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Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
2017 | Racing
Still one of the best
Mario Kart is one of the classics. Despite now on its 8th iteration, it’s still as good as it ever was and is one of the best games out there to play. No matter which version of Mario Kart I’ve played, I never really have a bad word to say about it, and 8 is no different.

The graphics are fantastic, and a great step up to those I was previously used to on the last version available on the Wii. The gameplay is as you’d expect from Mario Kart and this isn’t a bad thing. Why fix what isn’t broken? I also love the fact that you can now play this online properly against anyone in the world - it’s such a great feature and brings a whole new level of fun to the game. It can get a little dull and predictable if you’re playing locally as a couch co-op (or at least that’s what my other half says as I always win ?), but being able to play online multiplayer is so entertaining and we can play it for hours. Yes it is very frustrating, as sadly real players are a lot more ruthless than the computer players you’re up against locally, but it’s still a lot more fun.

My only criticisms about this game are that whilst it has quite a lot of levels/courses, for me it still isn’t enough. They’re not exactly long races and you can get through them all fairly quickly, and there’s only so many times you can do the same courses. And the only other criticism relates specifically to online play. Online play gives you points, but some players have a lot more points than others (i.e. 5k+, 10k+) which indicates they’ve been playing for a lot longer. The online match ups take no account of points and you can potentially end up playing against players with a huge difference in skill and points level. It’d be nice if they could try and match players together within a certain points, as it might make it more of a fairer race and a little more challenging if players are all similarly matched.
You Could Be Mine - Single by Berith
You Could Be Mine - Single by Berith
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Berith is a singer-songwriter and bandleader from North Askøy, Norway. Not too long ago, she released an evergreen love ballad, entitled, “You Could Be Mine”.

“In another place or time, I would hold you. In another world, you could be mine. Then I would know, how it would feel when you put your hand in mine. I want to see, love light up your eyes. I want to see you smiling to the world. Every child needs hope to trust the future.” – lyrics

‘You Could Be Mine’ tells an adorable tale of a young woman who sees a child walking down her street every morning.

From the look of things, the child seems unhappy because he never smiles. His dire appearance touches the woman’s heart and encourages her to want to get to know him.

Later, she admits that she dreams about him every night, and wants to show him that there are happiness and love in the world.

‘You Could Be Mine’ contains a relatable storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and lush instrumentation scented with an evergreen fragrance of love.

“‘You Could Be Mine’ is a song about longing. About having so much to give, but none that special to give it to. This story includes a neglected child, a longing, and a wish to make a difference in the world through loving care of a child.” – Berith

Berith gathers inspiration from both her native Norwegian roots and Celtic and American traditions.

She lives where her family of sailors, fishermen, and farmers has lived for hundreds of years. The location is as far out into the North Sea as one can get without a boat.

With her acoustic guitar and melodeon, Berith has traveled the fjords and weather-beaten west coast of Norway since her teens.

Not too long ago, she partnered with a bunch of musicians to form her band. The members include Dag Atle Håland (mandolin, guitars, and backing vocals), Endre Aasebø (guitars, banjo, and backing vocals), Svein Henning Berstad (bass and backing vocals), and Anders Vengen Jensen (drums, percussion, and backing vocals).
Room 25
Room 25
2013 | Bluff, Deduction, Exploration, Horror, Maze
Loads of game modes (2 more)
Variable difficulty adds to replayability
Hectic fun at higher player counts
No difference in characters (1 more)
Games can be over very quick due to bad luck
A Quick Game, With A Lot To Offer
Despite the appearance, Room 25 is one of those games that has a lot to offer, and can be played pretty much how you want it.

The game is played out over 25 room tiles, which are laid out face down apart from the starting room in the middle, and the basic goal is to make it to the elusive Room 25, somewhere out on the grid, but you have to do it quick, as there is a set number of turns to find it in.

Players will simultaneously choose to do 1 or 2 actions on their turn, and can choose to move into a room, thus revealing it's effect to everyone, push another player into a room, peek at a room, or slide a whole row of rooms in the direction of their choosing (nit including the starting room.)

Rooms are split into 3 colours: Green are safe, and can sometimes help you, yellow are normally traps or hinderances, and red rooms can kill you in one way or another (there's even a room that is instant death if you move into it.) Players have to navigate the rooms using their actions, and hope they don't meet their demise.

There are also varying game modes and difficulties to choose from. Competitive pits everyone against each other, co-operative means everyone is trying to work together, and team mode has two groups trying to outwit the other team. You can also adjust the difficulty by adding or removing more yellow and red rooms (the manual has set layouts for the tiles, but you can also customise as you see fit.)

Room 25 has a lot of replayability, but does suffer from a bit of luck. If there is bad decisions made, you can be eliminated very early on. The characters in the base game, although looking cool, have no differences to them either (which is resolved in the expansion.)

These are minor gripes though, and doesn't stop Room 25 being a fast paced, hectic, but enjoyable game.
Not by Sight
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Espionage is at its height during WWI. The slightest piece of evidence, whether legitimate or not, can mean the difference between life and death.

Grace Mabry is full of patriotic ideals. She believes there is no excuse for fit and able young men to stay home and drink champagne and attend fancy parties. Grace sneaks into a masquerade ball to hand out white feathers of cowardice in her efforts to aide the war. She slips a feather into the hands of Jack Benningham, heir to the Earl of Stonebrook. Unbeknownst to her the events that are set into motion by that one act. Both Jack and Grace are soon forced to learn the true meaning of walking by faith, not by sight.

"She taught me to never back down and to always stand up for what I believed in."

Not by Sight has to be one of the most spellbinding books that I have read. On multiple occasions I had to remind myself to breathe. I couldn't even put the book down to walk from point A to point B. And my eyes kept sliding to the end of each page, and therefore causing me to reread the whole page again. The depth of feeling and emotion between the characters is very real. I found the personalities very developed and would love it if Grace were to ring me up and we could discuss her whole adventure. The story line changes perspectives between more characters than I had expected, but it gave valuable insight into the circumstances that otherwise would have gone unnoticed. I was constantly reminded of the BBC show Land Girls (Netflix) which is set during WWII. There is another show called Bomb Girls (Netflix), also WWII, that is similar but set in a munitions factory rather than on a farm. Both are excellent, and I highly recommend them. Pick up a copy of Not by Sight and be transported to the middle of WWI. Say goodbye to housework and sleep, because this intriguing story will completely pull you in. I am on my way to re-watch both shows now!

I received a free copy of Not by Sight from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my honest review.
Maggie Bright: A Novel of Dunkirk
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The entire history of the world is about to change as Hitler marches his troops across Europe. Can the actions of one person make a difference?

Clare Childs has mysteriously inherited the Maggie Bright. Her suspicions that Maggie holds a secret are proven when a thief comes aboard. Clare is suddenly thrown into the middle of a Scotland Yard investigation that could finally expose one of Hitler's darkest schemes. While on the other side of the channel, Private Jamie Elliot has been tasked with the mission of returning a wounded captain home. The captain has suffered a head injury and the only words he speaks are quotes from John Milton's Paradise Lost. When Churchill calls for civilians to help rescue the stranded British Army from Dunkirk, Clare knows that Maggie must go. Piloted by William Percy, a detective inspector and Murray Vance, a world renowned cartoonist, the Maggie Bright goes to war.

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” - C.S. Lewis

Never have these words rung more true for me than when I finished reading Maggie Bright. I wish the story would go on and on. I absolutely love reading about World War II. There is so much evil during this period, but there is also hope and light. Nations coming together with a singular purpose. Fighting and dying side by side. I am ashamed to admit that most of my knowledge of WWII begins with D-Day and America's involvement. My eyes have been opened wide with England's trials at the beginning of the war. I cried four times while reading this book! The horror is real, the fight unbearable, yet the men and women who sacrificed everything did so for us today. So that we might have hope and know that no matter how dark things become, we shall press on to victory.

"God towards thee hath done his part, do thine" - John Milton, Paradise Lost

I received a free copy of Maggie Bright from Tyndale House Publishers in exchange for my honest review.
The Lost Symbol: (Robert Langdon Book 3)
The Lost Symbol: (Robert Langdon Book 3)
Dan Brown | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
7.6 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great storytelling, and shocking turns (0 more)
Drags on after action ends (1 more)
Unsatisfactory ending
Contains spoilers, click to show
Okay, so the third book in the Robert Langdon takes Robert through Washington D.C. as he tries to save a friend, who has been taken hostage. With help from the hostage's sister, Robert unravels a secret path by the Freemasons. Long story short, Robert saves his friend gets the girl and learns truths of the Freemasons no else has.

So overall the story is typical Dan Brown. Twists and turns at every turn, switching views from each chapter. Robert does Robert stuff with figuring everything out in due time. (By the way, I can't read these without thinking of Tom Hanks being Langdon anymore).

But the one thing I want to focus on is the villain. He is by far the most compelling part of this whole book. Spoiler is he dies about 3/4ths of the book in and once he is gone, that dragging on feeling sets in. There is no trouble, no sense of urgency and the book dies off after that for me. But back to our villain. He is revealed to be Mr. Hostage's son who was once thought dead, but more like transformed into a whole different person. You learn that he came from money, went to prison, is left there by his father, fakes his death, and then tries to steal a family heirloom he feels will help him unlock the secrets of Freemasonry and being the perfect human. My one gripe is Dan Brown pretty much tells you it's not the son, and then says oh yeah it is the son. There's a difference from being sneaky, and just lying to create suspense. Oh well, but before his death, the son is cunning, stealthy, and barbaric (drowning an assistant for a key card). He is a very interesting character and you do miss him once he is killed.

Overall its an okay book, but Inferno or Da Vinci Code were better stories, but if you like U.S. History, it should kill some time for you and keep you enthralled for most the book.
Mine for Tonight
Mine for Tonight
J.S. Scott | 2013 | Romance
Nothing says sexy like a brooding billionaire. I mean, in a world of car payments, nine-to-five nightmares, and student loans hanging over people’s heads like spiders on their bedroom ceilings, it can be a lot of fun to daydream about a billionaire lover who will take it all away. Unfortunately, a lot of them are really bad, like Fifty Shades of Writing So Bad I Want All The Characters to Spontaneously Combust. The damsel in distress routine can also be sadly lacking plot and character development, like in The Doctor’s Slave. However, Mine for Tonight is definitely one of the good ones.

I have to admit, I picked this book up because the heroine’s name is Kara. I mean, how perfect is that, right? And I really liked this book. It was difficult for me to not get a little creeped out by Simon. Like, what stable-minded person follows someone around for over a year without even meeting her? I know he’s more like a guardian angel wanting to protect her and less like a stalker wanting to kill her, but really. There’s a difference between socially awkward and asking for a restraining order. But I loved how much he cares for Kara. Even though he’s a private person, he’s willing to open up his home to her without payment. (Yes, he does ask her to sleep with him, but he makes it pretty clear that that part is optional.) He’s definitely damaged, as is Kara. She’s struggling with a lot of things, like her last relationship which crashed and burned, and her parents’ deaths. Being stuck in nickel and dime mode after years of supporting herself makes it hard for Kara to accept Simon’s help, especially when he likes to spoil her. Her inability to stay indebted was why Simon gave her the sex payment option to begin with, although she ended up taking it because she wanted it. I really liked how hard-working she was. She’s not a traditional damsel in distress to be sure, and she keeps her independence even after Simon takes her in. Long story short, it didn’t take me long to buy the entire series.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)
2012 | Drama
I firmly believe that this is one of the best movies on the face of the planet. Anyone who knows me and knows my reviews knows how much it bothers me when film adaptations are so bad or so off or they just lose everything the book had. The exact opposite happens here. I think what makes this movie so good and so well put together is that it's still Stephen's story. He wrote the book, then the screenplay, then he directed it so it was his entire vision coming to life on screen and it worked. I think if anyone else would've directed or wrote the script, it wouldn't have translated so well.

Additionally, this cast is phenomenal. Logan Lerman, Emma Watson, Ezra Miller, Nina Dobrev, Mae Whitman, Kate Walsh, Paul Rudd, it just works. There are some parts from the book that didn't make it to the screen and that definitely bummed me out - I wish we could've seen Bill and Charlie's relationship more because it was really important in the book and it provided a lot for Charlie in terms of safety and comfort. I also wish some of the lines were verbatim. When Sam gets mad at Charlie after truth or dare, in the book she says, "what the fuck is wrong with you?" while in the movie she says, "what the hell is wrong with you?" I know that it's not a huge difference but I think that would've landed so much better. Also when Charlie defends Patrick. In the book, he says, "If you ever do this again, I'll tell everyone and I'll tell everyone for real. If you come after him again, I'll blind you." or something along those lines and I think that would've been great, especially with how low and solid Logan gave the line in the film. Just small things like that, I wish would've made it to screen.

Regardless, this film and this story are incredible and worth watching at least once for everyone. The same goes for the book. A must-read.
The Selkie's Coat (Waves of Fate #1)
The Selkie's Coat (Waves of Fate #1)
Drea Roman | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
3 good solid stars
Indpendent reviewer for Gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted my copy of this book.

For the most part, I did enjoy this book.

Its about a selkie, and I had to look up what a selkie was, because I really didn't know and so this is the first selkie book I've read.

Gregory is an alpha selkie, and Daniel a human omega. That Gregory can recognise his fated mate by sound is different, and there are lots of subtle differences to shifter lore in the book, and I really enjoyed that.

But Daniel is like a flipping ping pong ball, back and forth, almost through the whole book, and I got a bit dizzy keeping up with him! I mean, one minute he wants to mate with Gregory, then he reads something, and he doesn't. Then his friend says something, and he does. Then Gregory says something and Daniel is against it again. I really wanted to slap Daniel and make him make a decision.

I liked Gregory's mum getting involved but she does go a bit too far at points. Love Henri, Daniel's best friend. Loved Winston, who is Gregory's best friend too. Loved how he was all, "oh, okay then, thats us done, then, right?" when Gregory tells him he met his fated mate.

Both Daniel and Gregory have a voice, in the first person. I loved that Gregory's voice is what I call "proper" and Daniel makes reference to it being a Victorian voice. Gregory likes to use whole words, and proper words, rather than to shorten them to the modern version.

I LOVED that neither Gregory or Daniel was shortened though!

From what I can see, this is the first I've read of this author (unless something pops up in a box set somewhere) Will I read more? I will certainly give them a go. Will I continue with this series? I hope to be able to. I loved that I saw the next book going one way, but then was thrown for a loop later on.

So, a good book, with a difference, but one that doesn't quite hit *that* spot, you know?

3 good solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
    Overkill 2

    Overkill 2

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    Do you like guns? Then you will love Overkill 2! Over 50 realistic 3D guns are waiting for you in...