Gareth von Kallenbach (980 KP) rated Finding Nemo (2003) in Movies
Aug 7, 2019
The Walt Disney studios along with Pixar studios have a great opportunity to bring in more box office dollars by giving movie-goers of all walks of life to either experience the story for the first time or for the millionth time but in a new and exciting way. A lot of people don’t like 3D technology and at times I am one of those people. Only when a film is filmed in 3D is it actually worth going to see in my opinion. Though I am about to contradict myself, I must say that I was amazed at how well the 3D effects had on the film as the conversion process was masterfully done. One of my favorite things about the film has always been the vibrant colors and attention to detail that the creators put in, all of which can be experienced to a higher extent with the 3D technology. If your doubtful when asking yourself “should I take the kids to see this?” don’t be. It is well worth the price of the ticket.

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MasterSolace (19 KP) rated Aladdin (2019) in Movies
Jun 15, 2019
You are damn right it was.
Let's get this out of the way first. Live action musicals still make me feel awkward. Granted, this is Disney... but animated musicals feel just fine. That being said, the numbers were spot on for the most part, while still being slightly altered for the cast in the present. Yes, that includes slight tweaks due to Will Smith being an actual musician(as much as I love Robin Williams, he was not). And those were made(dammit... sorry for the pun)... Fresh.
Acting on point. Because Disney. Sorry, but it's true.
Was the movie perfect? No. It does have some flaws, but nothing that hinders the movie overall. And most of them for me where solely because of the musical numbers. That being said, "Speechless"... bravo Alan Menken.
There is one part of this version that does IMPROVE over the original. The City of Agrabah. The animated version felt nothing more than a backdrop, but this City felt like it was organic. Like an ACTUAL city they were fighting for.
Other changes were proper... made it more modern. Including Jasmine motivation(instead of marrying who she wants, she is made Sultan... so she can protect and serve her people... she marries Aladdin anyway)... and Jafar's true plans(he didn't just want Agrabah, he wanted to conquer the neighboring nations, as well). Jafar in the original was DRAWN menacing... live action Jafar was devious due to his ambitions. Good job, Disney.
How about the Genie? How did Will Smith do? Well... he was great. BUT Disney did something different this time. In the original, because Robin was the star, it put extra focus on how outrageous he was. Will Smith was the billed star, but they put more focus on who the story was really about... Aladdin. Will Smith served a purpose. He might've been the bigger name, but he did NOT play the biggest part. At least, that is what I feel happened.... and it was for the better.
Was it as good as the original? No. Because there is no true comparison. If you haven't seen it... please... erase the original from your mind for a moment... go see this one... then go back and watch the original. While we KNOW the comparison... there shouldn't be one. This live-action version isn't exactly the same, and it shouldn't be. Askewed focus... different delivery... it maybe Disney's remake, but this version should be approached as if you were watching it from a different perspective......
Treat it as if it were it's own movie.
And know this... the best positive of all...
Robin would've loved it.

tonidavis (353 KP) rated Beauty and the Beast (2017) in Movies
Jun 29, 2017
I was unsure when they announced a live action Beauty and Beast being a huge fan of orginal. That being said I loved every moment from start to end. Even new song like Evermore and how does a moment last forever. Normally I hate playing about with music but they had Alan Menken so Disney knew what it was doing.
For me the stand out actor was Joss Had his comic timing and enthusamism of the character is contagious.
My only fault if this film they could of had a bigger Library

Ross (3284 KP) rated Coco (2017) in Movies
Jan 15, 2018
The adventure, the songs, the bright colours, the skeletons, the jokes all add up to a good Disney film (though it doesn't feel all that Disney), and so much better than the trailer, which really made it look like a remake of the Book of the Dead.