2) It's slow and rather boring
(3) Rachel's been irritating - whiny, pompous, dumb, and she overreacts.. This doesn't sound like the girl from the first book.
(4) I am so sick of hearing about her Diet Coke addiction! WTF?????!!!!!
(5) Ms. Sturman seems to like throwing out words that are hardly used in the English language in attempt to make her look smarter than she might, in fact, be.
(6) I think I already figured out who's the culprit to this mystery (and I use this term loosely since there's hardly any mystery so far). Of course I'm not sure about this, but who's to tell?

I'm still thinking I might read towards the end because I have the next one at the ready. Hopefully it will improve. If not, then it's the end of the line for me. But then again, I might just 'cheat' and read the last chapter or two.

Jan. 17, 2008
I give up! I am not enjoying this book at all and I might as well give it up as a lost cause. I mean there's no sense in finishing it if I'm not liking it. I did read the last few chapters and they were utterly ridiculous - now I'm not even sure if I want to read the next book. I might try though. It's such a disappointment because I really liked The Pact and thought it was a nice change in the Chick Lit scene. *sigh* Oh well. Good luck to future readers.
Active: Workouts that Work for You
Active: Workouts that Work for You
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If there is one thing you should know about the author, Holly Davidson, is she’s an active little soul, so when I discovered her book, “Active: Workouts that work for you”, that can even be done from a settee, I put down my chocolate bar, picked up this book and shouted ‘take me to it, sister!’ eager to learn more.

Holly is a top personal trainer who likes to take a holistic approach to keeping fit, healthy, and eating well. She believes fitness is within us, and can be done anywhere – at home on your settee, outside, even sitting at your desk.

After the exercises, which are all laid out nicely with colour photos showing the various different positions of each step, comes the chat about diet and nutrition.

I was relieved to hear Holly’s a big believer in just eating healthier. No dieting. No starving yourself, or obscure ingredients. Just delicious healthy food. There’s even a no fuss chocolate brownies recipe, as she admits she too is a chocoholic.

Finally, at the back of the book are some ‘at-a-glance’ workout summaries which list all the exercises that make up each work out and the number of reps and timings, for a quick and easy way to remember the order of each different workout. With tips for planning your routines during a normal week and during a busy week included.

Very well thought out. Great photos. And it smells absolutely good enough to eat! This is going on my top ten of ‘Great smelling books’ which will absolutely delight other booksniffers, I’m sure!

Over all, I enjoyed reading this book and will endeavour to give this a go – after I’ve finished my chocolate bar first.

LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated 3 From Hell (2019) in Movies

Oct 10, 2020 (Updated Oct 10, 2020)  
3 From Hell (2019)
3 From Hell (2019)
2019 | Horror
RIP - Sid Haig

I... wanted to like this so badly, it physically hurts me to write this. I revere the first two films in this trilogy and thought it ended contently on the previous one - though I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to seeing more. However, the way this was practically forced out of Zombie when he wanted to make another film instead (after over a decade of swearing off interest in another sequel already) plus the whole thing being plagued with a stifled budget and Sig Haig's failing health on top of that just makes it a sad affair in more ways than one. It starts off okay, begins with a substantial amount of 'martyred killer' psychobabble ("Justice is a fucking knife", "All hail the man behind the grease paint!") and hallmark Zombie sadism, albeit significantly toned down this time around much to its detriment. I still applaud Zombie in his effort to make every entry into this canon a different experience, but there's nothing going on here - it's essentially a diet retread of 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘭'𝘴 𝘙𝘦𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘴 meets a boring hangout movie that barely even attempts to delve into the tantalizing Manson-era publicized serial killer culture it teases in its opening scenes. Looks like cheap DTV shit too, especially that criminal CGI blood. Just so disappointingly cursory in its storytelling, obviously this would have suffered without Haig anyway but the Richard Brake replacement character stands around and does jack shit. Moon-Zombie and Moseley are intact but to what effect? Their characters come out worse off than they were 15 years ago. Has enough alright moments to escape being too offensively bad but I'm still immeasurably let down. Dee Wallace is great, though. I wonder what Doctor Satan is up to.